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一、 help用作动词

1.help sb. 表示“帮助某人”,为其基本用法。如:

Could you help me, please? 你能帮助我吗?

Please let me help you. 让我帮帮你吧。

2.Can I help you?为一常用句型,这是服务人的日常用法,可与What can I do for you?换用,其句义根据场所不同而变化。如:

(At a coffee house)

――Can I help you, sir?――先生,你要喝点什么?

――I’d like a cup of coffee.――来一杯咖啡吧。

3.help sb. do sth.或help sb. to do sth.表示“帮助某人干某事”。help 后的不定式符号to既可省去,也可保留。如:

He often helps me (to) study English. 他经常帮助我学英语。

Please help me (to) take the books away. 请帮我把书拿走。

【温馨提示】help 后作宾补的动词不定式若是否定式,则to不可省去。如:

I have no idea to help the children not to worry about their exam. 我没有办法去帮助那些孩子不担心他们的考试。

No one could help the poor girl not to die. 没有一个人能帮助这可怜的女孩不死去。

4.help sb. with sth.表示“在某方面帮助某人”。如:

He always helped me with my math in the past. 过去他经常在数学上帮助我。

I was helping Grandma with her housework. 我在帮助祖母干家务。

5.can’t help doing sth. 表示“忍不住/情不自禁干某事”。如:

I can’t help laughing. 我忍不住笑了。

When you see the Great Wall, you always can’t help asking the question: How did the people build that? 当你看到万里长城时,你总会忍不住问这样的问题,人们是怎样建造长城的呢?

6.help sb. to sth.表示“给某人取用(食物)”,尤指夹菜、劝酒等。如:

He helps her to some cakes. 他给她拿了一些饼。

What shall I help you to then? 你还要吃点什么?

7.help oneself或help oneself to sth.表示“自用/自取某物”。这一句式是固定用法,oneself为反身代词,用作help的宾语。该习语通常是针对对方而言,故oneself经常变为yourself或yourselves。如:

He helped himself to the meat. 他自己动手拿肉吃。

Boys and girls, the food on the table is delicious. Help yourselves, please.孩子们,桌上的食物很可口,自己吃吧。

8.help sb. in/ on...表示“在……(地点)帮忙某人”。如:

Miss Zhao likes to help her students in the English class. 在英语课上,赵老师愿意帮她的学生们(学习英语)。

He spent his childhood in hard work, helping his father on their small farm. 他在繁重的劳动中度过自己的童年,帮助父亲在他们的小农场干活。


“Help! Help! A wolf is coming!” he cried out. 他大声呼喊着:“救命啊!救命啊!狼来了!”



Thank you for your kind help. 谢谢你的好意相助。

Your advice was a great help to me. 你的劝告对我大有帮助。


You are a good help to me. 你是我的得力助手。

3.构成词组with one’s help或with the help of...,表示“在某人的帮助下”。注意在运用这个短语时,不可受汉语的影响将with换用under。如:

With the computer’s help, we can send a letter in a very short time.

=With the help of the computer, we can send a letter in a very short time.


4.be of (some, much, no) help to sb. 表示“对某人有(一些,许多,没有)帮助”。如:

This matter will be of no help to us. 这件事对我们没有帮助。


1. ――Sam, let’s go and play basketball.

――Not now. I ______ Dick with his English. (2013年,浙江省台州市)

A. help B. helped

C. am helping D. have helped

2. ――What would you like, tea or coffee?

――___________ (2013年,云南省)

A. A cup of tea, please. B. It’s so delicious. Thank you.

C. Help yourself to some fish. D. Yes, please. Thank you.

3. ――Help yourselves to some fish, boys!

――________. (2013年,甘肃省白银市)

A. Thanks, but we’re full B. Good news

C. No, please D. Thank you all the same

4. ――Would you like some milk?

――_________ (2013年,安徽省)

A. Yes, please. B. The same to you.

C. Help yourself. D. My pleasure.

5. ――I’m too nervous to give a talk before so many people.

――________, Maria. You can do it. (2013年,辽宁省鞍山市)

A. Take care B. Of course

C. Take it easy D. Help yourself

6. Many social workers went to Ya’an to help ______ clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake. (2013年,江苏省常州市)

A. put out B. come out

C. work out D. give out

7. ――Help yourself ______.

――Thanks. Mum,it tastes good.

A. to some chickens B. some chickens

C. to some chicken D. any chicken

8. She often helps her mother ______ after school.

A. do houseworks B. do housework

C. to do houseworks D. housework

Keys: 1-5C A A A C6-8 D C B