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摘 要:领导职数改革不仅是行政管理体制改革的重要组成部分,而且还是衡量行政管理体制改革成败的重要标尺。因政府职能转变不

>> 论通货膨胀成因及对策 通货膨胀的成因及对策 乡镇债务的成因及化解对策 乡村负债的成因及化解对策 民间借贷的成因及化解对策 论思想政治教育接受障碍的成因及化解对策 现阶段通货膨胀的成因及对策 浅谈中职数学学困生的成因及对策 高校债务风险的成因及化解对策 浅析村级债务的成因及化解对策 企业领导“三躁”情绪成因及化解 村级债务成因及化解对策 2007―2008年我国输入型通货膨胀的成因及对策分析 通货膨胀的深层次成因及治理对策 我国新一轮通货膨胀的成因及对策研究 浅析我国目前通货膨胀的成因、影响及对策 现阶段我国通货膨胀的成因及对策分析 我国目前通货膨胀的特点\成因及对策分析 基于需求角度的通货膨胀成因分析及对策 我国当前通货膨胀的成因及对策 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.




Abstract: The reform of leadership positions is not only an important part of the administrative system reform,but also an important yardstick to measure the success or failure of the reform of the administrative system. Due to the unfulfillment of the change of government function, unreasonableness of the rules and regulations, the government's self-interest and absence of supervision mechanism and other factors, the excess of leadership positions in government ministries, especially the problem of deputy leader positions, has not been solved effectively. To solve this problem, the transformation of government functions is fundamental, the improvement of the rules and regulations is the premise, the "Top-level Design" is the key, the perfection of the supervision mechanism is the guarantee and the adjustment of the cadre incentive mechanism is the foundation.

Keywords: leadership positions; expansion; government department; organizational culture