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Middle Earth1) from The Lord

of the Rings


The Fictional Setting: Of course, Middle Earth from The Lord of the Rings isn't just one setting. There are storybook forests and blackened volcanoes and menacing2) towers. All of it is pretty fantastic, like Isengard3), with its tower and surrounding circular stronghold4).

  The Real Thing: As it turns out, Middle Earth―that is, the Shire5), the forests, Isengard, even freaking Mordor6)―all came from author J. R. R. Tolkien's surroundings growing up in and around the city of Birmingham, England. The above image is what the University of Birmingham looked like back when Tolkien was in town.

What about Mordor? That charred, ruined country is pure fantasy, right?

Well, just northwest of Birmingham was an area called the Black Country, so called because it had been marred7) with pollution from all the coal mines, iron foundries and steel mills dotting its landscape thanks to the Industrial Revolution. The air was so dense with smog and dust and ore that the whole place looked like Godzilla's shithouse8), all the time.

So, when it came time for Tolkien to create a homeland for the most evil being in his fantasy world, he just channeled the Black Country into his writing, renaming it "Mordor".

The Fictional Setting: Arkham Asylum is one of those places that could only exist in a comic book universe, the sprawling10) insane asylum/haunted house where supervillains are imprisoned after being caught by Batman.

  The Real Thing: Arkham is of course well-known for both its creepy atmosphere and its atrocious11) security, which make it kind of a shitty12) asylum. Even without the costumed villainy lurking13) inside, Arkham Asylum is pretty over the top. Its looming structures and labyrinthine14) hallways lean heavily toward the macabre15), almost to the point of absurdity.

It's like a caricature16) of a haunted house, pulled straight from a turn of the century horror story. That's because it is literally from a turn of the century horror story, specifically from the work of H. P. Lovecraft's17) stories set in Arkham, Massachusetts, which included Arkham Sanitarium18). But the sanitarium in Lovecraft's writing was based on a real place: Danvers State Hospital in Massachusetts.


  现实场景:事实证明,中土大陆上的一切――夏尔、森林、艾辛格,甚至魔多那个鬼地方――均源自原著作者J. R. R. 托尔金的成长环境及英国伯明翰市的周边地区。上图就是托尔金当年居住在伯明翰时伯明翰大学的样子。






(右下)这幅图片看上去颇像一张从19、20世纪之交的恐怖小说里抽出来的鬼屋插画。事实上,这幅图片确实源自那个时期的恐怖小说,尤其是H. P. 洛夫克拉夫特以虚构地马萨诸塞州阿卡姆(阿卡姆疗养院即在此地)为背景的系列小说。不过洛夫克拉夫特笔下的阿卡姆疗养院确实有现实原型――马萨诸塞州的丹弗斯州立医院。