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[摘要] 目的 评估应用多层螺旋ct口服法对小肠疾病展开小肠造影检查的诊断效果。 方法 随机选取2014年7月―2016年7月因疑似患有小肠疾病进入该院施行相应诊疗的78例患者为研究对象,在掌握其常规指标的前提下,应用多层螺旋CT口服法对入选病例开展小肠造影的系统化检查,经回顾各项造影征象及医疗数据后,评估此法用于小肠疾病鉴别的效果情况。 结果 78例都顺利接受16层螺旋式CT扫描,服用泛影葡胺后未见显著不适感。经手术后病理学证实及对比评估知: 16层螺旋CT扫描所得结果的定位正确率、定性正确率分别是84.62%、58.97%;胃肠内镜探查所得结果的定位正确率、定性正确率分别是57.69%、75.64%。统计学处理可知,16层螺旋CT扫描的定位准确率高于胃肠内镜,定性正确率低于胃肠内镜探查,对比差异有统计学意义(P

[关键词] 小肠疾病;造影检查;多层螺旋CT口服法;应用效果

[中图分类号] R735 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)01(a)-0191-04

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate application of multislice CT oral method to the diagnosis of small intestinal diseases in small intestine angiography revealed the effect. Methods Random selection in July 2014 to July 2016 into our hospital for suspected patients with intestinal disease diagnosis and treatment of 78 cases of patients as the object, on the premise of master its regular index, method of application of multislice CT oral selected cases to carry out the systematic examination of small intestine imaging, after review the imaging signs and medical data, evaluation of this method is used to identify the effect of intestinal diseases. Results 78 cases were successfully accept 16 layers spiral CT scan, after taking generic shadow meglumine not seen significant discomfort. Handle and postoperative pathology confirmed and comparative evaluation: 16 layers spiral CT scanning the positioning accuracy of the results, qualitative accuracy is 84.62%, 58.97% respectively; Gastrointestinal endoscopy to probe the positioning accuracy of the results, qualitative accuracy is 57.69%, 75.64% respectively. Statistical treatment, 16 layers spiral CT scanning positioning accuracy is higher than gastrointestinal endoscopy, qualitative accuracy is lower than the gastrointestinal endoscopy, than significant difference(P

[Key words] Small bowel diseases; Angiography revealed; MDCT oral method; Application effect


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