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摘 要 绿色教育是永续发展的必要条件和对美好生活追求的重要体现,绿色教育能够协助并拓展每个新生代农民工树立绿色发展意识

>> 新生代农民工教育培训需求研究 新生代农民工教育培训供求现状及解决策略 新生代农民工教育培训现状及原因分析 新生代农民工现状及社会保障问题研究分析 新生代农民工的消费现状及影响因素调查研究 新生代农民工发展现状及解决对策研究 新生代农民工教育需求分析 新生代农民工媒介需求研究 新生代农民工保险现状、保险意识与保险需求研究 新生代农民工教育需求困境\原因及对策思路 河北新生代农民工教育需求分析及对策 新生代农民工社会排斥现状研究 新生代农民工市民化现状研究 新生代农民工理财现状研究 基于新生代农民工需求的职业教育与培训研究 基于新生代农民工需求的移动教育培训模式建构研究 新生代农民工教育培训需求与政府供给的错位研究 新生代农民工现状及问题的调查 浅析新生代农民工边缘化现状及对策 辽宁新生代农民工劳动权益现状及原因探析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

Study on the Current Situation and Demand of Green Education of New Generation Migrant Workers

――Based on the Discovery of Survey in Hu’nan

Ye Ling

Abstract Green education is the necessary premise of sustainable development and the important reflection of the seeking to better life, green education can help and expand each new generation of migrant worker to set up the green development consciousness, to possess green development knowledge, to correct attitude to green development, to master green development skills and to take part in green development action. Based on questionnaires survey on 987 new generation migrant workers in Changsha City, the results show that their enthusiasm for accepting green education is high, but they lack of green environment knowledge, green consciousness is weak; lack of green life skills, the action is simple; lack of understanding of green life knowledge. Therefore, green education for the new generation migrant workers should pay attention to the different willingness needs to green education of four types of new generation of migrant workers’, should set up a multi-level green education goals, should arouse the activities of the new generation migrant workers in many ways.

Key words new generation migrant workers; green education; Hunan

Author Ye Ling , associate researcher of Hu’nan Vocational College of Science and Technology(Changsha 410004)