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The Last Village Minstrel

Related by Song Baiyue, Written by Padiguli

Editor’s Note: Traveling storytelling has been an age-old art in rural Ningbo. Song Baiyue is the last minstrel from the village of Tangjiazha (The Tang Family’s Watergate) with a population of over 3,000. The village had 63 traveling storytellers in its prime time. Here the last village minstrel tells his story.

I am gravely concerned about myself these days. In the first month of this year I performed 20 consecutive days in the Village of Lishan. Then I traveled to Dong Village and spent five days there telling a story. The next village on my tour was Shaoxiang where I was to perform for 20 days. But the people in Dong Village forced me to stay and asked me to extend the 5-day show to 20 days. I am worried that the people in Shaoxiang will be displeased by my delay.

I visit the village of Lishan twice a year. Each performance there lasts at least a month. In some villages, I sing for two months. Last year, I started in August in Cixi and the last show ended two nights before the eve of the Spring Festival. This year I am already booked to October and phone calls keep coming in for more shows. The first principle in my business is to keep my word. My fans say that my art is becoming better. I have only one blind-man play a four-string Huqin as accompaniment and I use only a few fans as prop, but the audience become silent the moment I bang the silence wood on the table.

The hardest thing for a storyteller on the road is his first visit to a village, for no one there knows anything about the storytelling art. A man who is on the far side of his middle age and an accompanist who is blind do not inspire interest at all. So in such a case, I just start a show under the eave of a house. Once they hear the Huqin and my singing, they come to watch and listen. Usually, after one night or two, a big crowd gathers. In some villages, we can draw a crowd of 500 people. As soon as a courtyard can no longer contain a crowd, someone will suggest setting up a stage and booking me for telling a long story. If they offer to set up a stage for us in the first few days, we will not start our show under an eave next time. They will arrange everything for us in advance. They even drive a Benz and come all the way to take us to the village.

In a show just a few days ago, I stopped my storytelling deliberately at a crucial moment when Hai Rui, an honest official of the Ming Dynasty, was about to be executed. I planned to resume the story the next evening. After the show that night, more than 10 fans crowded into my room and begged me not to let Hai Rui die. How could a person like me have the final say in anyone’s death or life? They cornered me with their angry protests: “He did so many things for the emperor and he made so many contributions to the state. How can you kill such an honest official??They even offered to chip in and pay me a small fortune to change the script and let the character live. When Hai Rui died in the following evening, the audience cried and I cried.

All my school education added up to only two and half years. I started learning the storytelling art from my father at 12. My father was an actor with a rural troupe. He was a good singer and good at playing all kinds of instruments. I learned all the nine tunes and twenty-three melodies from him. After he passed away, the repertoire I got from him was not good enough for me to stage shows in villages across rural Ningbo and Shaoxing. The audiences who heard my stories want new stories. So I have added new ones to my repertoire. My performance consists of 30% talking and 70% singing. There are many tricks to make a show good. In order to make good shows, I have learned new skills from masters with the Ningbo 100 Little Flowers Yuejue Opera Troupe.

When I first followed my father on a tour, I ran out of my stories after performances in two villages. Now, I act all the characters in my stories and I can tell stories for four months without any repetition. They say I am a walking radio and once I am turned on I will never stop.

It is not good enough to sing songs made by old artists. Over the past few years, I have adapted more than 10 classic stories and added them to my repertoire. With my poor school education, I had difficulty reading these stories, but I checked new words out in a dictionary.

I now and then create some short songs to make people aware of current affairs. I encourage people to take part in family planning programs or sign up to join the army. Sometimes I urge villagers to stay away from gambling. Many of my fans used to be mahjong addicts.

Our family was poor when I was a kid. I was the first of 6 children. I was not able to marry when I was 29. But I made enough money to marry and build a two-story house of 108 square meters. Though tours are hard and money comes by through sweat, I am happy and free. I learned the art of our fathers and I entertain people with the art. But the days of the art seem numbered.

My home village was full of actors and musicians before 1949. For a while, there were 63 fellow villagers making a living by traveling and telling stories, let alone the villagers engaged in other kinds of shows. Troupes came to our village to recruit. Some troupes in Shaoxing had accompanists and percussionists from our villages. Some ancient tunes were passed down to us from our ancestors in the village. But some of these artists have died and some are too old to travel and stage a show. No one in the younger generation is willing to carry on the art. The village has more than 3,000 residents and I am the only storyteller now. In the past, the village did not need to invite troupes from outside. We could stage a performance easily. Now we feel shamed when we invite a troupe from outside to entertain us.

My son was in the army for a few years and now he is in a mold-making business. He has no wish to learn the art from me. When my grandson is old enough to learn, I am afraid I will be too old to teach. I am willing to pay for boarding and meals to teach a disciple. I feel bad that the good things I got from my father will be lost.

The storytelling art is as good as these trendy things today. It is popular in Ningbo, not just with villagers. More and more people in the city want to hear my stories. The art has every right to live. We can not afford to let the art of our fathers die.

(Translated by David)