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本课的教学内容是《牛津初中英语》八年级上册Unit 5第7课时,这是一节综合技能课。本课进一步讨论自然保护区,引导学生更多地了解自然保护区和湿地、鸟类的情况,了解鸟类的特点和它们栖息地的环境状况,使学生热爱自然和鸟类并积极地投入到保护它们及其生存环境中。本课时内容由listening和speak up两部分组成。Listening是关于扎龙自然保护区特别是湿地的进一步介绍。Speak up由观鸟话题引入,教会学生如何在实际生活中邀请他人参加活动、如何应邀等。通过课时学习,锻炼学生全面听、说、读、写的综合运用语言能力,并产生对大自然和鸟类深沉的爱,感受到人与自然和谐共存的美妙。







词汇:prevent, snowstorm, flood

词组:an area of...,different kinds of birds, an interesting bird show

句型:The reserve has an area of more than 210,000 hectares.

Would you like to go birdwatching with us at Beijing Wildlife Park?


词汇:hectare, worm, including

词组:World Wetlands Day


Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, including different kinds of birds.










以最初的生词和数字发音的练习为铺垫,扫除听力中的障碍,使学生通过听力获得信息。教学思路:(1)Warming-up(引出话题――观鸟,导入听力中的生词)(2)Speak up(通过观鸟话题,引出邀请的对话) (3) listening (通过听力,获得信息) (4)Discussion (拓展课外知识,升华情感)(5) Homework(总结并训练写作的技能)


1. 课前认真预习,利用网络收集更多关于扎龙自然保护区的背景知识,并复习reading中的内容。

2. 上课勤思考、多动脑,掌握所学词汇,热情、积极、主动参与课堂上的各种活动。


Step One: Warming-up

1.Listen to the sounds of four kinds of birds and guess what kind of bird it is.

2. Try to teach the new words with the pictures of birds.

T: Last Saturday, I enjoyed your nice song and you did a good job in the singing competition.

Singing can make us happy and relaxed. Listen! Who is singing now?

S: Birds.

T:Right. We like singing,including birds. I have four birds(sparrow, swan, swallow, crane)here,and you try to guess their names according to their sounds.

Students try to guess their names and then the teacher asks them to describe them.

(Food―Worm, fly to southern countries―snowstorm, the wet lands―food and shelter/ prevent flood )


Step Two : Speak up

1.Listen to the audio and answer three questions about going birdwatching.

2.Read after the audio together and read again.(boys act as Daniel and girls act as Sandy)

3. Find out the expressions about inviting people.

4.Provide a material about nature reserves in China and ask students to make up a dialogue according to it.

T: If you want to know more about birds, let’s go birdwatching. Our friend Daniel and Sandy are talking about going birdwatching.

And then ask students to answer questions and read in pairs.

T: When you invite others, you can find some useful expressions here, try to find them out.

S: Would you like to go birdwatching with us at Beijing Wildlife Park?When is the Birdwatching?What time does it start? I’d like to go, but...

T: Sandy and Daniel plan to visit Beijing Wildlife Park. I’d like to show you around famous nature reserves in China.

Then show the students a map of nature reserves in China. (Kekexili, Wolong, Tianmushan, Dafeng)and the pictures of their typical animals. Ask students to fill in the table first and then make up a dialogue using the sentences learned to invite others and answer the invitation.

Nature Reserves in China


Step Three: Pre-listening

1. Have a competition to check how much the students know about Zhalong

2. Before listening, ask students to read the materials first and guess the answer.

T: You have just traveled many nature reserves. But if I want to see red-crowned cranes, where should I go?(Zhalong)How much do you know about Zhalong?

Have a competition about the information they learnt in Reading and at last check which group is the winner. The teacher asks students six questions. And students try to answer the questions as quickly as possible.

(1)Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve?

(2)What is Zhalong Nature Reserve?

(3)What can you see in Zhalong Nature Reserve?

(4)What kind of rare bird lives there?

(5)What can Zhalong Nature Reserve provide for wildlife?

(6)Is it a good place for wildlife? Why?

T: Before listening, let’s read the materials first and guess the answer.

At the same time ask some students to practice reading the number.

【设计意图】 听力前安排了两个准备活动。一是通过大组竞答Reading问题来复习扎龙自然保护区的背景知识。竞答的形式活跃了课堂气氛,集中了学生学习的注意力;二是通过朗读数字扫除听力障碍,并通过阅读听力问题来预测答案降低听力的难度。两个准备活动将下面的听力做了很好的铺垫。

Step Four: While-listening

1.Listen to the audio and check the answers. Ask students to tell the answers one by one. If one has some problems, play the audio again and let him check the answer.(在讲解中再次渗透生词hectare, worms)

2.Listen to the audio again and help fill in the exercises of A3. Ask students to read the passage, and then check their answers.(在讲解中再次渗透生词wetlands, prevent flood and snowstorm)

3.Play the audio and again, and ask the whole class to read after the audio.


Step Five:Post-listening

1. See two videos about wild birds and people.

2. Discuss in groups and try to give suggestions about how to get on with the wild birds.

T: After listening, we know that we should protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong. I’d like to show you some other stories about people and wild birds. Let’s see two videos.(One is about a little boy who helps a trapped goose. The other is about an old lady who feeds wild cranes .)

T: Discuss in groups. Four students in one group and discuss how to get on with wild birds. And then I’d like some of you to share your ideas.

S: I hope to live with wild animals together like the scene in Snow white. When we open the window in the morning, we hear birds singing and see the deer and the rabbits jumping around us. We will greet each other and help each other. How nice it is!

T: I hope your dream will come true in the future. And we and animals share the same home and live happily without destroying nature around us.


Step Six: Conclusion and Homework

1. Introduce birdwatching clubs in China and the tips to watch birds.

2. Look for more information about birdwatching and wrirt a report about birdwatching in China.

T: I’d like to introduce birdwatching clubs in China(show some pictures about them and introduce in general). If you want to be a good birdwatcher, you should pay attention to the tips on the screen.

T:Search more information about birdwatching at http://.cn/article.php?articleid=336

And write a report about birdwatching in China.





(1)创设情境,营造自由和谐的学习气氛。在课堂一开始通过听鸟鸣声,吸引了学生的注意力,并通过描述鸟类自然呈现课文中的单词,如prevent, snowstorm, flood等,学生能在情境中体验并学习主要词汇,避免了直接教授词汇的枯燥。在操练邀请他人的句型时,通过引入中国著名的四个自然保护区,让学生身临其境,有感而发,避免了单调乏味的简单重复句型。




(作者单位 江苏省南京树人国际学校)