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If someone dies, think about the good, not the bad. The bad will make you feel worse. 如果有人死了,多想他的好处而不是坏处。想坏处只能让你越发难过。

Don't judge people by their looks. Somebody could be the ugliest person in the world and still be nice. 不要以貌取人。有的人的长相很丑,人却很好。

-- Ashlee Gray, age 9 艾希礼・格雷(9岁)

Check if there is a toilet paper before you sit down. 在坐下去前先检查有没有厕纸。

Don't make a bad impression on your neighbors when you first move in。刚搬到一个地方不要给邻居留下坏印象。

Laugh at your parents' jokes. 父母说笑话时要笑。

-- Natalie Citro, age 12 娜塔丽・西卓(12岁)

Don't tell a teacher your dog ate your homework, especially if you don't have a dog。不要告诉老师你的作业被狗吃了,尤其是在你没有养狗的情况下。

-- Raelyn Ritchie, age 12 雷林・里奇(12岁)

When my parents are talking, not to interrupt but to wait until later, unless someone is bleeding or something.父母讲话时不要插嘴,除非发生了流血事件或者其他什么事。

-- Alle Vitrano, age 8 阿里・维多诺(8岁)

If nothing is in the refrigerator, don't eat dog food. 哪怕冰箱是空的也别吃狗粮。

Never cheat because it's not worth it. 永远不要骗人,这么做不值得。

-- Samantha Jean Fritz, age 9 萨曼莎・珍・弗里茨(9岁)

Pain is not good. 痛苦不是好事。

Girls are more important than you think. 女孩比你想象中来得更重要。

-- Philip Maupin, age 13 菲利普・毛平(13岁)

Keep your room dirty, so your mom will be afraid to come in, and then she won't take your stuff. 保持房间邋遢,这样妈妈就不敢进来,她就拿不走你的东西了。

-- Geoff Rill, age 12 乔治・里尔(12岁)

If you think something will taste bad, it will. If you think something will taste good, it might. 若你认为有些东西会难吃,它就一定难吃。若你认为有些东西好吃,可能它就会好吃。

-- Maria Mc Lane, age 9 玛丽亚・麦克雷(9岁)