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1.(2012年成都卷)Its interesting that there are many people speak French inCanada.

A. whichB. whereC. who

2.(2012年嘉兴卷)Most students like the teachers understand them well.

A. whoB. when

C. whatD. which

3.(2012年黔东南卷)―Do you know the girl is helping the old woman.

―Oh, thats my sister.

A. whomB. whose

C. whoD. where

4.(2012年东营卷)Steve Jobs is one of the persons founded Apple Computer Company. is death marked the end of an era(时代).

A. whoB. whom

C. whichD. /

.(2012年枣庄卷)Robert is just one young overseas Chinese has come to visit his ancestors homeland.

A. whoB. where

C. whenD. which

6.(2012年梅州卷)Mr. Smith is smoking is looking for she lost yesterday.

A. whom; whichB. who; what

C. that; whoD. which; where

以上单选题中,空格前分别是表示“人”的名词people, teachers, girl, persons, Chinese, Mr. Smith,因此这些题都是选择关系代词who。(答案:1. C2. A3. C4. A. A6. B)



1.(2012年河南卷)Success will belong to those never say “impossible”.

A. whomB. what

C. whoD. which

2.(2011年河源卷)I hate those dont help others when they are in trouble.

A. whoB. which

C. whatD. where




1.(2011年成都卷)he students in the higher grades I met in a football game are my good friends now.

A. whenB. whichC. who

2.(2011年十堰卷)Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school I met in the English speech contest last year.

A. whoB. where

C. whenD. which

第1题空格前是名词grades,但这个grades并非先行词,真正的先行词是students,介词短语in the higher grades是the students的定语,因此本题应选择关系代词who。句意是:我在足球赛中遇到的那些高年级学生,现在是我的好朋友。

第2题空格前是名词school,但这个school也并非先行词,真正的先行词是students,介词短语in my school是the students的定语,因此本题也应选择关系代词who。句意是:我与去年在英语竞赛中遇到的我校几个学生已经成了好朋友。




1.(2012年贵阳卷)―What do you think of the school uniforms?

―Very good. I like clothes make me feel comfortable.

A. thatB. whatC. who

2.(2012年南京卷)he EnglishChinese dictionary my father bought for me many years ago is still of great value.

A. whoseB. when

C. whoD. that

3.(2012年呼和浩特卷)he little boy was wrapping the present would be sent to his teacher.

A. whoB. /

C. whatD. that

4.(2012年滨州卷)―What are you looking for?

―Im looking for the ring my husband bought me last year.

A. thatB. who

C. whomD. it

.(2012年天津卷)Please pass me the cartoon book has a Mickey Mouse on the cover.

A. whomB. whose

C. whoD. which

6.(2012年衢州卷)―What are you looking for ?

―Im looking for the pen my father gave me last week.

A. whoB. which

C. whoseD. whom

以上单选题中,空格前分别是表示“物品”的名词clothes, dictionary, present, ring, book, pen,因此这些题都是选择关系代词which或that。(答案:1. A2. D3. D4. A. D6. B)



1.(2012年潍坊卷)Piano is a word was originally borrowed from Italian.

A. whereB. who

C. whichD. whose

2.(2012年广东卷)here will be a flower show in the park we visited last week.

A. whoB. when

C. whatD. which

3.(2012年湖州卷)―What kind of movies do you like?

―I like the movies are about Chinese history.

A. whoB. whom

C. whoseD. which

4.(2012年绵阳卷)I can never forget the stories my grandma told me.

A. whatB. who

C. themD. that

以上试题中的word, park, movies和stories虽然不是人们可使用的“物品”,但它们依然属于“物”的范畴,因此它们后面的定语从句也要用关系代词which或that来引导。(答案:1. C2. D3. D4. D)

(三)当先行词是something, anything, everything, nothing时,后面的定语从句常用关系代词that来引导。


(2012年玉林卷)―Now many people smoke and get ill.

―So we should do something can help stop smoking.

A. whatB. who

C. /D. that




(2012年咸宁卷)We all like the story about the teacher happened in our school last week.

A. whichB. who

C. whomD. what

本题中,空格前是表示“人”的teacher,而这个teacher并非先行词,真正的先行词是story,介词短语about the teacher是the story的定语,因此本题应选择关系代词which。句意是:我们都很喜欢听上周发生在我们校园里的关于那位老师的故事。




1.(2012年扬州卷)Zhang Lili is considered as the most beautiful teacher gave her love to her students in danger.

A. whoB. that

C. whomD. which

2.(2012年十堰卷)One of the most delicious drinks I like is orange juice.

A. whichB. that

C. whoseD. whom

3.(2011年扬州卷)One of the most interesting places in Yangzhou are often visited by foreigners is the west slender lake.

A. whatB. who

C. thatD. /

4.(2011年广东卷)he first thing my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.

A. whichB. that

C. whyD. who

.(2011年三亚卷)he first thing we should do is to tell him the news.

A. whoB. which

C. thatD. whom

第1题中,先行词teacher前有最高级the most beautiful,第2题中,先行词drinks前有最高级the most delicious,第3题中,先行词places前有最高级the most interesting,因此这三题都应选择关系代词that。





1.(2012年随州卷)―here are so many girls over there. Which one is your sister?

―he one hat is yellow.

A. whoB. whose

C. thatD. which

2.(2011年天津卷)John is the boy legs were badly hurt in the accident.

A. whoseB. that

C. whoD. which

4.(2011年铜仁卷)Li Mei is the student handwriting is the best in our class.

A. whoseB. whom

C. whoD. that

.(2011年呼和浩特卷)―Is there anyone here name is Betty?

―Sorry, I dont know.

A. whoB. which

C. whomD. whose

6.(2011年哈尔滨卷)“Get new knowledge by reviewing the old.” is a famous saying by Confucius (孔子). e was a great thinker words still have a great effect on millions of people around the world today.

A. whoB. whosC. whose

以上单选题中,先行词均是“人”,空格后作主语的hat, legs, handwriting, name和words等名词前均缺少一个表示“某人的”的定语,因此上述各题均应选择whose来引导定语从句。再看一例whose表示“某物的”的试题:

om lives in the room window faces south.

A. whoB. which

C. whomD. whose



(一)当先行词是表示“时间”的day, year, time等名词时,后面的定语从句常用关系副词when引导,此时when在从句本身起的是时间状语的作用。


1.(2011年菏泽卷)Ill never forget the day the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech.

A. thatB. which

C. whenD. where

2.(2011年岳阳卷)I cant forget the time the earthquake happened in Yushu.

A. whenB. whichC. where

第1题中的先行词是day,空格后句子the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech中缺少的是“时间状语”,因此应选when引导定语从句;第2题中的先行词是time,空格后句子the earthquake happened in Yushu中缺少的是“时间状语”,因此应选when引导定语从句。

(二)如果空格后的句子中缺少的不是时间状语,即使前面的先行词是day, year或time等名词,也不能选when引导定语从句。


(2012年黄石卷)I still remember the time we spent together at Xisai Mountain last year.

A. whenB. what

C. whoD. which



(一)当先行词是Beijing, place, park, museum等表示“地点”的名词时,后面的定语从句常用关系副词where引导,此时where在从句本身起的是地点状语的作用。


(2012年宜宾卷)his is the primary school I studied three years ago.

A. whereB. when

C. thatD. which

本题中的先行词是school,空格后的句子I studied three years ago中缺少的是“地点状语”,因此应选关系副词where引导定语从句。

(二)如果空格后的句子中缺少的不是地点状语,即使前面的先行词是Beijing, place, park或museum等名词,也不能选where引导定语从句。


(2012年广东卷)here will be a flower show in the park we visited last week.

A. whoB. when

C. whatD. which





1.(2012年达州卷)―Do you enjoy [WBX]My heart will go on?

―No, I prefer songs loud.

A. that isB. which is

C. that areD. what are

2. I, who your friend, ought to help you.

A. isB. am

C. areD. were

第1题中,先行词是复数名词songs,定语从句的谓语也要用复数形式,因此应选that are;第2题中,先行词是I,定语从句的谓语要与I保持一致,因此应选am。

二、定语从句中缺少的是主语时,不可选what, whom, when或where,因为what不是关系代词,不能引导定语从句;whom属宾格,不能用作主语;when和where是关系副词,也不能用作主语。


(2012年肇庆卷)People from different places come to visit Zhaoqing is famous for its beautiful mountains and lakes.

A. whatB. whichC. who


三、定语从句中缺少的是宾语时,也不可选what, when或where,因为what不是关系代词,不能引导定语从句,when和where是关系副词,不能用作宾语。


(2011年达州卷)―Where did you go last week?

―I went to Zhang Aipings hometown and visited the house he was born in.

A. thatB. there

C. whoD. which



1.Mr. Zhang, came to see me yesterday, is an old friend of mine.

A. whichB. that

C. whoD. whom

2. [CM(16*2]he EnglishChinese Dictionary, [CD#3]he lost yesterday, has been found.

A. thatB. whose

C. whichD. where

这两题都考查非限制性定语从句的表达法。第1题的先行词是Mr. Zhang,从句中缺少的是主语,因此应选who;第2题的先行词是EnglishChinese Dictionary,从句中缺少的是lost的宾语,因此应选which。


1. People who trouble in language can talk by using signs.

A. hasB. have

C. getsD. are

2. he rivers to the east are longer than the ones which run to the west.

A. runB. ran

C. which runD. that runs

3.I was the only person in my office by the general manager.

A. were invitedB. was invited

C. that invitedD. who was invited

4. Yang Liwei is a great astronaut is well known all over the world.

A. whose name

B. whos name

C. the name of who

D. his name[J2.1mm]

. July 28, 2012 was the day the whole world celebrated.

A. whenB. which

C. howD. whom

6. his was the city he once visited twenty years ago.

A. whereB. when

C. thereD. that

7. My uncle, now works in Shanghai, once worked in ong Kong.

A. whoB. that

C. heD. whom

8. e went towards the fire, was still smoking.

A. itB. that

C. whichD. where

9. er grandmother, she loved dearly, died two years ago.

A. thatB. whom

C. whichD. /

10. Now I live in a new house there is a big flower market.

A. thatB. what

C. whichD. where

11. ―he first book he wrote in the 1980s is about population.

―I know that. is second book in the 1990s is about pollution.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. whose

12. ―What do you think of the movie?

―It is the worst one I have ever watched!

A. asB. what

C. thatD. which

13. I have just heard from my friend lives in Australia.

A. whoB. whom

C. /D. which

14. e still wears the old overcoat has been worn for many years.

A. whoB. which

C. whomD. whose

1. om, is an Englishman, is studying in China.

A. whichB. that

C. heD. who

16. I still remember the day I first went to school.

A. in whichB. when

C. thenD. where

17. his is the place we had the picnic lunch last time.

A. whereB. when

C. whichD. what

18. hey are the flowers which bought by Wu Dong yesterday.

A. isB. are

C. wereD. was

19. She didnt tell us the reason she was late.

A. whichB. what

C. whyD. when

20. Mr. White lives in a large house, door faces south.

A. whosB. whose

C. whichD. its

21. om is the one some people often talk about behind his back.

A. whomB. whose

C. whichD. where

22. [CM(16]I still remember the sittingroom my mother and I used to sit in theevening.

A. whatB. which

C. thatD. where

23. Is this the shop sells childrens clothing?

A. whichB. where

C. in whichD. what

24. October 1, 1949 was the day the Peoples Republic of China was founded.

A. whichB. when

C. whereD. in which

2. he time we studied together is not easily forgotten.

A. whereB. that

C. whenD. which

26. he factory Mr. Li used to work was closed last week.

A. whichB. that

C. whereD. when

27. he boy has two lovely dogs.

A. who live next door

B. which lives next door

C. whom lives next door

D. that lives next door

28. hose made no mistakes in todays exercises please raise your hands.

A. whichB. whom

C. thatD. who

29. he girl handed everything she had picked up in the street to the police.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. whom

30. ave you visited the house the famous scientist was born?

A. thereB. where

C. thatD. which



11~1 ACABD16~20 BACCB

21~2 ADABC26~30 CDDAB