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[摘要] 精索静脉曲张(VC)是比较常见的男性泌尿生殖系统疾病,也是导致男性不育的重要原因。目前,关于VC和男性不育机制的联系已进行了大量临床及实验研究,但其机制仍未完全阐明,可能与微循环、血管活性物质、氧化应激、一氧化氮、缺氧、免疫及凋亡等多种途径共同作用有关。本文介绍VC所致男性不育的机制。

[关键词] 精索静脉曲张;男性不育;研究进展;机制

[中图分类号] R697.24 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)05(a)-0038-04

Research progress of varicocele and male infertility

NING Jinzhuo CHENG Fan YU Weimin RAO Ting RUAN Yuan

Department of Urology Surgery, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430000, China

[Abstract] Varicocele (VC) is a common disease of male urogenital system, and it is an important factor resulting in male infertility. At present, although numerous clinical and experimental studies have been carried out on the relationship between VC and male infertility, the pathogenesis is not fully clarified. It may be related to the combined action of multiple ways, such as microcirculation of the testis, vasoactive substance, oxidative stress, nitric oxide, hypoxia, immunology and apoptosis. This paper briefly introduces the pathogenesis of male infertility caused by VC.

[Key words] Varicocele; Male infertility; Research progress; Pathogenesis


1 微循环障碍


2 血管活性物质的毒性作用


3 缺氧




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(收稿日期:2016-12-02 本文辑:张瑜杰)