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摘 要:根据The Usborne First Thousand Words in English,by Stephen Cartwright列出的1000个基础英语单词,筛选出125个简单动词,以“有道词典”里的柯林斯英英词典、百度词典等为查找工具,查出125个动词的释义。通过提取部分动词的释义,并通过分析、归纳的方法,最终发现动词的释义规律如下:①常见的动词释义方法是:描述法、同义词释义法。②可以通过探寻动词释义的共同点,归纳记忆动词。③通过探寻动词释义的异同点,归类记忆同类动词,区分记忆同义动词。教师要进一步探讨动词及其释义在作文中的具体运用,让学生了解动词及其释义对基础写作的重要性,提高学生写作才能




首先,我们看看kiss的释义:To kiss is to touch someone with your lips. 这是用了什么方法来释义呢?这是对动作的外部特征,进行了描述。其次,再看看fight的释义:To fight is to struggle against someone or something. 这是用了什么方法来释义呢?fight vs struggle against是用同义词来解释。


①To lift something is to pick it up. lift=pick…up

②To mix things is to put them together. mix=Put together


举例一:run、shake、clap,这三个词,有什么共同点?我们从其释义中探寻:1)To run is to move very quickly. 2)To shake something is to move it quickly up and down or from side to side. 3)When you clap,you bring your hands together quickly to make a loud noise. 关键词是“quickly”,具有“快”这个特点。当然,也有特殊的时候,如果要描述“慢跑”,通常在“run”上加“slowly”。

举例二:bake、cook、eat,这三个词,有什么共同点?我们从其释义中探寻:1)To bake something is to cook it in an oven. A baker is a person who makes bread,cakes,and other foods in a bakery. 2)To cook is to heat food and get it ready to eat. 3)To eat is to put food into your mouth,chew it,and swallow it. 关键词是“food”,都与食物有关,当然也跟吃有关。

举例三:mix、sew、tie ,这三个词,有什么共同点?我们从其释义中探寻:1)To mix things is to put them together. 2)To sew is to join fabric together using a needle and thread. 3)To tie something is to knot it together. This boy is tying his shoelaces. 关键词是“together”。筛选关键词,需要一定的技巧。

举例四:blow、crawl、dance、pull、push、ride、rock、roll、row、run、shake、skip、swim、walk、wave,这十五个动词,有什么共同点?我们从其释义中探寻:1)To blow is to move air with speed or force. You push air out of your mouth to blow bubbles. 2)To crawl is to move along on hands and knees. 3)To dance is to move your body in time to music. 4)To pull something is to take hold of it and move it towards you. 5)To push something is to take hold of it and move it away from you. 6)To ride is to sit in or on something while it moves along. This girl is riding a pony. 7)To rock is to move back and forth,or from side to side. 8)To roll is to tum over and over as you move along. 9)To row a boat is to pull on oars,so that the boat moves through the water. 10)To run is to move very quickly. 11)To shake something is to move it quickly up and down or from side to side. 12)To skip is to move along by hopping from one foot to the other. 13)To swim is to move yourself through water using your arms and legs. 14)To walk is to move along lifting one foot at a time and putting it down in front of the other. 15)To wave is to move your hand from side to side to say hello or goodbye.

关键词是“move”,都是跟移动相关。十五个动词都是各种各样的移动:前、后、左、右,用手的,用脚的,用嘴的,用工具的。 通过“move”建立一个思维的谱系,前、后、左、右、上、下,用手、脚、嘴、工具,快,慢等,就可以把十五个动词都串联记忆在谱系里头。而且通过以上动词释义学习,也学习到了与“move”相关的副词和状语表达,可谓一举多得。


举例一:kiss、lick,这两个词,有什么异同点?我们从其释义中探寻:1)To kiss is to touch someone with your lips. 2)To lick is to touch someone with your tongue.关键词是“touch”,这是相同点。区别是,第一个动词“kiss”用“lips”,第二个动词“lick”用“tongue”。通过区分,不用背诵,一下子就把两个动词记住了。

举例二:draw、paint ,这两个词,有什么异同点?我们从其释义中探寻:1)To draw is to make lines or marks that form a picture. 2)To paint is to make a picture using a brush and paints. 相同点都是画画。区别是,“draw”是用点、线来画画。比如用铅笔、蜡笔等。“paint”是用水彩、油彩去画。下面,我们来造句子区分这两个动词:How to draw a cartoon dog? 如何画一个卡通狗? 这是典型的铅笔画。大家可以看到通过英文释义来区分记忆动词的好处:精确。



To bake something is to cook it in an oven. A baker is a person who makes bread, cakes,and other foods in a bakery.

To cook is to heat food and get it ready to eat.

To eat is to put food into your mouth,chew it,and swallow it.


教师示范小作文:I baked bread in my new oven this morning. I heated it for one hour. Then I put it into my mouth, chewed it slowly and swallowed it quickly.

解析:作文中第一句话:I baked bread in my new oven this morning. 通过在释义上增加了“new”和“this morning”,大大丰富了原来的句子。我们着重看这个“new”:没加这个“new”,加上这个“new”,区别是什么?不加这个“new”,表达的意思可能有些近似废话。因为一般来说,烤面包都是在烤箱里。如果加了“new”,说明什么?说明强调是新的,这就不是一句废话了。作文中最后一句话:Then I put it into my mouth, chewed it slowly and swallowed it quickly.通过在释义上增加“slowly”“quickly”两个词,原本的释义变成了具体的描写,一种灵活应用。就是由一种普通的情况,变成一种特殊的情况了。

学生在指导下,通过丰富释义的方法,在课堂上完成的小作文如下:Today,at breakfast, I cooked my bread in my big new useful beautiful colorful oven and then I heated my yummy meat and got ready to eat .At last I put all the stuff into my big mouth with some potato sauce and quickly chewed them and swallowed them. Then I hurried to school.
