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General Theme: Urban/ Nature/ Silky Feeling

As we travel through life, the wisdom we gain from our experiences brings us to a sense of Life’s Truths. The wild beauty of Nature, the noise and rumble of the city, the playgrounds of our childhood, the toils of our workday―these things shape our lives and form the stepping stones to Truth. Though we may live in the city, our hearts still belong to Nature, and through Nature we learn and improve our quality of life. These things bring harmony and balance to our lives. Solid yet gentle, soft and ethereal, these are the qualities of silk as well as the qualities of our hopes and dreams.


Theme One: Nourished World



Theme One: Nourished World

Living in a small town is nothing more than a beautiful dream for many people who live in the fast-paced, developing cities. Those who live in the noisy metropolis and bear heavy burdens yearn to escape from the cities and cast off their burdens so that they may listen to their hearts and enjoy a sense of ease. This is no longer an impossible dream but a real and tangible thing. The fresh bluishgreen color adorned by bold orange dots reminds us of Nature’s greenness and coolness. The patterns of a tree’s shade combined with flying birds evoke the appeal of Nature. If we linger in this bucolic world, we can almost feel the drizzling rain that nourishes everything without making a sound.


Theme Two: Happiness



Theme Two: Happiness

Happiness is a combination of many elements. Happiness is a lifestyle. It is family love, friendship, affection, and all the positive elements that fall under the umbrella of happiness. Smiles and sweetness, kindness and courtesy, respect and humbleness―these things are more valuable than monetary wealth. If we live in harmony with our surroundings and our neighbors, we feel happiness. It is a lifelong endeavor, pursued by many. Happiness is like silk: smooth, glossy, colorful. It warms the heart and the soul.


Theme Three: Noisy World



Theme Three: Noisy World

Despite the noise and chaos of big cities, mankind has always liked living together. Communal living brings together a diversity of personalities and characteristics. Among these are the eccentrics, the artists, the radical thinkers. From their ranks come the innovative designers who play with new concepts in design and shape, bold colors and textures, imaginative mix-and-match. They apply their imagination to our daily wear, making fashion friendly and accessible to all.


Theme Four: Inner Peace


以“光”为 设计语言,揉合丝绸尊贵特质,精雕细琢的“慢设计”,回归金色奢华幻想,创新出奇的异样碰撞,种种点式纹理,多变的图案锦缎,全新的回潮逻辑,神秘的天然肌理,精致华美的科技光华,弥漫在艺术神韵、梦幻经典的趣味生活之中,回归自然的奢华,怀念民族特色的辽源情节,浑然天成的文化景致的凸显,以光色相辉,从历史的源流中传递丝绸历史的演进与时尚的融合,真正的奢侈是在喧嚣的尘世中养心而静心。

Theme Four: Inner Peace

Silk embodies the essence of inner peace. It is light and elegant, soothing to the touch, glowing with luxurious color. Silk is passion and drama, full of mystery and artistry, as exquisite as a classic dream. Its texture and diverse patterns and designs fill us with inspiration. Silk is exotic and rich in history. It is the ultimate luxury, just as peace is the ultimate luxury of the heart. Let us go back to Nature, and let us remember and honor the ancients who preserved the history and spirit of silk.