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听力小提示:本文原声材料采访的学生较多,为避免混乱,受访男生均以Student M代替,女生则为Student F;另外,受访者用词口语化,语速较快,只适合作泛听练习。

LOL注1 , P911, AYS. Don’t know those abbreviations[缩写]? Then you’re probably not a teenager with extra strong thumbs that come with an addiction[上瘾] to text messaging. So, here are some students from Chicago’s Curie High School Youth Radio Project to take you into the world of texting, RN and, by the way, that means “right now.”

Repeorter: “What at注2”… [What’s]注3 you doin’?

Student M: LOL, guess ur注4 sleeping.

Student F: I like your shirt.

Student F: I’m bored.

Student M: What we should be doin’ is…

Student F: Our work for the project.

Student M: What are we actually doing?

Student F: Texting about parties.

Student M: I think it’s because we like to be in communication all the time with other people, like, we like the interaction[互动].

Student F: …And when you’re at school you get less bored.

Student M: Okay, this one. It says “laugh out loud, where you at?” and it’s a friend in, they’re in the lunch room with me. It’s kinda like we just joke around


Student F: I either text my mom and ask her if she’s

comin’ to pick me up, or I text my boyfriend ask him what colour is he wearing to school tomorrow…

Student F: In one classroom with 30 kids 30 students

I think at least a good 90% text.

Expert: Do you think the teacher knows you’re texting?

Student F: No. It’s very funny sometimes, though. Because we’re, like, texting right in front of her. Like, I can’t believe she doesn’t hear the clicking of the buttons, and when it vibrates[(使)振动], when we receive a new message, it’s like, the whole classroom hears it except her.

Teacher: They think they’re very sly[狡猾的], but the window

the cell phone window is illuminating[发光].

Student F: I just really look back at elementary school compared to high school. You know, I still remember passing notes with my friends and, you know, being careful that you couldn’t hear the paper crinkle[起皱] or that, you know, the teacher would see you and catch you and then read the note out loud and…

Student F: You jus’ put your book back on top of the desk…and you start texting or…

Student M: …Like, hiding it under the notebooks…

Student F: In my seventh period class I always text with one of my friends and at one time the teacher, she…caught us an’ she took away my phone, but I asked for it after class so she gave it back to me; she told me not to do it again, but I kept on doing it anyway.

Student F: ’Cause I got “unlimited” so I [will] be

texting all day.

Student M: You think I can borrow $20, please? I promise to get it back to you ASAP.

Reporter: What’s… Are you kidding?

Student M: (laughs) LOL.

Expert: It’s destroying two things: the ability to speak and these stupid abbreviations;

people have bad enough grammar in English as it is without finding new ways to make it worse.

Student M: OMG.

Student F: Where R U?

Expert: The best way to

communicate with people is talk. I’m saying, just, “Pick up the phone and just call me.”

Student F: Nah, I’ll just text.

LOL. That piece was produced by the students of Chicago’s Curie High School Youth Radio Project.


































LOL Laugh Out Loud

P911 Parent Alert

AYS Are You Serious?

ASAP As Soon As Possible

OMG Oh, My God

R U Are You

注2:“what at”及下文的“what you at”均是口语化的表达,意思是“你正在干什么”。

注3:此处为说话者口误,正确应为:what are。



Steve Nash

Also know as AKA

Are you OK RUOK?

Are R

Ate 8

Be B

Before B4

Be seeing you BCNU

Best friend forever BFF

Be right back BRB

By the way BTW

Cutie QT

Date D8

Dinner DNR

Easy EZ

Eh? A?

Excellent XLNT

Fate F8

Frequently asked question FAQ

For 4

For your information FYI

Great GR8

Got to go GTG

I don’t know IDK

Late L8

Later L8R

Lots of love/laughs Lol

Love LUV

Mate M8

Please PLS

Please call me PCM

Queue/cue Q

Rate R8

Rolling on the floor laughing ROTFL

See/sea C

Sealed with a loving kiss SWALK

See you later CU L8R

Speak SPK

Stupid person’s advertisement SPAM

Talk to you later TTYL

Tea T

Thanks THX

Thank you THNQ

To/too 2

To be 2B

Today 2DAY

Tomorrow 2MORO

Want to WAN2

What WOT

Work WRK

Why Y

You U

Happy/Smiley - :-)

Angry - :-||

Very happy - :-))

Confused - %-)

Tongue tied - :-&

Sad - :-(

Saintly - O:-)

Laughing - :-D

Crying - :’-(

Surprised/shocked - :-O

Screaming - :-@

Kiss - :-*

Pig - :@)

Clown - *:-)

Wink - ;-)


Okay. Now it’s test time. 学了这么多缩写,是该测试自己掌握多少了。请看题:

“Y didn’t I C U 2DAY? R U OK? Having

DNR with the girls 2MORO. PLZ join us. IDK where. I will tell U L8R. OK, GTG. PCM!”

Answers: Why didn’t I see you today? Are you Okay? Having dinner with the girls tomorrow. Please join us. I don’t know where. I will tell you later. Okay, got to go. Please call me!