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The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.

The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom. Realizing her mom must be very tired after a day’s work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In response, the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels.

All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best. But, totally engaged in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return. Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning, and at least prepare breakfast myself, so as to share my mother’s daily burden. The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good daughter than a “good” student.














(1)用于描述图画的常用词汇:interesting有趣的;vivid / lively生动的;meaningful涵义丰富的;beautiful美丽的;instructive富有教育意义的;ridiculous荒谬的;touching / moving感人的。

(2)用于发表观点或给出解决问题的办法的词汇:from where I stand依我看; personally个人认为;in one’s opinion/view在某人看来;take measures采取措施;solution解决方法;take action(s) 采取措施,行动起来;attach importance to重视;make efforts to do sth. 努力做……



①As it is described in the picture, a small child is driven to play the piano. 正如这幅图画所描述的那样,一个小孩被迫去弹钢琴。

②From the picture we can see that a schoolboy is addicted to playing computer games. 从这幅画中我们可以看到一个男生正沉溺于打电脑游戏。

③The purpose of the picture is to show us that we shouldn’t spoil our children too much. 这幅图画的目的是向我们表明我们不能太溺爱我们的孩子。

④As is shown in the picture,we can see clearly the relationship between economic development and environmental protection. 这幅图画清晰地向我们描述了经济发展和环境保护之间的关系。

⑤The picture indicates / conveys the meaning that “no pains,no gains”. 这幅画向我们表明了这样的意义“不劳无获”。

⑥What the picture reflects reminds me of something in my daily life. 这幅景象使我想起了日常生活中的一些事情。


①At first...then...five minutes later...finally / in the end / at last... 开始时……然后……五分钟后……最后……

②Upon arrival, we began to work. 我们一到达就马上开始工作。

③Some...;some...;others... 一些人(做) ……一些人(做) ……另一些人 (做) ……

Some are swimming in the lake;some are flying kites;others are playing games. 一些人在湖里游泳,一些人在放风筝;还有一些人在做游戏。

④...was / were doing...when suddenly sb. / sth. did... 当某事正在发生时突然又发生另一事

My uncle was riding a bike when suddenly he was knocked down by a car. 我的叔叔正骑着自行车,突然一辆轿车把他撞倒了。

⑤More and more people have come to realize the importance of protecting the environment. 越来越多的人已经开始意识到保护环境的重要性。

⑥As more and more people give up farming today, much attention should be placed on our agriculture. 因为现在越来越多的人们放弃种田,所以我们应该更加关注农业。

⑦No wonder most see the problem of saving energy as that of our country rather than that of themselves. 难怪大多数人认为节约能源是国家的事而不是自己的事。

⑧Anyone with the least common sense knows that people are more starved for a clean environment than ever before. 稍微有点常识的人都知道,人们比以往任何时候都渴望一个整洁的环境。

⑨There is much discussion today about whether fast economic growth is desirable. 现在人们都在热烈地讨论经济是否应该快速发展。

⑩Thanks to..., more and more... 多亏了……,越来越多的人……

Thanks to the advances in science and technology, our life has become more comfortable and easier. 多亏了科技的进步,我们的生活变得更加舒适、安逸。


①If such measures were not taken,the problem of food safety would have been more serious. 如果没有采取这样的措施的话,食品安全的问题会更加严重。

②At first thought it may seem an attractive idea, but careful weighing on the mind / on closer analysis / on second thought, we find that it may do great harm to the animals there. 乍一看这似乎是个好主意,但是再仔细想一想,我们发现这可能会对那里的动物造成严重的伤害。

③Unless there is a common realization of protecting them,it is very likely that our cultural relics will be destroyed sooner or later by greedy people. 除非达成保护它们的共识,否则我们的文化遗产很可能将会被贪婪的人们所毁灭。

④We can conclude from this picture that what parents do really affect their children. 从这幅图画我们可以推断:父母的行为真的会影响孩子们。

⑤As has been stated above,we must attach more importance to our college education. 如上所述,我们必须更加重视我们的大学教育。

⑥In conclusion,polluting environment is destroying ourselves. 总之,污染环境就是毁灭我们自己。

⑦To my mind, it is high time we took effective measures to prevent such crimes from happening again. 据我看来,该是采取有效措施以防止类似犯罪再发生的时候了。





①As is vividly shown in the picture above, ... 图画的内容。

②This is a funny and instructive picture, from which we can see... 这幅图画大致反映的意思……


①What it illustrates is a common phenomenon in today’s society. / Apparently, the picture reflects a major social problem.

②What is described in the picture sets me thinking a lot...

③The implied meaning of the picture should be taken into account seriously. First / To begin with,揭示涵义 / 原因/结果1. Second / What’s more,揭示涵义 / 原因 / 结果2. Last but not least / Finally,揭示涵义/原因 / 结果3. (如果有的话). And the social problem (如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people.


In my view / point of view(或As for me), we should take some measures as follows to deal with the problem shown in the picture. First,we should 具体的措施1. And then we have to / must具体的措施2. Only in these ways can we solve the problem of 具体的问题。

It is high time we took some measures to put an end to this phenomenon. / Immediate measures should be taken to...





心理素质psychological quality;品德morality

As is vividly shown in the drawing above, a student is trying his best to reach the full score of important subjects including English, maths, physics, and Chinese while neglecting the more important aspects such as psychological quality and moral standards. This drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon, which has aroused our social concern and is in fact thoughtprovoking.

To begin with, academic achievements are not all that a student needs. In order to survive in our society, students must be first of all trained to possess fine psychological quality. Otherwise, we can not bravely face ups and downs in our life, work, and study. What’s more, high moral standards are also a must for every student. Without high moral standards, students will lose the orientation (方向,目标) of learning. Most often, even though a student possesses profound academic knowledge, he can not find himself a right place in our society and make contribution to his motherland due to his low moral standards.

Measures must be taken immediately so as to correct the trend of overemphasizing main academic subjects and neglecting psychological quality and moral standards. First of all, we must take a right attitude toward students’ development. What’s more, our government must care more about students’ education to ensure a right and healthy environment of development.



参考词汇:文具stationery;留守儿童leftbehind children



As in shown in the picture, several children are crouching to the ground in a circle. They are writing down “Mum and Dad, I am missing you.” Since they live in a lessdeveloped western region in China, they are badly in need of stationery, dictionaries, schoolbags, TV sets and so on to do well in their studies and enjoy everyday life.

The cause of such a phenomenon is that they live in remote and hilly areas with poor transportation and a lowlevel education. To improve their living conditions, their parents rush to big cities to do odd jobs for more money, leaving them at home.

Personally, I show pity for these leftbehind children. I feel that each child should have the right to receive a good education and enjoy a happy life together with their parents. I recommend we do something for them such as donating life necessities or books, raising money and making the public aware of their current conditions.

I’m sure if people care more for them, the future will find them happy and healthy.
