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The inhuman slaughter in“Sanshe”

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Sanshe is one of the districts of Sanba town, including more than 30 villages such as Jingbian, Liangdong, Xiebian, with over 3000 people living there.

On the fourth day of the severth lunar month of 1944, the thirty-third year of the Republic of China when Taishan city was occupied by the enemy for the third time, the Japanese invaders brutally butchered the local people of Sanshe.

On the morning of the first day of the seventh lunar month, 8 self-defence team members who guarded Liangdong intercepted and captured 13 members of the Japanese puppet propaganda team, and found 2 handguns, one armlet printed “inspection” and many posters of propagating the good will of Sino-Japan. When the defence team escorted the traitors to Xiebian, a crowd of villagers who were looking on were filled with indignity. Then the defence team shot the traitors to death and throwed the corpse into the river. But it couldn't be expected that one member of the propagating team fled back to Taicheng town, and let the Japanese puppet know.

In the afternoon, more than 200 men of the Japanese puppet army went to Sanshe and surrounded the nearby mountains. They shot over 40 escaping people and escorted over 30 young men to the enemy camp, of whom more than 10 were severely beaten to death, and the rest were released with heavy wound.

On the next day, the Japanese puppet army sent troops with military dogs to Sanshe, looking for the members of the Propagating team. They declared that: “If the members were not released, they would fire the whole village.”

On the third day, nothing was stirring in the daytime. So at dusk the villagers hiding in the nearby mountains came back to their houses to get things and would be going to hide in the mountains the next morning. However, it was out of expect that late at night, the enemy had reached Sanshe.

On the fourth day before daybreak, over 1000 Japanese puppet armies had encircled all the villages of Sanshe ring upon ring and dispatched a group of ships from Sanbu. The captain of the Japanese army Li Biwu and the division commander of the Japanese puppet army Chen Zirong directed to pursue the policy of “burn all, kill all, loot all”.

At dawn, the enemy started to butcher. Over 10 villagers including Huang Yilian were first to be beheaded to sacrifice. And then all the Japaness puppet armies everywhere in Sanshe fired their rifles、machine guns and cannons at the same time. Where there was gunfire there were houses catching fire. The villagers were running away and wailing. The crying shouts rent the air. Over 70 villagers were killed in the back of West Mountain. And more than 200 villagers were shot to death.

Japanese invaders killed whoever they saw. While the wife of Fuze of Nanzha village was running away with her child on her back, one Japanese invader caught up and killed them with the bayonet in the gun. The mother and son died immediately. A family of five of Huang Chuangchi, the Holland returned Chinese were all killed.

Moreover, the Japanese invaders even searched for women and violated them. They killed whoever was not obedient, and even killed the women after violating them. A woman hiding in the house of Huangyun was killed for she resisted from violating. Her daughter was trampled to death. A twenty years old woman in Heping village was unwilling to be insulted and killed at last. A returned overseas Chinese woman in Naxi village was caught by the invaders, and she waged a desperate struggle. But at last she was killed after raped in turn. A seventy years old woman in Liangdong village was also bound to be violated. The invaders even drove dozens of men and women to Lian'anli and forced them to take off their clothes and dance. The invaders were watching for fun, and violated and killed as they pleased.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the invaders butchered pigs and cows for dinner. After dinner, they burned down the houses in the villages. Over 100 places caught fire. Raging flames were towering and dense smoke shut out the sun. Many families were burnt alive. Some escaping from the living hell were driven back to the fire. A family fo sixteen of Huang Juting and a family of eleven of Huang Shizhan were all be pushed into the firing houses and burnt alive. An old man Huang Cuan was bound to the roof truss and burnt to death. There were only three villagers of Gui Zi village still alive by luck.

The invaders burned , killed and plundered wherever they went from the early morning till 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And they shipped all the materials they plundered to Taicheng town by over thirty wooden ships. Sanshe suffered heavy losses: 531 houses and 3 schools were burned. Only 5 of the 20 plus houses of Qi Yang village were left alive. Only 3 of the 15 houses of Jin Tang village were left…… More than 700 people were killed and burned to death, and over 40 were heavily wounded. After the great calamity, misery and suffering greets the eyes everywhere. Thousands of people were homeless.

The chief criminal of the brutal slaughter was the Japaness lieutenant general 田中久一. He was arrested when Japan surrended and executed by shooting in Guangzhou after we won the war of Resistance Against Japan(1937-1945).

However, his death can hardly compensate for his crime.