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x修教材是对必修教材的提升和拓展。执教英文诗歌赏析选修课,一方面应根据学生的实际情况在教学深度和广度上适度拓展,另一方面还应最大限度地引导学生自主、深入地探究学习,不断提高诗歌鉴赏水平,同时提高人文修养。下面笔者以人教版选修六诗歌单元的 Using Language为例,就在英文诗歌赏析选修课中如何培养学生核心素养进行简单说明。


2016年10月13日,美国摇滚、民谣艺术家Bob Dylan获得2016年诺贝尔文学奖,在世界范围内引发热议。鉴于高二学生对流行歌曲很感兴趣,对这个热门话题也有一定的了解,以此作为话题导入新课,学生势必有话要说、爱说、能说。



师:Do you know this American?

生:Yes!He is Bob Dylan.(大多数学生肯定地回答)

师:What do you know about him?What did he win in 2016?

生:Nobel Prize in literature.

师:That’s right!But as we know,he is a singer.Why did he win Nobel Prize in literature?

生1:Because he is also a poet.

生2:Because his songs are also like poems.

师:Perfect!Because he has “created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”.

笔者用Bob Dylan两张不同年龄的照片引入,激发学生对这位时下热门人物的讨论兴趣;再用师生对句预热氛围,用一个一个的问题引导着学生思考的方向,并以诺贝尔文学奖的颁奖词对他的嘉许“他在伟大的美式歌谣的传统下创造了全新的诗意表达”作结,让学生明白了诗与歌二位一体,相互影响、难以分割。



承接导入环节的话题,笔者先让学生听了一首Bob Dylon的歌If not for you,然后用这首歌的歌词作为教学素材,引导学生在阅读中体会这位诺贝尔文学奖得主在这首英文诗歌写作中所运用的写作技巧。


师:Would you like to enjoy Bob Dylan’s song?

生:Of course!

师:(播放Bob Dylan的歌If not for you)Do you enjoy the song?


师:Actually,many people don’t like this song. Maybe it’s the reason why Bob Dylon is thought to be more of a poet than a singer. Now it’s our turn to find out the poetic devices in the song. Read the first part of the song together please.(师随即课件呈现这首歌的歌词,生大声朗读)

If not for you的歌词:

If not for you,babe I couldn’t find the door,couldn’t even see the floor.

I’d be sad and blue,If not for you.

If not for you,babe I’d lay awake all night.

Wait for the morning light to shine in through.

But it would not be new,if not for you.

If not for you,my sky would fall. Rain would gather too.

Without your love,I’d be nowhere at all.

I’d be lost,if not for you.

And you know it’s true.

师:When you read a poem or sing a song,sometimes your voices are louder,and sometimes your voices are lower. What is it called?


师:Yes. Rhythm!Rhythm is the beat that runs through the line,which is the most important factor in poetic devices. Are you clear?


师:Look at the screen again,please!Read the following words with me.(师生齐读)door、floor、fall、all、night、light、blue、through、too、you、true. My question is,What do these words have in common?


师:Great!These are rhyming words. You can take notes on your handout.

Bob Dylan获诺贝尔文学奖原本就有很大争议,对中国听众来说,受跨文化因素影响,对其认同度更是仁者见仁智者见智。对笔者所播放的这首歌,学生不出意外地出现了意见分歧,有些认为好听,有些认为不好听,但歌曲中的旋律与歌词既相互影响又各自独立,从歌词的语言角度讲,它确实不愧为一首好诗,比如语言的节奏、押韵、反复等,均可以成为笔者展开诗歌教学的好素材。此外,这首歌词中多处使用了虚拟语气,而这个单元的语法就是关于if从句的虚拟语气用法,用它作为素材,便于学生在诗歌鉴赏中进行知识的迁移运用。


诗歌鉴赏的目标,须在朗读品悟的过程中逐渐达成。教师用配乐诗朗诵的方式播放教材中呈现的另外一位美国作家Rod McKuen所写的一首诗I’ve Saved The Summer(见下文,文中加粗处为朗读重音提醒),引导学生从中感受诗歌的节奏变化,进而通过自己多样化的朗读,揣摩、体会并表现英文诗歌的节奏美。


I’ve saved the summer

And I give it all to you

To hold on winter mornings

When the snow is new.

I’ve saved some sunlight

If you should ever need

A place away from darkness

Where your mind can feed.

And for myself I’ve kept your smile

When you were but nineteen

Till you’re older you’ll not know

What brave young smiles can mean.

I know no answers

To help you on your way

The answers lie somewhere

At the bottom of the day.

But if you’ve a need for love

I’ll give you all I own

It might help you down the road

Till you’ve found your own.



为了让学生深入、细致地把握诗歌的写作技法,笔者设置了四个问题(1.Can you find some rhyming words?Is there repetition?Is the line length fixed?2.Do the two rhyming words“own” in the last part have the same meaning?3.What’s the theme of the poem?4.Who is the speaker?Who is he/she speaking to?),安排学生分组探讨该诗的创作技法,以此扎实提高学生的英文诗歌鉴赏水平。


师:Time is up!Let’s check your answers. First,Can you find some rhyming words?


师:Well done!Is there repetition?(引导学生寻找“反复”的技法)


师:Is the line length fixed?


师:Okay!Now let’s see whether the two rhyming words“own” in the last part have the same meaning.(品析重点词句)

生:No. The first“own”means“have”,but the second“own”means“自己的”.

师:Good!So in some poems the poet sometimes will play with words. They are the same word but they each have a different meaning. Now comes the third question,What’s the theme of the poem?(引а生领会诗歌的主旨要义)


师:How do you get your answer?(引导学生寻找支撑答案的关键信息)

生:From the sentence“But if you’ve a need for love,I’ll give you all I own”.

师:So Who is the speaker?Who is he/she speaking to?(引导学生尝试理解诗歌中没有出现的表达爱意的主体)

生:Maybe the poet is a mother or a father.


生:There is a sentence“When you were but nineteen”.

师:You did a very good job. The poet is written by a parent who is speaking to a young adult. A mother or a father is expressing her/his unconditional love to her/his son/daughter.(肯定学生的“发现”和论证,揭示内涵)



Poem 1:Hours fly,/Flowers die:/New days,/New

ways./Pass by!Love stays.

Poem 2:Without you I’d be a soul without a purpose./ Without you I’d be an emotion without a heart./Without you by my side,I’m just a flame without heat.





师:Now you can see that love is an eternal theme.Love is everywhere in our daily life. Don’t you think so?


师:So think about it,Who or what do you love?(引导学生从自己的实际情境出发,去创作自己的“爱”的主题诗)

生1:I love my parents because they give me so much love.

生2:I love basketball because it brings me happiness.

生3:I love computer games because I feel relaxed when I play games.

师:We love nature,animals and plants. We love our friends. And there is love between family members and also lovers. Do you agree with me?So in your opinion,What is love?(教师用几个例说来拓宽学生的思维,给出多个思维向度,将“爱”的主题引向更广阔的思维空间,然后让学生用自己的观点去表达“什么是爱”)

生1:I think love is everything.

生2:I think love is care.

生3:Love is a beautiful song.

生4:Love is the time I spend with my parents.

师:Wow!Your answers are so poetic. Since all of you have love in heart,then how do you express your love ?(肯定学生的“诗意”表达,引导学生关注“心”中的真爱,学会用心去表达自己的爱)

生1:Maybe I will give the person a hug.(用拥抱表达爱)

生2:I will write a poem for him or her.(用写诗表达爱)

师:Do you agree with her?Will you write some simple poems in English?Challenge yourself!(抓住后一名学生的回答,进入任务状态,指引学生挑战自我,写一首简单的英文诗)

在笔者的激励下,学生的情绪被点燃,个个跃跃欲试,愿意去迎接挑战。此时此刻,笔者没有立即放手给学生尝试,而是先给出了一首关于爱的中文诗:“爱是什么?/爱是财富 爱是健康; /爱是生活 爱是给予; /爱是关怀 爱是分享; /爱究竟是什么?/爱就是一切!”然后带领学生一起翻译并朗读它的英译版:“What is love?/Love is wealth,Love is health;/ Love is living, Love is giving; / Love is caring,Love is sharing; / What is love at all?/ Love is all.”

诗歌创作是需要灵感的,而灵感的火花是建立在已有知识和经验基础之上的。有了以上教学环节的铺垫,加上“爱”又是学生最熟悉的情感,学生针对笔者三个问题“Who or what do you love?”“What is love?”“How do you express your love?”的回答本身就已经很有创意、诗意,这一切都为学生接下来创作以爱为主题的诗歌做好了情感和技巧铺垫。





1.The poem can but doesn’t have to rhyme;

2.The poem has 3-5 lines;

3.It can be a list poem starting with“Love is...” or“I love...”; It also can be a cinquain.(五行)


师:Time is up!Who’d like to read aloud your poem?

生1:(一女生快速举手应答)Love is you and you are my world./ Love is the world and the world brings ha-ppiness./Love is just you and me,/ With you I am happy.

师:Fantastic!You are so creative. Who else want to try?(盛赞该生的诗充满创意,然后寻找下一个愿意展示的学生)

生2:(坐在角落处的男生站起来朗读自己的作品)Love is sunshine when you smile,/Love is moonshine when there is a star,/Love is tonight when we stay in a room,singing and playing,/Oh,we fall in love!

师:Oh,I love you too!Your poem is awesome and there are some rhyming words too.(从写作技法上表扬学生的诗“极好”并且有些诗意的词汇在里面)

生3:Love/ Warm,Nice/ Caring,helping,sharing/ Day and night/ Everywhere.

师:Simple but meaningful!The cinquain expresses the characteristics of love.(肯定学生的五行诗形式独特且内容意味深长)



(责编 白聪敏)