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英语中,表示“打”这个动作的动词有hitbeat, strike等,同学们常常容易将它们混淆。下面结合实例,辨析其异同


1. 表示具体的打击

(1) 常指速度极快地击打、冲击,击中、命中某人(或某物)一次(或一下)。如:

The robber hit him heavily on the head with a baseball bat. 抢劫犯用一根棒球棍重重地打在他的头上。

(2) 用于体育运动中时,可表示用球拍击球等,与strike等同。如:

James hit / struck the ball as hard as he could and it hit / struck the back of the court.詹姆斯用力地击了一下球,球落在了后场。

(3) 表示碰撞,与strike等同。如:

The ceiling is very low, so watch your head in case it hits/strikes you. 屋顶很低,小心你的头,以免撞到。


(1) 表示遭受某种袭击或重创,用法、意义相当于strike。如:

The coastal city was terribly hit / struck in an unexpected hurricane, causing hundreds of deaths.这个海滨城市在一次意外的飓风中严重受创,数百人死亡。

(2) 在精神方面受打击、伤害、损失等,相当于hurt的用法和意义。如:

They were hit / hurt first by the soaring price. 他们是物价飞涨首当其冲的受害者。

(3) 在口语中,hit 还可以表示“突然想起……”, 此时其用法和意义等同于strike。如:

Suddenly it hit / struck me that it would be my mother’s 50thbirthday the day after tomorrow.我突然想起后天是我妈妈50岁生日。


1. 表示具体的打击

(1) 指连续地打击、冲击、捶打等。如:

The wave beats the shore, washing the sands and the rocks. 海浪拍打着海岸,冲刷着沙滩和岩石。

(2) 指有节奏的敲打。如:

The rain beat against the window. 雨打在窗上。

2. 表示抽象含义


The strange story beat everything I had ever heard. 那个怪诞的故事是我闻所未闻的。

I was going to take the seat but another man beat me to it. 我刚要坐下,另一个人抢在我前面了。


1. 表示具体的含义

(1) 指给予重击、击中、碰撞等,意义上接近hit, 但通常指程度较重的打击。如:

He struck the table angrily. 他愤怒地拍打桌子。

His head struck the corner of the table as he fell down. 当他倒地时,头撞在了桌角上。

(2) 把……刺入,使……穿透。如:

He struck a knife into the bear’s heart. 他把刀刺入熊的心脏。

The winter wind struck a chill into her bones. 冬风吹得她寒冷彻骨。

(3) (光线)照到,(声音)传入。如:

The rising sun was striking the wings of the plane. 朝阳正照在机翼上。

The pleasant music struck our ears. 悦耳的音乐传入我们的耳朵。

(4) 擦火柴,打火。如:

The little girl struck a match to get some warm. 小姑娘擦着了一根火柴取暖。

(5) (钟等)敲响报时。如:

The church clock struck 9 when we arrived home. 当我们到家时,教堂的钟敲了9下。

2. 表示抽象含义

(1) 指突然遭受伤害、侵袭、折磨、损失等,相当于hit的用法和意义。如:

A storm struck/ hit the village and caused 9 deaths. 一场暴风雨袭击了村庄,并造成9人死亡。

(2) 使突然想起、意识到等,相当于hit,但更书面化。如:

It struck me that I had an important meeting to attend. 我突然想起有一个重要会议要参加。

(3) 给……留下深刻印象,感动,引起(感情、情绪等)。如:

His words struck fear in the listeners. 他的话在听众中引起了恐慌。


1. The Cleveland Cavaliers ______ theLosAngelesLakers 108∶89 in the NBAon Sunday.

A. hit B. hitted

C. beat D. struck

2. Tom was so angry with Bob that he ______ Bob on the head.

A. strike B. beat

C. beaten D. hit

3. What a strange man! He loves his wife, but at times he ______ her.

A. beats B. hits

C. strikes D. injures

4. It ______ me that he was an old classmate of mine.

A. hit B. strike

C. beated D. beaten

5. What you said at the meeting yesterday ______ me very much. I was moved.

A. hit B. beat

C. striken D. struck

6. The ship which ______ on a large rock off the southeast coast was made in a ship-building factory on the coast.

A. beat B. hurt

C. hit D. wounded

7. ―You seemed to be deeply

______ by his skill.

―Not exactly so. It was his courage rather than his skill that reallyme most.

A. hit; struck

B. struck; beat

C. struck; struck

D. beat; hit

8. ―Why are your group so happy?

―Our group ______ theirs in the oral English competition.

A. has beaten B. has hit

C. has struck D. have won

9. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was ______ by floods, from which people are still suffering.

A. beaten B. broken

C. hit D. strike

10. She was sitting there silently, listening to the rain ______ the leaves of the trees.

A. beat B. hit

C. strike D. break

(Keys: 1~5 CDAAD6~10 CCACA)