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文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-4764(2016)03-0129-09

Abstract:An urban canyon absorbs more sunlight than a flat, open surface due to multiple reflections in the canyon, increasing the urban heat island effect (UHI). One geo-engineering idea to mitigate the UHI to make the conventional pavements more reflective and to return more radiation to the sky. The urban canyon albedo (UCA) are modeled and the model with experimental observations are validated. We investigated whether increasing the pavement albedo can raise the UCA effectively based on evaluating the reflective diffuse radiation from the pavement to adjacent building walls. It is found that the ratio of building’s height to the road's width determines the UCA whereas other factors acts secondary roles. During summertime reflective pavements in an urban canyon reflect a sizable additional diffuse radiation to the adjacent walls. Reflective pavements are recommended for only an urban canyon with an aspect ratio no greater than 1.0.

Keywords:aspect ratio; reflective pavement; adjacent building; street canyon; albedo




1 建立模型

1.1 太阳位置

2 验证模型


为验证模型,将墙体和屋顶反射率和城市峡谷路面反射率叠加即为观测反射率。鉴于墙体和路面同为水泥混凝土材料,假定墙体与屋顶反射率ρh及路面反射率ρw为测量平坦混凝土地面的反射率 (如图3)。用线性内插法计算特定时间的平坦混凝土地面的反射率。图3对比不同季节的试验观测值与模拟值,试验观测值与模拟值的偏差较小,表明数值模型具有可靠性,而该偏差可能是因为试验观测地不确定的气象条件与人为因素造成的。

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