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Life is like a journey. These books can be taken along with you.



On the Road

There are books you know you will read sooner or later, such as On the Road. As long as you read two or three lines of its introduction, you’ll know it’s so gripping that you will read it one day, just as a couple of strangers know soon after their eye contact whether they’ll have a good rapport with each other. That book is “the Bible of the young generation”.



Lonely Planet

When it comes to traveling, there is a book well-known to all travelers across the world―Lonely Planet. To travelers, it is a “Treasure Book”.




A young traveler begins his journey from Lijiang to Lhasa alone. He does so not to show his guts or greatness, but to “waver between faith and skepticism”. But at last he grits his teeth and goes on, for even if he fails to get to the destination, he “shall be clear about how he yields to failure”. That book is not only about traveling, but also about growing up.


“间隔年”是指西方国家的青年在升学或者毕业之后、工作之前,作一次长途的旅行,体验与自己所生活的社会环境完全不同的生活方式。作者带着一张仅存有21 000元人民币的国际银行卡,离开生活多年的城市,从原来计划的3个月走到13个月,从原来计划的目的国印度变成一次横跨亚洲的旅行。在路上,他开始懂得向家人感恩,学习怎样关心和照顾身边的人。《迟到的间隔年》记载了一段学习爱的旅程。

The Prolonged Gap Year

“Gap year” refers to the period when young westerners take a long trip overseas to experience a totally different lifestyle after their graduation or before employment. The author leaves his hometown for India with an international bank card of only 21,000 yuan. He planned to spend three months on the trip, but eventually he spends 13 months, and has a journey across Asia. During his journey, he gets to know he should be grateful to his family and learn how to attend to the people around him. The Prolonged Gap Year records a journey of getting a better understanding of love.