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《What colour is it ?》导学案

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇《What colour is it ?》导学案范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!

教学目标Teaching aims




教学过程Teaching procedure


A.课前播放歌曲《Who is wearing green today? 》,活跃课堂气氛。





教师创设情境:today I take here three bottles,they are very magical bottles,they are no colours,but we can make them colourful,now,please listen and look carefully.ok?(今天老师带来了三瓶神奇的水,他们没有颜色,但是我可以让它变出颜色,请同学们认真听,认真看,好不好?)学生:ok!(好!)教师边唱“what colour is it?”边摇晃手中的瓶子,瓶中的水渐渐变成红色。学生:Red!(红色!)教师及时提醒学生此时应回答完整的句子“It’s red.”学生跟读一遍。教师:Yes,it’s red. Now let’s look the second bottle, guess what colour is it?(是的,它是红色的,现在我们看看第二个瓶子,猜猜它会变成什么颜色?)学生:Green.(绿色。)教师:Oh,maybe it’s green.(哦,也许是绿色的。)学生:Yellow。(黄色。)教师:Maybe.(或许是的)ok,let’s sing together “what colour is it?” (好的,现在让我们一起唱“what colour is it?”)学生:What colour is it? What colour is it? What colour is it? (它是什么颜色?它是什么颜色?它是什么颜色?)教师摇晃手中的瓶子,瓶中的水渐渐变成蓝色,教师举起手中的瓶子示意并提问:What colour is it? (它是什么颜色?)学生:It’s blue.(它是蓝色的。)教师:Yes, you are very good, it’s blue. let’s look at the last bottle. Guess what colour is it? (是的。你们真棒,它是蓝色的。让我们来看看最后一个瓶子,猜猜它是什么颜色的?)学生:Green.(绿色。)教师:Maybe.(也许。)学生:Yellow.(黄色。)教师:Maybe. Let’s sing together “What colour is it?”(或许吧,让我们一起唱“它是什么颜色”)学生:What colour is it? What colour is it? What colour is it?教师摇晃手中的瓶子,瓶中的水渐渐变成黄色,教师举起手中的瓶子示意并提问:what colour is it?学生:It’s yellow.(它是黄色。)教师: Yes, you are right.(是的,你们真棒)Now look at me ,what colour is it ?(现在看我,它是什么颜色?)教师拿起红色的瓶子。and what colour is it ?(这个是什么颜色?)教师拿起蓝色的瓶子。而后将红色倒入蓝色瓶子,举起已经变色的蓝色瓶子: Now what colour is it? (现在,它是什么颜色的?)Do you know? You can make a group work and then tell me what colour is it.(你们知道吗?现在可以小组讨论一下,然后告诉老师,它是什么颜色的。)学生进行小组讨论。

教师:Which group can tell me? (哪个小组能告诉我呢?)



(大屏幕中出示图片)教师:Look at this picture. He is peter .she is liyan. She is kate . he is gaowei. What are they doing ? listen to the tape , and read after the tape.(看这个图片,他是皮特,她是李艳,她是凯特,他是高威,他们在做什么呢?请大家听录音,并且跟读。)

教师:Can you read it by yourselves? (你们能自己读一下课文吗?)学生自读课文。

教师:Ok,now please make a group work ,and answer the questions.学生小组讨论。

教师:Ok ,which group want to try? (哪一组想试读课文?)


教师:Which group want to play this class?(哪一组想要表演一下稳重的对话?)学生小组讨论后,分角色表演对话,其余同学做评价。

教师:Those students are very good., do you see a picture of the clown? It’s very funny, but it’s no colour, let’s colour it ok? (现在你们看到你面前的小丑了吗?他非常有趣,但是他却没有颜色,让我们一起来给他涂上颜色好吗?)学生:Ok.学生根据老师的口令,给小丑涂上颜色。

三、Ssumming up

师:What do you learn?

生:I learned puple and brown.

师:Ok,I hope you can remember these colours, and wish you have a happy time, goodbye.