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C-E Translation of Public Signs in Xi’an under the Guidance of Skopostheorie

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【Abstract】Public signs are widely used in our lives, and increasingly play a significant role with the boom of international tourism. Xi’an, as a major tour destination of China, needs more accurate public signs. Skopostheorie offers a new perspective for translation and translating. In Skopostheorie, translation is seen as translational action with purposes. The TT which doesn’t achieve the function and purpose is not an adequate translation. In this thesis, c-e translation of public signs under the guidance of Skopostheorie in xi’an is discussed.

【Key words】Skopos theory; Public signs; C-E Translation

0 Introduction

Public signs are the written language or infographics for people in public to achieve a communicative purpose, which are the most common and practical words or signs in people's lives. Widely used in our lives, almost everywhere, they have many forms including signs, billboards, shop signs, slogans in public places, tourist profile and so on.

Public signs are very important for an international city, the international tourist destination language environment, and the cultural environment. Because of their great significance for the public especially the tourists, any language ambiguity, misunderstanding, or abuse will result in bad influence. Translation error will not only affect a city or a region's image and international exchanges, but also cause inconvenience to foreign tourists. This thesis focuses on the C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of skopostheorie.

1 Overview of Public Signs

1.1 Definition of Public Signs

Public Signs are written languages and infographics in public related to people’s living, producing, life, ecology and livelihood with the notifying, directing, prompting, displaying, warning and indicating function for people. (Dai Xianzong, Lv Hefa, 2005:6:38)

1.2 Functions of Public Signs

1.2.1 Directing Function

Signs performing directing functions serve to offer considerate information without any restricting and compelling meanings. The directing function doesn’t ask people to do anything, and just to direct the services including the names of public facilities and historical markers. Under the guidance of the signs, people can be more convenient to something or some place. Generally speaking, this kind of signs has static meaning. For examples,

问询处 Information

营业时间 Business Hours

西安地铁 Xi’an Metro

紧急疏散出口 Emergency Exit

1.2.2 Prompting Function

Prompting signs are widely used to remind people of paying attention to something with no specific meaning. They also bring convenience to people. Compared to the directing signs, prompting signs carry a warning meaning about safety. For instance,

油漆未干 Wet Paint

紧急情况使用 Emergency Use Only

小心高温 Caution Hot

小心夹手 Watch Your Hand

1.2.3 Restricting Function

Restricting signs serve to limit and restrain people’s behavior in public. The language is simple and direct, but can’t make people feel impolite, unreasonable and rude. For example,

闲人免进 Staff Only

慢速驶出 Slow Out

凭票入场 Ticked Only

限紧急情况使用 Emergency Use Only

1.2.4 Compelling Function

Compelling signs force people to do or not to do something by using direct and compelling words, leaving no room to comprise. “No”, “Prohibited” and “Forbidden” are often used. Imperative sentences are usually used. In this context, people often have no other choices but to follow it. Most signs of this kind are dynamic signs. For example,

请勿触摸 Do Not Touch

严禁吸烟 No Smoking

严禁钓鱼 No Fishing

禁止拍照 No Photos

2 Theoretical Basis: skopostheorie

2.1 Historical Overview

Skopostheorie (also skopos theory) is an important theory in functional approach, and was introduced in the 1970s in Germany.

Katharina Reiss introduced the functional category of translation criticism for the first time. Then, Hans Vermeer introduced Skopos theory, in which the aim and function of the TT are crucial for a translator. The translation is an action based on the ST with the aim and result. The translator must follow a series of rules, the Skopos rule, the coherence rule and the fidelity rule. Christiane Nord further developed the functional approach and made a comprehensive summary of it. Nord wrote the theories down in details in English for the first time. In Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained, Nord drew a clear picture of the functionalist theories, and said the translator should follow “functionality plus loyalty” rules.

2.2 Basic Aspects of Skopostheorie

2.2.1 The Concept of Skopos

Skopos means purpose in Greek. It’s introduced into functionalist approach in the 1970s by Hans J. Vermeer.

In Skopos theory, “the top ranking rule for any translation is the Skopos rule. This rule is intended to solve the eternal dilemmas of free versus faithful translation, dynamic versus formal equivalence, good interpreters versus slavish translators and so on” (Nord, 2001:29).

2.2.2 The Skopos Rule, the Coherence Rule and the Fidelity Rule

A TT is determined by its skopos (purpose). It must be coherent internally and then with the ST (Munday 2000: 79). The coherence rule states that the TT ‘must be interpretable as coherent with the TT receiver’s situation’. The fidelity rule means that there must be coherence between the TT and the ST (Munday, 2000: 80).

3 C-E Translation Principles of Public Signs under the Guidance of Skopostheorie

The main purpose of public signs is to convey information to the public, and make them to take action on the basis of understanding. The context plays a crucial role in the delivery and understanding of information in the process. People understand the information in the context, and act on the context through taking action. Information, understanding and context are three inseparable factors. Generally speaking, Chinese-English translation of public signs is aimed at cross-cultural communication and the intention and function of ST achievement by maximizing public access to the information they need.

Under the guidance of Skopostheorie, this purpose of C-E translation leads the translator to follow principles like:

3.1 Concise

The feature of public signs is conciseness. By using the simplest words, they try to get the greatest social effect. People always rush by in public, so they should get the most accurate information in the shortest time. Thus the language should be concise, and try to avoid long and complex words and verbs in different tenses. For example,“自备零钞,不找零钱” (Exact Fare Only). There will be a variety of expressions, and we only use three words to indicate its English meaning.

3.2 Conventional

There are different language conventions due to different history and culture. Some public signs are universally accepted and can not be changed. For example, “车辆不得入内”may be translated into a variety of versions, in which “Pedestrians Only” is the most acceptable one. It conforms to the convention of British and American people.

3.3 Functional Adequate

Due to different ways of thinking and cultural backgrounds, there is a gap between the intention of ST and the receiver’s cognitive competence. The translator should take some strategies to achieve the communicative function of TT and meet the need of the receiver. Thus, though the TT differs from the ST in some way, as long as it loyally conveys the intent and function of ST, it’s functionally and communicatively adequate. For example, if “西安是我家,整洁卫生靠大家” is translated into “Xi’an is my home, its cleanness depends on all of us”, the English native speaker will feel confused. In fact, “Keep Our City Clean” is functionally adequate.

3.4 Cultural Consideration of TT

Language is the carrier of culture. Since language is embedded in culture. Any translation of a particular ST depends on the status it has in a particular culture system. In the process of C-E translation of public signs, the translator should take the culture of TT into account.

4 Conclusion

Today, public signs play a significant role in regulating people’s social behavior, adjusting personal relationships, improving production efficiency and building a harmonious society. As China's reforming and opening up, more and more foreigners come to China for business, tourism and study. Thus, bilingual public signs serve to be the important part in globalization. And the English signs show an important aspect of Xi’an even China.

In this thesis, the C-E translation of public signs is explored in the perspective of Skopostheorie. In fact, the C-E translation of public signs is a complex process and commission. The translator is required to grasp the features and functions of public signs, realize the cultural differences of two languages, know very well the conventional public signs in English, and then take the most suitable strategy. Besides, the coordination and cooperation in all aspects are needed. The C-E translation of public signs should be supervised and standardized.


[1]Munday, J. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2010.

[2]Nord, C. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

