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Kristen Stewart


Stewart's first major gig2) was at 12 years old as Jodie Foster's daughter in Panic Room. She also played a small part in Sean Penn's critically acclaimed film Into the Wild before she was catapulted into mega-3)stardom with her role as Bella Swan in the 2008 film Twilight. Stewart's father is a TV producer and her mother is a script supervisor, so maybe their Hollywood acumen4) is responsible for her grounded5) attitude; unlike other starlets6) of her age, she's not likely to be seen stumbling out of clubs late at night.


Michelle Trachtenberg


In 1994, the 8-year-old New Yorker got her first major role as Nona Mecklenburg in The Adventures of Pete & Pete. Since then, she's been in a number of movies and TV shows, landing her most popular role in 2000 as Dawn Summers on the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Her off-screen accomplishments include being bilingual (in Russian and English) and an active spokeswoman for Recording Artists, Athletes and Actors Against Drunk Driving (RADD) and Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE). She even helped President Clinton launch the Coalition7) for a Drug Free America campaign.


Anna Paquin


In 1993, at the age of 11, Paquin became the second youngest person in history to score an Academy Award for her role in The Piano. As a teenager, she made small contributions to a string of popular movies, including Almost Famous and X-Men. And in 2007 the 27-year-old Canadian was on the hit HBO8) series True Blood. Although Paquin attended Columbia University for two years, she left to continue her acting career.


Natalie Portman


In the mid-1990s, when Portman was in her early teens, she appeared in two movies that jump-started9) her career: Léon (The Professional) and Heat. In adulthood, she was cast in Star Wars, acted in the indie10) favorites Garden State and Closer, and later starred in Brothers. But her more impressive achievements are of the academic variety. Fluent in Hebrew, Portman also speaks some French and Japanese. Of her decision to go to Harvard, from which she graduated in 2003, she has said, "I don't care if college ruins my career. I'd rather be smart than a movie star."


Elijah Wood


Wood became a critically acclaimed actor by age 13 for his leading roles in the early 1990s flicks11) Paradise, Forever Young and Radio Flyer, but his biggest role to date has been Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings films. What makes Wood such a success story is his humility. He keeps his love life very low-profile12), and when not acting he stays busy with his own record label13), Simian Records.


1. beat the odds: 获得出乎意料的成功

2. gig [ɡ?ɡ] n. 工作;职业

3. mega- [?meɡ?] comb. form 表示“巨大的”

4. acumen [??kj?m?n] n. 敏锐;聪明

5. grounded [?ɡra?nd?d] adj. 脚踏实地的

6. starlet [?stɑ?l?t] n. 小女明星

7. coalition [?k????l??n] n. 结合体;同盟

8. HBO: 即Home Box Office,美国有线电视网,是美国最大的电影电视频道,1972年成立,1980年开始制作自己的节目,先后推出了《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)、《兄弟连》(Band of Brothers)等电视作品。

9. jump-start [?d??mpstɑ?t] vt. (成功地)开始

10. indie [??ndi] adj. 独立的

11. flick [fl?k] n. 电影,影片

12. low-profile [?l???pr??fa?l] adj. 低调的

13. record label: 唱片公司