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转眼间春天又踏着温暖的阳光而来,一时间春风吹绿梢,身旁莺歌燕舞、百鸟争鸣。画眉“呖呖”、斑鸠“咕咕”、燕子呢喃、云雀高唱入云……宛如一支鸟类交响乐。“蜂蜜”们对鸟儿的歌声早已熟悉,那么大家有兴趣听听鸟儿喝醉后的歌声吗?Let’s go~

Arun Rath (Host): A new study looked at how alcohol affects communication―bird communication. Christopher Olson and his colleagues at Oregon Health and Science University got a bunch of 1)zebra finches drunk and singing in the name of science. I asked him what they were expecting to happen, and why give alcohol to birds in the first place?

Christopher Olson: Well, we wanted to study how alcohol affects the production of bird song, because we use the zebra finch as a model to study human 2)vocal learning in the first place. And that’s the process that allows humans to learn how to communicate with language. And that’s a fairly unique 3)trait that we have. So we, as humans―we learn to speak by hearing other people talk, and birds have a very similar process. And we all know that alcohol affects human speech, so...


Rath: Now, how did you get the birds drunk?

Olson: Well, we just showed up in the morning and mixed a little bit of juice with six percent alcohol and put it in their water bottles and put it in the cages. And, you know, at first, we were thinking that they wouldn’t drink on their own because, you know, a lot of animals just will not touch the stuff. But they seem to tolerate it pretty well, and be somewhat willing to 4)consume it.

Rath: And how 5)tipsy―how 6)intoxicated did the birds get? How do you (laughter)―how do you measure that? Olson: Well, we can take a small blood sample, and we have yet to invent the bird 7)breathalyzer, but...(Laughter)...which would be easy. But we can take a blood, a small blood sample, and what we see is blood 8)ethanol 9)concentrations in the range of 0.05 to 0.08 percent. And so, you know, 0.08 is the legal limit to drive, just to give you a 10)baseline. They’re just underneath that.

Rath: And so, well, let’s get to the effects of alcohol on the birdsong. So the first we’re going to hear―this is the normal zebra finch song. (Soundbite of zebra finch song) And this is the drunk song. (Soundbite of zebra finch song) Now, Chris, I know that birds can hear a lot more detail in sound than we do, which is good because I can’t really tell a difference between these two.

Olson: Yeah. It’s probably hard. So you can’t really judge it on big structural differences in the song. But if you take smaller 11)syllables out and slow them down, you start to hear the difference.

Rath: So let’s bring this down to a level that humans can 12)perceive. So first we’ll have the slowed-down normal zebra finch song.(Soundbite of zebra finch song) And then this is the slowed-down drunken song. (Soundbite of zebra finch song) It sounds a little bit 13)sloppier.

Olson: A little sloppier. Well, the main effects that we see are it’s a little bit quieter. And then, also, the ones that had been consuming alcohol are a bit less organized in their sound production.

Rath: Christopher Olson, very interesting stuff. Thank you.

Olson: Sure. Thank you for having me on.

(Soundbite of song, “Rockin’ Robin”)













