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摘 要:户籍制度改革的核心在于破除城乡二元分割的户籍管理体制,取消农业和非农业城乡户口划分,回归到城乡统一的居民户籍

>> 取消农业税的负面效应分析 人口政策的经济效应分析 区域经济增长的城乡结构效应分析 城乡户籍身份对外来人口收入的影响分析 增值税转型改革的经济效应分析 房产税改革的经济效应分析 燃油税改革的效应分析 资源税改革的区域效应分析 中国养老保险改革的政策效应分析 “营改增”税制改革的效应分析 基于储蓄因素的人口红利效应分析 财政支农、人口转变与农村居民消费的门限效应分析 人口结构变化对商业保险的动态冲击效应分析 人口结构变迁的经济增长效应分析 新疆人口老龄化的消费效应分析 限购令取消户籍限制的利弊分析 重庆人口变化与资源环境效应分析 城镇化促进城乡收入差距收敛的效应分析 统筹城乡发展视野中的户籍制度改革问题分析 重庆市统筹城乡户籍制度改革的制度变迁分析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.







Abstract:The core of the reform of the household registration system is to get rid of two urban and rural division of the household registration management system, to eliminate agricultural and non-agricultural household division of urban and rural areas, return to the unified urban and rural residents household registration function, gradually stripped attached to unequal treatment in the household registration status, promote the integration of urban and rural development. “on further reform of the household registration system views” in which proposed to cancel division of the identity of the household population of urban and rural and establish a unified household registration system of the residents. This will directly effect the reform dividend that is conducive to open the essence reform of the household registration system promoting the urbanization of people, promote the integration of urban and rural social security reform, provide the related supporting measures to the reform in other fields, make reform cooperation and promote the reform process as a whole.

Key words: household registration system; Urban and rural population; the effect of the reform