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Whose ChildIsIt Anywa? 我家孩子,你管得着吗?

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There are many things a person may not get used to when he or she first arrives in the US from China. But, the one thing that people really don't get used to is how to deal with your children according to rules in this country. We often hear funny and sometimes not so funny as horrible stones about parents from China getting into trouble because they "mistreated" their children. Mother Imprisoned for“Abducting”Child



The other day l read a story online, which was about a woman taking her little boy to visit her parents in China. She and her Amencan husband were separated, and as usual the husband had visitation rights to their child, meaning even the child was living with the mother, the father, by a decision of the court, was able to schedule times to be with the boy. The wife, however, did not bother to tell her estranged hus-band about the trip until on her way to the airport. Of course the husband would not take it lightly being told something like this only in the last minute. The husband suggested that the child be left behind for him to take care of until the wife comes back from her tnp abroad. The wife didn't budge.


Soon, the mother and the son happily boarded the Unit-ed 747 and on their way to their long-awaited vacation. But, about an hour into the flight, the plane made a 180 degree tum and in another hour landed in the same airport it took off from. Police and FBI agents swarmed the plane, taking the wife into custody. The charge? She was attempting to abduct a child to a foreign country. The boy was removed from the plane and put under the care of the father, and the mother was sent to jail, awaiting trial. I am sure our readers would argue: "What's the big fuss? It is her child and she was taking the boy to see his grandparents."

IS Taking Away Your Child a Crime?



Each year, about 800,000 children are reported missing in the US. Children are abducted for slavery, forced labor, or-gan trading, illegal adoption, among many other criminal pur-poses. But, the most likely reason for a missing child is paren-tal abduction, which tends to happen when the parents are in the process of getting a separation or divorce. In many states, if there is no formal custody order from a court, taking away a child by one parent is not a crime. But, most states view taking a child without proper permission across the state line as interstate child kidnapping, which is a senous state crime and goes with a long prison term if convicted. And the federal government views taking a child from the United States or keeping a child outside the United States with the intent to obstruct a parent's custodial rights as a federal crime, which is punishable for up to three years in a federal penitentiary. By taking her boy away to China without agreement from her husband, the wife in our story just happened to have commit-ted a federal offense against the Intemational Parental Kid-napping Crime Act. And she may not be able to see her boy for some time.

Legislation About Protecting Children



The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was passed in 1974 and has since set up guidelines for protecting children's welfare in the US. Each state has its own particular child welfare laws and each county or town has its own child protective services. Laws now require doctors, nurses, social workers and any other persons to report to the authority if they are suspicious of child abuse, neglect, mal-treatment, and trafficking. Anything that looks abnormal, such a bruise,a cut, or any types of injury, may trigger a report to the child-protection alert system, and an investigation will follow. Based on the results of the investigation, the child wel-fare authority may remove a child from the parents and put him or her in foster care.

Children are a big fuss in America. Once you bring your children to this land, they are under strict protection of the le-gal and child welfare systems. When parents are thought as not taking good care of their children, society will step in and do it for them.