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1. 你们的教室比我们的教室明亮。Your classroom is brighter than ours.

2. 冬天,长春的天气比广州的天气冷。In winter, the weather of Changchun is colder than that of Guangzhou.


比较级前一般可用much, a little, a lot, still, a bit, far, even等修饰词来说明程度,但不能用very, quite, too, so等修饰。例如:

1. I think the mooncakes with nuts in them are much more delicious than the ones with meat in them. 我认为果仁馅月饼比肉馅月饼好吃得多。

2. Lily’s mooncake is a little smaller than Li Lei’s. 莉莉的月饼比李磊的月饼小一点。



1. 在含比较级的句子中有of the two这类意义的词组时。如:

Lucy is the taller of the two. 露西是两个人中较高的那一个。

He is the thinner of the two boys. 他是那两个男孩中较瘦的一个。

2. “the + 比较级,the + 比较级”为一常见结构,表示“越……,就越……”之意。如:

The harder you study, the more you will learn. 你越努力,就学得越多。

The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他越忙就越高兴。



The moon is our nearest neighbor in space. 月球是太空中离我们最近的邻居。

Jim is Mr Green’s youngest son. 吉姆是格林先生最小的儿子。



Who is the strongest in your family? 你们家谁最强壮?

Ann is the oldest of all the girls in her class. 安是她班上所有女孩中最大的。


( )1. Emailing is ______ than posting a letter.

A. very fast B. much faster C. the fastest D. very faster

( )2. The population of China is ______ than ______ any other country in the world.

A. more; that of B. more; / C. larger; that of D. larger; /

( )3. In our city, it’s ______ in July, but it is even ______ in August.

A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter

( )4. Miss Cheng is one of ______ in their school.

A. the most popular teachers B. more popular teachers

C. the most popular teacher D. more popular teacher

( )5. ―How ______ the film is!

―So it is. Many of us are ______ to tears.

A. moving; moved B. moving; moving

C. moved; moving D. moved; moved

( )6. ______ it snows, ______ the children feel.

A. More heavily; happier B. The more heavily; the happier

C. More heavily; the happier D. The more heavily; happier

( )7. Bob is ______ at playing computer games of the two boys.

A. the better B. the good C. better D. the best

( )8. ―Doctor, I’m getting ______.

―Well, you’d better eat ______ food.

A. fat and fatter; more B. fatter and fatter; fewer

C. fatter and fat; less D. fatter and fatter; less