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《Seasons》是《新交际英语》的第七册第六单元教学内容,主要句型是What’s the weather like in…… season?What do you do in……?这堂课为此单元的复习课。

【课堂实录】Step 1.


T: Good morning boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, sir.

T: I am your new teacher. I am from Zhuhai. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

T: How is the weather today?

Ss: It’s cool.

T: Yes, today is cool in Nanjing. But it’s hot in Zhuhai.

Hi. What do you do on cool days?

S1: I go to school and play with my classmates. Sometimes I stay at home.

T: Boys and girls, is it summer now?

Ss: Yes.

T: Do you go swimming in summer?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Where do you go swimming?

Ss: In the swimming pool.

T: Yes, it’s good to swim in the swimming pool.But in Zhuhai you can swim in the sea. It’s very wonderful.


T: Now do you want to know me? You can ask me any questions. Who wants to have a try?

S2 : Do you like eating?

T: Yes. I like eating ice cream in winter and I like eating hot food in summer. So, I’m fat.

S3 : What’s your favourite season? Why?

T: My favourite season is autumn. Because I can fly kites with my family in autumn.

S4 : What do you like doing on Sundays?

T: I like reading, surfing the net, cooking, eating, singing, watching TV and taking pictures. I like taking pictures best. Look. I have some pictures for you. They’re my pictures.

(评:教师巧妙利用学生对自己的不了解设置“Information gap”(信息差),及时地将话权转换,让学生来进行发问,极大地激发了学生想说的热情,同时也促进学生围绕“季节”话题展开思维,同时体验了思维和交流成功的双重快乐。 )

Step 2


T: Look. There are four pictures here. Are they beautiful? Let’s look at the first one. What are they doing?

S1:They’re planting trees.

T: When do they plant trees?

S1: In spring.

T: You are right. It’s the best season to plant trees and flowers. Did you plant trees before?

S1: No, I didn’t.

T: It doesn’t matter. We can plant trees together next year. How about this picture? Is it spring too?

Ss: No, it isn’t.

T: Which season is it?

Ss: It’s autumn.

T: Why?

Ss: It’s windy. The boy is flying kites. The man is wearing a jacket and trousers.

T: Oh, I see. In autumn, we wear jackets and trousers. We fly kites in the park. Let’s look at Picture 3.

Ss: It’s winter.

T: You’re so smart. The children are making a snowman. They’re wearing scarves and coats. It’s snowy. Does it snow in Nanjing in winter?

Ss: No, it doesn’t. It snowed two years ago.

T: Thanks. Look at this picture. Where are the people?

Ss: They’re on the beach.

T: Who can tell me, what season is it? What are they going to do?

Ss: It’s summer. They’re going to swim. It’s so hot.

T: Well done. We can plant trees in spring. We can get lucky money in spring. We can go swimming in summer. We can make kites and fly kites in autumn. In winter we can wear warm coats and see the snow.


Step 3

Activity. 2——Look. and. say. the. differences

T: Great! Do you like my pictures? I have other pictures for you. Let’s go. I have four pictures here. Which one is different from others?

S1: I think Picture 2 is different. In Picture 2, the leaves of the tree are green. In other pictures I can see the snow?

T: Clever girl. Do you agree with her?

Ss: Yes.

T: Super. Let’s look at next one. Which picture is different?

S2: I think it’s Picture 4. The woman is wearing a sweater. It’s spring.

T: Yes. The woman is planting rice in spring. We should not wast the food. In other pictures the women and the boys are swimming. Don’t swim in the river like these boys. The river is dirty and dangerous. Where should we swim?

Ss: In the swimming pool.


T: Good. Well, there are moon cakes here. When do we eat moon cakes?

Ss: During the Mid-autumn Festival.

T: I see. Picture 3 is different. Because there is an ice cream here. Let’s look at the last one.

S3: I think Picture 3 is different. Because there is a girl in this picture.

T: Yes. How about their clothes? Are they in the same season?

S4:Picture 1 is different. In Picture 2 he is wearing a vest and shorts. In Picture 3 she is wearing a skirt and a blouse. In Picture 4 he is wearing a T shirt.

T:Smart boy! You all did a good job! Just now we saw some pictures. They are in different seasons. People can do different things. In different seasons we can eat different food and wear different clothes, too.


Step 4


T: We know the names of the four seasons. What’s your favourite season?

Who can tell me?

S1: It’s spring.

T: I like spring. I often water flowers in spring. What do you do in spring?

S2: I play basketball and fly kites.

T: What do you eat in spring?

S3: I eat dumplings.

T: In spring we play basketball, make dumplings and eat dumplings. Do you wear a T-shirt in spring?

S4: No, I don’t.

T: What do you wear?

S4: I wear sweaters, a scarf, gloves, coats and trousers.

T: Which festival is in spring?

Ss: Spring Festival.

T: Where do you go during Spring Festival?

S5: I go to see my grandfather and grandmother.

T: Do you like your grandparents?

S5: Yes, I do.

T: Do you help them do housework?

S5: Yes, I do.

T: Good child. When we were young, our grandparents took care of us. Now they are old, we should take care of them. We should go to see them and help them. Please look at the blackboard and say after me.

My favourite season is spring. It’s warm in spring. In spring I can water flowers and make dumplings. I can eat dumplings, too. I often go to see my grandparents and help them. During Spring Festival they give me lucky money. Do you like spring festival?(范例)


(评: 此环节中,老师通过和学生的谈论spring,总结板书有关春天的天气、活动,再到饮食、服饰和节日,自然地学生引导从多方面谈论某一话题,最后让学生根据板书组织话语表达自己喜爱的季节,每个学生都能参与其中,语言输出大。)

Step 5


T: Just now we talk about spring. Let’s read the passage. And try to answer the questions on the blackboard according to the passage. You can discuss them in your group. Ok? Go.

S1: What’s your favourite season? S2: It’s spring.

S3: What do you wear in spring?

S4: I wear jeans and jackets.



T:We like spring. How about summer? Please practice in pairs to ask and answer about summer. You can use the questions on the blackboard.


T: So much for this. Who wants to share your dialogue? Ok. These six students please stand up.

S1: Do you like summer?

S2: Yes, I do. What do you do in summer?

S3: I go swimming. Which festival is in summer?

S4: Children’s Day. Where do you go on Children’s Day?

S5: We go to the parks. What do you eat in summer?

S6 : I e a t i c e c r e a m a n d watermelons. What do you wear in summer?

S1: I wear shorts and T- shirts.



(评: 此环节同样可以为一次小组活动,根据板书句型依次问答有关summer的问题,但小组成员却由上一活动时的前后四人调整为一竖排的六名学生,课堂操练纵横交错,顾及四面八方。学生在不断变化中迎接挑战,锻炼应变能力;同时体现老师的课堂驾驭能力。)


T: When do you eat moon cakes?

Ss: On Mid-autumn Festival.

T: Yes, I like autumn, too. Shall we play a game?

Ss: Ok.

T: Now each group can say a sentence about autumn in 5 seconds. If it is your group’s turn, anybody of your group wants to say you can stand up and say a sentence. Now, let’s go.

S1: Autumn is cool.

S2: I like autumn.

S3: I make and fly kites in autumn.

S4: Autumn is the best season in a year.



Autumn is cool.

I wear jackets and trousers in autumn.

I like autumn best.

I make and fly kites in autumn.

What about your favourite season?

I eat many fruits in autumn.)

T: All these sentences are good and correct. Do they make a good passage? Let’s put them in a good order to make a nice passage. Which sentence is the first?


( ) Autumn is cool.

( ) I wear jackets and trousers in autumn.

( ) I like autumn best.

( ) I make and fly kites in autumn.

( )What about your favourite season?

( ) I eat many fruits in autumn.

Ss: I like summer best.

T: Yes, you are so clever. How about the second one?

Ss: Summer is cool.


T: Good. When we write a passage, we should pay attention to the words, sentences and the order.




T: Do you want to play another game?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s play “Making a big snowball”. Now I will ask 5 pupils to come here. Please tell us why you like winter. Each one can say a sentence about winter but first you should repeat the sentences before yours. It’s a little difficult. Please listen to your classmates carefully.

S1: I like winter best.

S2: I like winter best. It’s cold in winter.

S3: I like winter best. It’s cold in winter. My birthday is in winter.

S4: I like winter best. It’s cold in winter. My birthday is in winter. We can make a snowman in winter.

S5: I like winter best. It’s cold in winter. My birthday is in winter. We can make a snowman in winter. Winter is the 4th season in a year.



Step 6


Write a passage : Which season do/don’t you like? Why? At least 6 sentences.


英国语言教学大师Michael Mest曾提出:“外语是学会的,不是教会的。”这节课充分体现了学生们的自主学习。课上,通过阅读、对话、开小火车问答、说夏天、滚雪球等小组练习,让同学们在小组里自主表达,自主学习,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程,使自主学习和交流真正成为这节英语课的灵魂。并且在组内能与同学很好地合作,互相帮助,从而也培养了他们与人交往的能力。





这是一堂复习课,但是鲍老师并不局限于这一课单词、句型的复习,而是由Free talk谈到Hobbies,从而过渡到了I like taking pictures,在展示图片的过程中呈现了本课的教学内容“season”。过渡自然,循序渐进。他给学生以足够的自主空间,教学季节单词时,学生说什么,就教什么,或者复习什么,而不是一味地要在某个时间出示要学的内容。

这堂课,鲍老师给了学生说的空间, 学生在课堂上发展了思维积累了语言。教师并不注重自己的情感渲染,而是通过自己与学生的情感交流,给学生学习的安全感和开口表达的欲望,所以学生积极性高,学习很有热情。


