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[关键词]生态农业; 中药材; 种植; 化学农业; 可持续

Ecological agriculture: future of agriculture for Chinese material medica

GUO Lanping1, WANG Tielin1, YANG Wanzhen1, ZHOU Liangyun1,2, CHEN Naifu3, HAN Bangxing3, HUANG Luqi1*

(1State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Daodi Herbs, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,

China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;

2 Infinitus China, Guangzhou 529100, China;

3School of Biological and Pharmaceutical Enginecring, West Anhui Vniversity, Lu′an 237012, China)

[Abstract]The ecological agriculture of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is generally acknowledged as the most advanced agricultural mode. However, it′s still a doubt whether ecological agriculture could be widely applied in TCM agriculture. In this study, we first analyze both the differences and relationships between ecological and organic agriculture, which suggesting that ecological agriculture does not need all the inputs as traditional agriculture. After introducing the situation of ecological agriculture from all across the world, we analyze the differences and characteristics between ecological and chemical agricultures. Considered with the big challenge caused by chemical agriculture, we pointed out that ecological agriculture could definitely replace chemical agriculture. Last but not the least, combined with the situation and problems of Chinese agriculture, we analyze the distinctive advantages of TCM ecological agriculture from 3 aspects as its unique quality characteristics, its unique habitat requirements in production and its unique application and market characteristics, respectively. In conclusion, ecological agriculture is the straight way of TCM agriculture.

[Key words]ecological agriculture(ecoagriculture); Chinese materia medica; cultivation; chemical agriculture; sustainable

一百多年恚农业的迅速增长是建立在机械化、化学投入(化肥、杀虫剂、除草剂等)及灌溉上,其特征是高度依赖不可再生的矿物燃料,对化学投入品高度敏感。为提高产量,大量施用化肥、农药是农业耕作的重要途径[1]。我国耕地不到美国的一半,但目前所用化肥、农药、激素的单位数量已经达到了美国的数倍,成为世界上施用化肥数量最大的国家,拥有世界上最典型的化学农业,也称工业农业[23]。2013年,我国农业生产化肥施用量为5 9119万t,比2000年增长423%,比2010年增长63%。在工业农业系统中,生产与过去同样多的食物,用水几乎是传统农业的10倍[1]。目前,我国75%的土壤已经失去了肥力,并且正在向沙漠化发展。我国农业生产与食品供应遭遇了生态危机、生物多样性危机和水资源危机的三重危机[45]。