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I don't know where you live, but there's a heat wave going on where I live and it's not pretty. And there's basically no escaping the direct sunlight, the humidity, the sweating, the dehydration1), and the sluggishness2)... So what do you do when you just can't beat the heat? You find air conditioning, and you stay there. Of course then you have to wear a sweatshirt during a heat wave, which makes you look stupid ... Basically, when it comes to heat waves, you just can't win. The only way to make it through an extra hot summer is to have a sense of humor and be able to laugh it off. (A working air conditioner that doesn't turn you into Mr. Freeze helps too.) Now let's just sit back, relax, and learn some fun things about heat waves.


What are other countries doing to deal with heat waves?


Heat waves aren't a new thing and many counties have been working hard to deal with heat wave problems. Below are measures some countries are taking this year.

1. Australia: serve zoo animals iced treats

In an effort to help their residents beat the heat, keepers at Melbourne Zoo have been handing out a variety of iced treats. But forget your typical ice lollies3) and ice cream, these chilly offerings were something a little different. For Honey the Syrian Bear there was a fish, fruit, and vegetable iced combo.

2. America: breed heat-beating chickens

In extreme heat, chickens will die, or like dogs, pant―that changes the chemical balance of their blood, introducing a bitterness to the flavor of the meat. To deal with these problems, American scientists are attempting to develop chickens that can cope with scorching heat. This University of Delaware project is part of a series of government-funded programs looking to adapt to or mitigate4) the effects of extreme weather patterns on the food supply.

US climate agencies predict that by 2060 there will be 12 times as many 100F days in Delaware and Maryland, where poultry farmers produce 600 million birds a year.

3. Brazil: take cooling breaks

FIFA have clarified their position regarding "cooling breaks" at the World Cup. Climate conditions will be evaluated and should the temperature exceed 32 degrees, the FIFA Venue Medical Office will recommend cooling breaks to the FIFA General Coordinator and Match Commissioner. The implementation of the cooling breaks will reside with the referee.

Cooling breaks lasting three minutes in duration are then implemented by the referee at approximately 30 minutes into the run-of-play in both halves of the match (i.e. around the 30th minute and 75th minute respectively). Three minutes will then be added to stoppage time5) at the end of each half.

4. Athens: turn the metro train into a beach

Anyone who decides to move around the city of Athens using the metro is left speechless by a new ingenious6) design which turns the train into a beach. Waves, sand, footprints, and many more beach related images have filled the trains making everyone think they could be sitting on a beach enjoying the sun.

5. France: set up a warning system

In France, radio and television commercials have been produced to instruct the public of what to do when temperatures jump, such as closing the curtains during the daytime and avoiding drinking alcohol. Douste-Blazy even invited weathermen from the country's most popular television channels to get involved in informing their viewers. Additionally, the government has installed a heat-wave hotline with information and advice, and a national warning system, with four levels of alert.

If you are an average person, you might find the following things fun to do when heat waves come.

1. Close the curtains or hang wet sheets

If you have curtains or blinds7) hanging in your windows, close them. This will keep the outside light from shining in and further heating your home. As an alternative8) to closing the curtains, dampen9) a set of sheets with water and hang them in front of an open window. As the outside air blows through, the wet sheets will create a cooling effect.

2. Build your own "air conditioner"

Need a cooling alternative when you don't have an electric air conditioner? Place a large bowl of ice in front of a fan. Position the fan so it blows directly on the ice. As the ice melts, the surrounding air is cooled and the fan blows that air toward you.

3. Create a rice-sock ice pack

Steamy10) summer nights can make for awful sleeping conditions. Stay cool under your sheets with an easy-to-make rice-sock ice pack. Simply grab a sock, stuff it with rice and put it in the freezer for a few hours. When it is sufficiently cold, place it under the covers with you. Rice retains the cold for long periods of time, keeping you cool.

4. Drink plenty of water with a twist11)

Drink lots of water. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it may be the most important way to stay cool. To get the most out of your beverage, add a few sprigs12) of mint to your glass. Mint creates a cooling sensation, making the water taste even more refreshing.

5. Make your own lunch outside using solar heat energy

Most people have heard the myth that if it's hot enough outside, it's possible to fry an egg on the sidewalk. On its own, the sidewalk won't get hot enough to actually cook an egg. But if you put the egg on something metal, such as a frying pan or the hood of a car, it will work.

Here's something else to try. Cover the outside of a shoebox with black construction paper and the inside with aluminum foil13). Cut a hole in the top of the box to let sunlight in. Put a hot dog or two inside the box and set it outside in direct sunlight. The foil will become hot enough to reflect heat onto the hot dog and cook it.

Besides these above, try to find yourself more fun things to laugh the heat off with. Cause before we know it, it'll be 17 degrees again and we'll be sad that summer's over―that's how the vicious cycle works.


1. 澳大利亚:为动物园里的动物提供冰镇大餐


2. 美国:培育耐高温鸡种



3. 巴西:实行“降温歇”



4. 雅典:地铁车厢变身为海滩


5. 法国:建立预警系统



1. 拉上窗帘或者挂湿床单


2. 自制“空调”


3. 自制“充米冰袋”


4. 多喝带味道的水


5. 利用太阳热能在室外准备午餐


