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语言现象是纷繁复杂的,在表达上,哪怕是一点儿细微的差别,实际含义都会大不相同。例如英语中就有许多较为固定的词组在形式上既可以带上又可以省去形容词性的物主代词(如:take place与take one’s place),它们在意义上却大相径庭,差别迥异。如果不弄清楚它们之间的区别,对我们理解和翻译都会带来困扰。笔者就平时常用的一些词组列举几例,同学们应在平时学习时多加注意。

1. make way 与make one’s way


make way 让路

make one’s way 前进,走


All traffic has to make way for the police engine. (所有的行人车辆都应给警车让路。)

The girl made her way to school then. (那个女孩当时正在上学路上。)

2. take place与take one’s place


take place 发生

take one’s place 就座


The May 4th Movement took place in 1919. (“”发生在1919年。)

The meeting will begin in a minute. Take your place please. (会议马上开始,请就座。)

3. lose heart与lose one’s heart


lose heart 灰心丧气

lose one’s heart 爱上


He got a “C” in the middle term. Mother said to him, “Don’t lose heart”. (期中考试中他得了一个C,妈妈对他说:“不要灰心丧气”。)

A wolf lost its heart to a goat. Do you believe it? (狼爱上了羊,你信吗?)

4. at best与at one’s best


at best 充其量,至多

at one’s best 处于最佳状态,全胜时期


He can’t arrive here before two at best. (他最早也要在两点钟才能到这儿。)

Most athletes are at their best during their early manhood. (大多数运动员都是在成年初期达到顶峰状态。)

5. for good与for one’s good


for good 永远地

for one’s good 为了某人的好处


He hoped the road wouldn’t be crowded for good. (他希望那条路永远不拥挤。)

Others’ criticisms are all for your good. (别人的批评都是为你好。)

6. for life与for one’s life


for life 终生

for one’s life 拼命地,无论如何也


He is willing to settle down in Tibet for life. (他愿意去安家一辈子。)

“Run!” said he, “Run for your life!” He needn’t have repeated it; once was enough. (“快跑!”,他说,“赶快逃命!”他无需再重复,一次就已经够了。)

7. in line与in one’s line


in line 排成一行

in one’s line 是某人的,拿手的


The people stood in line to wait for a bus. (人们排队等车。)

I don’t know what to do because this is not much in my line. (我不知道做什么才好,因为这不是我的本行。)

8. in turn与in one’s turn


in turn 轮流,依次

in one’s turn 也(常作插入语用)


Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. (理论的基础是实践,又反过来为实践服务。)

They, in their turn, gave some advice. (他们接着也提出了一些忠告建议。)

9. go to rest与go to one’s rest


go to rest 去休息,睡觉

go to one’s rest 长眠,去世


Didn’t you go to rest? (你怎么没去休息?)

The man went to his rest because of the traffic accident. (那个人死于那场交通事故。)

10. in sight与in one’s sight


in sight 看得见

in one’s sight 按照某人的眼光看来


Wish is in sight. (希望就在眼前。)

Do what is right in your sight. (你认为该怎么就做吧!)