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摘 要 经济和技术进步对职业教育教师专业化发展提出了更高要求。作为培养职业教育教师的专属机构,高等职业技术师范院校为职

>> 独立设置职技高师职教师资的培养:问题与对策 职技高师特色师资队伍建设实践与研究 职技高师非数学专业学生数学学习兴趣培养的研究 职技高师学生社团对实现人才培养目标的作用研究 我国“职教师资本”培养现状研究 美\德\日音乐师资培养模式对我国高师器乐教学的启示 现阶段我国高师合唱指挥人才培养面临的问题及对策 职技高师教育教材选用探析 我国高职院校幼儿师资培养中的问题及对策 职技高师师范生教育技术能力培养模式的创新与实践 职技高师创业教育人才培养模式探析 职技高师高等数学教学中学生应用能力的培养策略 职技高师英语课堂小组交互中的交际策略研究 职技高师数学类基础课程分层次教学模式研究 职技高师教学质量全程管理体系的研究与实践 职技高师教师技能课程建设内容的改革研究 职技高师院校教师实践教学能力提升策略研究与实践 职技高师学生教师职业认同及其影响因素研究 职技高师院校毕业生就业质量及其影响因素的实证研究 我国高校师资激励机制研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.


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[6]International Labour Organization.Traning Vocational Teachers[Z].Geneva: International Labour office,1964.


[8]UNESCO/UNEVOC: International Framework Curriculum for a Master Degree for TVET Teacher and Lectures[Z]. Final Report of the Meeting, Hangzhou/Bonn, 2004.

[9]赵志群,刘邦祥.职教师资的专门化进程与职业科学的学科发展――从教科文“国际职业教育师资硕士课程框架谈起[J].中国职业技术教育,2007(6): 22-24.


Research on the Cultivation of Vocational Education Teachers of Higher Vocational and Technical Normal

Universities in China

Sun Fangfang

Abstract Economic and technical progress put forward higher requirements for the professional development of technical and vocational education and training(TVET) teachers. As the exclusive agency of TVET teachers cultivating, Vocational and Technical Normal Universities (VTNUs) play an important role for the cultivating and development of TVET teachers. The practical investigation and related researches show that VTNUs are faced with some problems, such as the number of training institutions is insufficient, employment problems is apparent, curriculum and teaching reform lag behind and so on, which cannot satisfy the demand for TVET teachers by reason of the rapid development of modern vocational education. In this regard, the VTNUs should accurately orient their school-running model, draw lessons from international advanced curriculum concept, strengthen the “vocational disciplines” research, and try to explore new paths of cultivating TVET teachers of VTNUs in China.

Key words Higher Vocational and Technical Normal Universities; teachers cultivating; curriculum and instruction; vocational discipline

Author Sun Fangfang, PhD student of Beijing Normal University(Beijing 100875), lecturer of Heibei Normal University of Science and Technology