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摘要:研究了大果木莲(Manglietia grandis)种子冷藏期糖代谢蛋白质代谢变化。结果表明,未经冷藏处理的种子总蛋白含量最高,为1.270 mg/g,而可溶性蛋白含量在第42天时最高,为0.385 mg/g;在冷藏的第44天总蛋白含量与可溶性蛋白含量均最低,分别为0.092 mg/g和0.293 mg/g,且两者在0.01水平上显著相关,相关系数为0.893。总糖含量与可溶性糖含量在冷藏初期变化复杂,总糖含量在第41天时最高,为120.020 mg/g;可溶性糖含量在第44天时最高,为25.030 mg/g。在大果木莲种子冷藏初期,种子内蛋白质含量变化较糖含量变化显著,可溶性糖含量与总蛋白含量在0.05水平上显著相关,相关系数为-0.549。

关键词:大果木莲(Manglietia grandis);种子;冷藏;糖代谢;蛋白质代谢;生理后熟

中图分类号:Q949.747.1;Q945.6+6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)17-3809-03

The Changes of Sugar and Protein Metabolism in Early Stage of Cold Storage of Manglietia grandis Seed

WU Yu-lan,QIN Yan-ling,LI Zong-yan

(College of Landscape, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224,China)

Abstract:This study investigated the changes of sugar and potein metabolism of Manglietia grandis seeds in cold storage. The results showed that the total protein content of seeds without cold storege was the highest, about 1.270 mg/g, and the changing of the soluble protein reached the highest peak with 0.385 mg/g in the 42 nd day; while, in the 44 nd day, total protein and soluble protein contents were down to a minimum, were 0.092 mg/g and 0.293 mg/g respectively, and these two had significant correlation at the 0.01 level, correlation coefficient was 0.893. The contents of total sugar and soluble sugar had complex changes, the total sugar content reached the highest in the 41 nd day with 120.020 mg/g, and the soluble sugar content reached the highest in the 44 nd day with 25.030 mg/g. In the early cold storage of M. grandis seeds, the protein and sugar contents had significant changes, and the soluble sugar content was significantly correlated to the total protein content at the 0.05 level with correlation coefficient was -0.549.

Key words:Manglietia grandis; seed; refrigeration; sugar metabolism; protein metabolism; physiological dormancy

大果木莲(Manglietia grandis)是木兰科(Magnoliaceae)木莲属(Manglietia)常绿大乔木,仅零星分布于我国云南东南部及广西西南部,其种群数量日趋减少,濒临灭绝,已被列为国家二级重点保护野生植物和国家三级濒危保护物种,是非常珍贵的园林树种[1]。由于人类的大量砍伐,加上其种子发芽难、自然更新能力较弱,导致大果木莲的种质资源日趋濒危[2]。

付玉嫔等[3]的研究表明,大果木莲的结实率较低。大果木莲结实率的高低除与花粉活力较低有关外,可能与其专性异交的繁育系统有关。大果木莲在野外星散分布,单株之间距离较远,开花植株也较少;虽然单花花粉较多,但异株异花授粉较为困难,受花粉传递限制和资源限制比较明显。其自身具有较高的遗传多样性,而遗传基础并不是其致濒的主要原因。大果木莲种子具有生理后熟特性。后熟生理是休眠与萌发生理研究的重要部分,开展种子后熟生理的研究对于丰富和完善种子生理研究的内容具有重要的理论价值[4]。目前,关于大果木莲种子受精、萌发及其生理生化过程的研究较多[5-7]。潘睿等[1]对大果木莲种子萌况进行了初步的研究,结果表明:冷层积120 d的种胚生长不显著,大果木莲种子具有条件休眠特性,属于浅度简单型形态生理休眠;而冷层积60 d的种子萌发率最高,而后又下降,提示其可能有休眠循环现象。关于大果木莲种子贮藏生理的研究目前还不多见,本研究对大果木莲种子冷藏初期糖代谢和蛋白质代谢进行初步探究,以期为大果木莲种子的有效保存与可持续利用提供基础资料。