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“让人烦累得” wear out

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wear out是动词加副词的形式,其基本意思有以下几个:

1. 用坏,穿破

例如:Woolen coats look elegant, but they wear out easily. 羊毛外套看上去很雅致,但很不耐穿。

2. (使)筋疲力尽,耗尽

例如:She keeps wearing herself out for other people. 她总是为他人累得精疲力竭。

The farmers were worn out after a long day spent working in the fields. 在地里干了一整天之后,可把农民们累坏了。

3. 逐渐消耗,逐渐破坏

例如:After about an hour, my patience began to wear out. 大约一小时后,我便忍耐不住了。

4. 时间慢慢地过去

例如:I hate to think of him wearing out his youth in prison. 想到他要在监狱苦度青春,我心里难受。

5. (折痕)穿着后消失

例如:There are a few creases in the jacket, where it has been folded up in a suitcase, but they will wear out. 上衣有些皱痕,那是因为叠在手提箱内的缘故,穿一穿就会消失的。

6. (非正式)尽快穿坏(某件衣服)以便换新的

例如:I’m just wearing this old coat out so that I can have a new one sooner. 我穿这件外套只不过是想尽快地穿坏它,好买件新的。

7. (非正式)痛打(某人)

例如:If you don’t obey, I’ll wear this whip out on you. 你不听话,我就用这鞭子狠抽你一顿。

8. 过时,变得陈腐

例如:Some writers now often use phrases that were worn out half century ago. 现在有些作家还经常使用半个世纪前就过时的短语。

9. 不再受欢迎

例如:Why doesn’t the star learn that she has already worn out her welcome? 那明星为什么就不明白她已不再受欢迎了?


wear away 1. 磨损,磨掉,侵蚀;2. 消逝;衰退

wear down 1. 磨损,消耗;2. (使)衰弱;(使)消耗;3. 由于坚持而克服;4. 驳倒

wear off 1. 磨掉,磨损;2. 逐渐减弱,逐渐消失

wear on 1. 时间慢慢地过去,拖拖拉拉地进行;2. 继续;3. 使恼火,使紧张,使疲倦

wear through 将(衣服)穿破;磨出洞

wear up (非正式)尽量穿

【词语辩义】 wear, be in 这两者的共同意思是“穿戴”。其区别是:wear后可直接接宾语,而be in的宾语前须有修饰语。

例如:Mary was in her red dress. 玛丽穿着红衣服。