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Transforming Your Life 改变生活

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Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is the paradigm1 in which most people live. They rely on hope and fate to achieve a better outcome in their lives, Having coached a number of business executives and entre-preneurs,| have found that the first step in achieving different outcomes in your personal and business life is to change your current thinking and behavior.

Many people fall into habits that become part of their dai-ly ntual and find it very difficult to implement change. Change is the key to transforming one's life. People have to start do-ing different things that generate results in their personal and business lives. If every morning you are used to getting out of bed later than the optimal time and then struggle to have breakfast before going to work, then you need to change your behavior. For example, you will need to use an alarm that wakes you up at the optimal time to ensure you perform your daily exercise program, have time to meditate and reflect be-fore having a healthy breakfast and getting ready for work. To achieve this behavioral change, you must first make a mental commitment and then a physical commitment that you will have to maintain for at least 30 days before it becomes a new habit. Discipline and commitment together with repetition will achieve your behavioral change.

Tip: 一遍又一遍地做同样的事情却期待不同的结果,大多数人都是这么过的。他们将获得更好生活的愿景寄托于希望和运气。在给许多企业高管和企业家做培训时,我发现,想要让个人生活和职业生涯一成不变的现状获得改观,第一步就是改变你目前的想法和行为。很多人受限于已经形成的生活习惯,感觉改变很难。然而改变是让生活彻底改观的关键。举个例子,你需要用闹钟在最佳时间叫你起床以保证每天的晨练,这与你之前早上总是起得较晚,上班之前甚至来不及吃早餐的生活习惯是完全不同的。为了实现这一习惯上的变化,你必须确保思想和行动的一致性,且必须坚持至少30天,才有可能形成一个新的习惯。

Following are seven simple steps to achieve positive change to transform yourlife:以下7个简单可行的步骤可以让你的生活获得彻底改观

1. Focus on positive thoughts and remove any nega-tive thoughts from your mind.

专注于积极想法 ,摆脱消极思维。

Many people have a tendency to focus on the prob-lems and challenges in their life. This won't get you any-where, which I think you already know. It has been shown that the large majority of our worries never come true, so it's a big waste of time, and it doesn't make you feel any better. Constantly focus on what's possible and positive in your life. Those that are Iiving the life of their dreams know that focusing on solutions is a much better use of their time compared to dwelling, worrying, and complaining about what's wrong in life.

2. Face your fears and challenges in life as a first step to releasing your negative blocks.

直面生活审的恐惧和挑战,作为释放消极障碍的第一步: Every successful person has faced many fears, made many mistakes, and wanted to throw in the towel2 countless times. You don't have to be fearless to live a passionate life, you just have to train your courage muscle and face your fears head on. The more fears you face, the more you will grow, and the more successful you will become.

3. Find your direction and sense of purpose in life through positive beliefs.

To travel in life without direction is to be lost and unhap-py. Alife without purpose is a life wasted. Our purpose makes us useful for others and the world, thereby giving our life meaning. Considering our unique position in the universe, our purpose should be equally unique. It should be bigger than life. Since we are only as strong as our purpose, it should be courageous and uplifting3. Buddha offers some advice: "Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it."

4. Establish clear goals and objectives that will pro-vide you with positive change.

If you're stuck, the first thing you have to do is to get clear on what you want in your life. This may mean setting goals, sitting down and planning, or something completely dif-ferent. It is up to you to find your own process, but l've found that setting goals gives my subconscious4 mind a target to aim at. Most people don't have goals, and they wonder why nothing good ever happens to them. If you want a fulfilling and passionate life, you have to go after it.

5. Focus on one goal at a time eliminating any dis-tractions.

Focusing on one goal at a time involves just that-only one goal. Although it is often expected that people will be able to multitask, it actually can be counterproductives. If you jump rapidly from one idea or task to another, it can train your mind to be both mentally restless and inattentive. Sharp focus requires your undivided attention.

6. Develop a plan of actMties for each goal and take action.

When you have your goals in place, you have to start taking massive action. It doesn't matter if you can't move in a straight line to your goal, as long as you're doing something. For example, if you're working in a job you don't absolutely love, you should still give it your all, because new opportuni ties will show up as you gain momentum. lt's impossible to predict what the universe will bring to your door once you set goals, start taking action, and are determined to succeed.

7. Establish a daily discipline that you can maintain for 30 days.

After the newness wears off, then you will have to remind yourself, "Hey I forgot to _". Keep using the notes if you have to. It takes 16~21 times of repeating a task to make it a habit. Some people say it will take over a month to solidify it and make it something you will do without having to think about it. I tend to agree with the last statement. Two to three weeks will help you to remember, but thirty days or more will make it a part of your everyday routine, something you won't necessarily have to think about before you do it.