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Module 6 War and Peace

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第一部分 听力(共两节,共30分)



1. When did Eric leave for Chicago?

A. Last Thursday. B. Last Tuesday. C. Last Friday.

2. How much should the woman pay?

A. $110. B. $95. C. $145.

3. What does the man think of Sue?

A. She is hard-working and outstanding. B. She is too young to be the manager.

C. She has to work here for a long time.

4. How long does the journey take?

A. Nine hours and ten minutes. B. Two hours and forty minutes. C. Nine hours and sixteen minutes.

5. How far is the bank?

A. Three blocks away. B. Four blocks away. C. Five blocks away.




6. When will the woman leave?

A. Next week. B. In two days. C. In two weeks.

7. Whom will the woman travel with?

A. Susan. B. Jessie. C. Linda.


8. What does the man probably do?

A. An operator. B. An architect. C. A traveler.

9. How many members are there in the man’s family?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Five.

10. On what condition will the man accept the job?

A. The working environment is very good.

B. He doesn’t have to work in Washington D. C.

C. The company pays for the return ticket and the salary is good.


11. What awards did the man’s niece win last year?

A. School awards in physics and biology. B. National awards in physics and biology.

C. National awards in physics and engineering.

12. How does the man feel about his niece?

A. Proud. B. Surprised. C. Ashamed.

13. How long will the man’s niece probably stay in his home?

A. About 7 days. B. About 8 days. C. About 9 days.


14. How long has Mr Gibbon been collecting coins?

A. For 25 years. B. For 11 years. C. For 36 years.

15. Who gave Mr Gibbon his first coins?

A. His teacher. B. His father. C. His friend.

16. How many coins does Mr Gibbon have?

A. About 10,000. B. About 45,000. C. About 450,000.

17. When was the oldest coin of his collection made?

A. In 450 BC. B. In 359 BC. C. In 395 BC.


18. When were the Indian people forced to move to the center and the west to live?

A. One hundred years ago.

B. After the European people settled down in North America.

C. After they had lived in North America for more than a century.

19. When was the American Indian Society of Washington D. C. founded?

A. In August 1966. B. In August 1956. C. In October 1966.

20. How does the organization keep its members up-to-date on the Society’s activities?

A. Through a monthly e-mail. B. Through a weekly meeting. C. Through a monthly newspaper.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,共40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


21. It is known that water is not ____ endless resource, nor ____ that can be made once more.

A. an; that B. an; one

C. the; 不填 D. 不填; one

22. Nick’s team ____ the defending champions from Argentina in their opening game.

A. won B. failed

C. defeated D. fought

23. ____ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.

A. Tired B. Tiring

C. To be tired D. Having tired

24. ____ the bad weather, we enjoyed our holidays at the seaside very much.

A. For B. Despite

C. Except D. Besides

25. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ____ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library

in my hometown.

A. shouldn’t fall B. had not fallen

C. were not to fall D. wouldn’t have fallen

26. ― Which share is meant for me?

― You can take ____ half. They are exactly the same.

A. this B. any

C. each D. either

27. ― I have studied growing plants as one of my interests. Could I make some suggestions?

― ____ .

A. You’ll make it B. Don’t mention it

C. Take it easy D. Go right ahead

28. If I ____ a millionaire tomorrow, the first I will do would be to buy a big house.

A. were to become B. had become

C. would become D. become

29. Don’t interrupt your brother when he’s ____ writing a paper.

A. occupied in B. busy with

C. absorbed to D. fond of

30. ― Was it you that made the suggestion?

― It ____ have been. I can’t remember.

A. must B. may

C. should D. need

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


My dad had a smart imagination, and we would play a little good-night game every day. He would 31 my room to talk to me and listen to the joys and 32 of my day. As he was leaving, Dad had a way of leaning(倾斜)back 33 the switch by my door and “magically” 34 out my light like the birthday candles on a 35 .

As he did his little routine, Dad would say, “The light will be dark for you. In 36 , as far as you’re concerned, it will be 37 all over the world because the only world you ever know is the one you 38 totally by yourself. So please 39 , Son. Keep your light bright. The world is yours to see that way.”

When I was very young, I used to 40 there in bed after Dad left and try to 41 what he meant. It was 42 as I was so young. What Dad was trying to tell me was that when I went to sleep at night, the world came to a(n) 43 . When I woke up in the morning I could 44 to see a fresh new world through my own eyes― 45 I kept my light bright. In other words, if I woke up happy, the world was happy. If I woke up not feeling well, the world felt 46 .

My father’s 47 about self-perception(自我感知)and about the power in the eye of the beholder(旁观者)was invaluable: “Everything 48 how you want to look at what happens in life. It doesn’t make any difference what is going on out there―what matters 49 is how you take it.”

That good-night practice with my father taught me that people’s 50 of me aren’t very important. It’s the way I handle them that makes the difference.

31. A. search B. clean C. enter D. check

32. A. hesitation B. sorrows C. pleasure D. problems

33. A. against B. on C. over D. above

34. A. throwing B. leaving C. blowing D. turning

35. A. card B. table C. bottle D. cake

36. A. fact B. theory C. practice D. conclusion

37. A. bright B. fine C. dark D. rainy

38. A. feel B. control C. judge D. watch

39. A. imagine B. remember C. stop D. speak

40. A. lie B. study C. play D. cry

41. A. face B. enjoy C. understand D. conclude

42. A. boring B. bothering C. amazing D. confusing

43. A. stop B. end C. stage D. destination

44. A. continue B. decide C. choose D. start

45. A. so B. unless C. despite D. if

46. A. anxious B. proud C. angry D. sad

47. A. guidance B. training C. experience D. method

48. A. aims at B. depends on C. points at D. falls on

49. A. greatly B. relatively C. gradually D. suddenly