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[摘要] 目的 探讨短暂性脑缺血作对后^脑梗死神经保护的临床分析。 方法 随机选取该院2014年2月―2016年1月收治的60例脑梗死患者,依据其梗死前有无短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)的情况将其分组为A组30例(梗死前无TIA)、B组30例(梗死前有TIA),并分别于2组脑梗死患者的预后情况及B组脑梗死间隔时间、TIA持续时间、脑梗死发病频次等情况进行评价。 结果 A组脑梗死患者的I级预后率为66.67%,II级预后率为36.67%,与B组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);且B组脑梗死患者的TIA持续≤10 min、梗死间隔时间

[关键词] 后继脑梗死;神经保护;短暂性脑缺血

[中图分类号] R743 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)05(c)-0070-03

[Abstract] Objective To study the clinical analysis of effect of Transient ischemic attack on the nerve protection of subsequent cerebral infarction. Methods 60 cases of patients with cerebral infarction admitted and treated in our hospital from February 2014 to January 2016 were randomly selected and divided into two groups with 30 cases in each according to the TIA situation, the group A was without TIA before cerebral infarction and the group b was with TIA before cerebral infarction, and the prognosis of the two groups was evaluated and the cerebral infarction interval, TIA duration and incidence frequency of cerebral infarction in the group B were evaluated. Results The prognosis rate of I level and II level in the group A was respectively 66.67% and 36.67%, and the differences between the two groups was not statistically significant(P>0.05), and the differences in the TIA duration ≤10 min, cerebral infarction interval < 7 d and attack frequency between 2 and 3 between the two groups were statistically significant(P

[Key words] Subsequent cerebral infarction; Nerve protection; Transient ischemic attack


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料
