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Everybody gets excited about technology, but in Japan, they take it to another level.

Entire districts of Tokyo are devoted to robots, computers, 1)gadgets and huge electronics shops. But over recent years, the former dominance of Japanese brands in their own country has been challenged like never before by the new 2)behemoths of South Korea, China and the US.

The Japanese have been married to technology for decades and their brand loyalty is well-documented. But 3)whereas once these brands were nearly always Japanese, the 4)lucrative market of the Far East has been the target of a number of other firms―and this has had an effect on profits.




Although Canon is growing―5)attributing much of this growth to emerging markets like China and India―others are not 6)faring so well. Panasonic recently predicted an 7)annual 8)net loss of 4209)bn 10)Yen ($5.5bn,£3.5bn). Hitachi too has recently reported a 48% fall in 11)quarterly profit―though remains 12)in the black―and others have struggled just as much. Sony―one of the big Japanese brands―is expecting losses of more than $1 billion in the current 13)fiscal year.

While some of the problems can be credited to global economic problems, and the earthquake and 14)tsunami last year, some say that this could be a problem of Japan’s own making. “Sony’s Walkman used to be one of the most valuable brands in the world,” says self-confessed otaku―the Japanese word for geek―Steve Nagata, a consultant to firms who want to move to Japan. Nagata also thinks that the mistake is just one of several that Japanese firms have

尽管佳能的壮大基本得益于新兴市场――如中国和印度,但是其他公司却并没有经营得如此顺利。松下最近预计其年度净亏损将达4 2 0 0亿日元(约合55亿美元,35亿英镑)。日立集团最近的报告也显示其季度利润下降达48%,虽不至于出现财政赤字,但也一直在竭尽全力。而日本品牌龙头之一的索尼公司也预计在这个财政年,将会有超过10亿美元的损失。


been making for years―born out of 15)complacency with its once dominant position in the market.



Japan was one of the first countries to 16)embrace 3G phone technology and flip phones, but has since stood 17)comparatively still. Japanese smartphone usage is at around 6% of the population, compared to US and UK figures of around 30%, according to research from Google a n d t h e 1 8 )M o b i l e Marketing Association. And Taiwanese, Chinese and Korean firms have been slowly taking over, lowering prices and working aggressively at increasing market share. This becomes even more difficult for Japan because the strength of the Yen makes everything more expensive to produce and export.

While government assistance has ensured Japanese firms have a market at home, as the technology sector has increasingly globalised, some see this now as more of a curse than a blessing. “When Japan was such a centre point for technology, they took a lot of measures to protect this incredibly lucrative Japanese market,” says Mr. Nagata, “But protection, in some ways, ended up cutting them off from the global market. They weren’t really paying attention to the fast growth and demands elsewhere and now lots of Japanese electronics makers are trapped, looking out wishing they had pieces of a now larger and more lucrative global market.”全球化


尽管政府的支持保证了日本企业在本土拥有一定市场份额,但是随着科技全球化的加速发展,有些人认为这项措施不像祝福,倒像是一个诅咒。“当日本还是科技界核心的时候,它(政府)采取了很多措施来保护这个潜力巨大的本土市场,”永田先生说,“但是从某个角度讲,这种保护也让他们与全球市场隔绝。他们并未真正注意到其他地方的快速发展和需求。而如今,许多日本电子制造商陷入困境,而只能一味奢望在更大更有潜力的全球市场有自己的一席之地。” Loyalty culture

19)Innovations from Apple and, in the gaming space at least, Microsoft, mean that the US now has a 20)foothold in the Far East. And, just as it is difficult to change Japanese consumers’minds because of their loyalty, once they have stopped buying a particular brand, it is very difficult to get them back.

Sony, Toshiba and Hitachi are fighting back with a 21)merger of their small LCD businesses. In a public-private partnership,(品牌)忠诚文化


索尼、东芝和日立将各自规模不大的LCD业务合并在一起。这个 the creation of the world’s largest producer of touchscreen displays is hoped to make Japanese companies more competitive. But 22)bespoke hardware and expensive single-purpose gadgets―a market nearly unique to Japan―is no longer the 23)cash cow it once was. And it is easy to see how. As technology moves towards being increasingly mobile and increasingly affordable, the onceunique developments now risk being 24)undercut by a wave of cheap, user-friendly apps. For example, why would someone buy a bespoke device for $100 (£63) if an app with the same 25)functionality costs $3 (£1.90)?


The 26)inexorable march of globalisation seems to have hit Japan hard, casting doubts over what Japan’s own tech giants can do to stem the current troubles. But, as Mr. Stinger told The Wall Street Journal: “You have bad years, the 27)trick is to 28)weather them, learn from them, act graciously through them, and learn why and when you have to change.”

The fact remains that the Japanese are still passionate about technology. Japanese manufacturers just need to make sure they stay passionate about their brands as well.

