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Having Coffee with Sophie at Giraffe Manor in Nairobi

A giraffe awakened me on my first morning in Nairobi. Just after 7:30 am, I heard a sound outside my hotel window, so I 1)cautiously opened the curtains. To my 2)astonishment, there before me stood a giraffe looking through the window of my second-story room, begging with her big brown eyes for breakfast.

Excited to be standing eye-to-eye with such a big creature, I cautiously opened the hotel room’s window just a little, only to have the giraffe push open the window the rest of the way with her head. Obviously she had done this before. Then, 3)in a flash, her ten-inch tongue went for a bucket of giraffe food that the hotel 4)staff had set on my window.

The giraffe, (which I later learned is named Sophie) 5)batted her long 6)eyelashes at me, and soon I was fearlessly hand-feeding her. When two other giraffes in the garden noticed Sophie was getting breakfast (and all my attention), they came over and gathered together below my window. Before my first cup of coffee, I enjoyed the 7)thrill of a lifetime breakfast with giraffes in Africa.

Obviously, Giraffe 8)Manor is not your 9)average hotel. It’s a large English manor set on land near the 10)former coffee farm of writer Karen Blixen (author of Out of Africa), and is one of Nairobi’s most famous 11)inns.

Ever since the 1930s, when European visitors first arrived in East Africa to enjoy 12)safaris, Giraffe Manor has been an extraordinary place to stay.

The most 13)fascinating thing about Giraffe Manor is not its historic manor house, or its classic 14)interiors filled with 15)antiques, fireplaces, china cups and silver tea services, books and paintings: rather, it’s the Rothschild’s giraffe that greets guests there each day.

They visit morning and evening, 16)poking their long necks into people’s windows in hopes of a meal, before returning to the safety of the forest.

After feeding the giraffe at my window, I took a hot shower, and then I put on a hotel robe and went to sit outside and drink coffee on the 17)terrace just outside French doors that open from my room (The Betty 18)Suite, named for one of the giraffes here). The terrace sits just above the breakfast room of the inn, which I quickly realized was another place giraffes like to meet for breakfast with guests.

From the terrace, I could see the giraffes coming toward the manor house. In the distance, the 19)outline of the Ngong Hills, which Blixen wrote about in Out of Africa, were still covered in a 20)mist leftover from the night’s rain.

I dressed and walked down the wooden staircase into the great room of the manor. There, in the room’s front doorway, a staff member was feeding a large giraffe by hand.

I joined in the fun, even 21)petting the giraffe, Betty, for whom my room is named, and then I walked to the breakfast room.

To my astonishment, the long necks of several giraffes were 22)arched over the guests’ breakfast tables, and families were feeding the giraffes by hand.

Even children were taking part in the fun. The animals weren’t interested in our omelets, fruit and French toast, they only wanted their own food. While their size can be scary, the giraffes seem 23)at ease with people and safe to feed.

The biggest concern is that they might accidentally knock their heads against someone, so the staff is careful about teaching guests how to behave with these big, loveable creatures.

During a stay at Giraffe Manor, guests can walk across the Giraffe Manor 24)lawn to the Giraffe Centre to learn about the endangered Rothschild’s Giraffe, or take a guided walk around the giraffe 25)sanctuary.

From Giraffe Manor, sightseeing 26)vehicles can also show guests around the area. Local adventures include the Sheldrick Wildlife 27)Trust, where guests can meet, feed and even 28)adopt baby elephants, and visits to the Nairobi Animal 29)Orphanage and Education Centre, where guests can enjoy a walking safari and see native African animals up close.

The nearby Karen Blixen Museum is another popular attraction for Out of Africa fans who want to visit the historic home of famed explorer and writer Karen Blixen. The Kazuri 30)Beads factory and store is also another popular attraction; there local women make and sell colorful jewelry.

Giraffe Manor is a 31)high-end British hotel with the Downton Abbey style. With eight 32)luxury rooms and two standard rooms, each space feels like a suite, and all are 33)decorated in a 34)unique style.

The Manor’s food is delicious, so meals are a special event each evening. Even my 35)vegetarian friends were impressed.

At Giraffe Manor, guests enjoy 36)full-board during their stay, which means all meals and most drinks are included, as is all the giraffe food you’ll need to feed your tall new friends. As I left Giraffe Manor, I could see Sophie looking longingly toward my bedroom window and wishing I’d come back. I’m sure I will someday, and I hope you will too. You’ll never forget your first morning at Giraffe Manor.

























1) cautiously [5kC:FEslI] ad. 慎重地

2) astonishment [E5st?nIFmEnt] n. 大吃一惊

3) in a flash 一瞬间

4) staff [stB:f] n. (全体)工作人员

5) bat [bAt] v. 眨眼

6) eyelash [5aIlAF] n. 睫毛

7) thrill [WrIl] n. 兴奋,激动

8) manor [5mAnE] n. 领地,庄园

9) average [5AvErIdV] a. 一般的,平均的

10) former [5fC:mE] a. 以前的,从前的

11) inn [In] n. 旅馆

12) safari [sE5fB:rI] n.(在非洲的)狩猎旅行

13) fascinating [5fAsIneItIN] a. 迷人的,醉人的

14) interior [In5tIErIE] a. 内部的

15) antique [An5ti:k] n. 古董

16) poke [pEJk] v. 探出,露出

17) terrace [5terEs] n. 阳台

18) suite [swi:t] n. 套房

19) outline [5aJtlaIn] n. 轮廓

20) mist [mIst] n. 薄雾

21) pet [pet] v. 拥抱,

22) arch [B:tF] v. 使弯成拱

23) at ease 自由自在

24) lawn [lC:n] n. 草坪

25) sanctuary [5sANktjJErI] n. 庇护所;动物保护区

26) vehicle [5vi:IkEl] n. 交通工具

27) trust [trQst] n. 托管金

28) adopt [E5d?pt] v. 收养

29) orphanage [5C:fEnIdV] n. 孤儿院

30) bead [bi:d] n. 有孔的小珠

31) high-end 高档的

32) luxury [5lQkFErI] n. 奢侈,豪华

33) decorate [5dekEreIt] v. 装饰

34) unique [jJ5ni:k] a. 独一无二的

35) vegetarian [vedVI5teErIEn] n. 素食者

36) full-board 全膳宿服务