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摘要:目前市场上生产的蛹虫草产品没有统一的质量标准,影响市场对蛹虫草产品的消费,研究结果表明,蛹虫草菌种Hz1孢子复壮的菌株培养的子实体干重高于菌种B1、Bz1、H1孢子复壮的菌株培养的子实体干重,其液体培养基最优组合为葡萄糖20 g/L、蛋白胨8 g/L、KH2PO4 1.0 g/L、MgSO4 500 mg/L。生产富硒蛹虫草培养基的最优主料为富硒大米45 g、培养液55 mL,在培养温度为22 ℃、空气相对湿度70%时蛹虫草子实体生长最好。综合而言,子实体培养最优条件为日间温度22 ℃、夜间温度15 ℃、空气相对湿度70%、光照度200 lx,并结合先用日光灯照射、待子实体长至1~2 cm时使用蓝紫灯照射处理的产量最高。检测结果显示,蛹虫草子实体的有效成分含量分别为硒52.03 mg/kg、蛋白质27.74%、腺苷0.05%、多糖2.50%、虫草素2.61%、氨基酸26.92%,尤其是所含的虫草素具有工业提取价值。


中图分类号:S567.3+5;Q93-3;Q939.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)18-4069-07

Integrated Production Technology for Improving the Quality and Yield of

Cordyceps militaris

YANG Qang,LIU Jin-long,ZHENG Xiao-jiang,CHEN Yao

(School of Biological Science and Technology/Hubei Key Laboratory of Biological Resource Conservation and Utilization, Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi 445000, Hubei, China)

Abstract: There has not been any uniform quality standards for production of Cordyceps militaris(L.Fr) Link in market, which affect the consummation of goods. The study results showed that fruit body dry weight of Hz1 spore rejuvenation strain was higher than that of B1, Bz1, H1 spore rejuvenation strains. The optimal liquid medium contained glucose 20 g/L, peptone 8 g/L, KH2PO4 1.0 g/L, MgSO4 500 mg/L. The best main substrate in medium for production of selenium enriched C. militaris was selenium enriched corn 45 g + medium 55 mL. The fastest mycelium growth rate could be obtained under 22 ℃, and 70% humidity. Optimal conditions for fruiting body cultivation to get the highest yield was 22 ℃ at daytime and 15 ℃ at night, humidity 70%, illuminance 200 lx combined with fluorescent light firstly and then blue-violet rays when length of fruiting body was 1~2 cm. The content of selenium, protein, adenosine, polysaccharide, cordycepin and amino acids in fruiting body was 52.03 mg/kg, 27.74%, 0.05%, 2.50%, 2.61% and 26.92%, respectively, among which extraction of cordycepin was with industrial value.

Key words: Cordyceps militaris (L.Fr) Link; quality; yield; technical parameters; optimization; production technology

蛹虫草[Cordyceps militaris (L.Fr) Link]又称为北冬虫夏草,属真菌界的子囊菌门(Ascomycota)肉座菌目(Hypocreales)麦角菌科(Clavicipitaceae)虫草属[Cordyceps(Fr.)Link] 真菌,与冬虫夏草[C. sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.]为同属异种真菌[1],是虫草属的模式种;在我国的吉林、四川、河北、湖南、湖北、山西等省均有生长,美国、加拿大、意大利、日本、德国、俄罗斯等国也有分布,但在自然界的分布与产量远比冬虫夏草稀少。蛹虫草药性作用温和,长期以来就是既可药用又可食用的高级滋补品,并且一年四季皆可服用,对老、少、病、弱、虚者皆宜,无任何副作用[2],市场潜力巨大。但由于野生蛹虫草数量极少,不能满足市场的需求,即使价格昂贵也供不应求,所以人们采用科学方法对其进行了人工培植[3-6],也取得了成功。但人工培养的蛹虫草尤其是富硒蛹虫草,其药用成分的含量高低不一,这对蛹虫草的药性发挥、滋补功效稳定性、市场信誉产生了不良影响,反映出生产企业不仅没有形成蛹虫草人工生产质量化标准,而且无统一规范化的生产工艺流程[7-10]。针对蛹虫草生产工艺流程中影响产品质量和产量的主要问题,我们开展了系统研究,初步建立了蛹虫草高产优质工业化生产技术流程,现将结果报告如下。