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When I was a kid, we played outside with the other kids in the neighborhood with most of our free time. We also made the most of recess1) at school. We kept ourselves quite occupied without any of today's modern technologies. Listed below are five classic no-tech games that I had enjoyed as a kid. They can be changed or improved by making up your own rules. Use your imagination!



Number of Players: At least three.

Equipment: None.



Everyone has played this one. Most parents have played with their kids, since hiding and finding is a common interest of small children. I've heard of all kinds of variations2) on this game. Sometimes you count to twenty, sometimes ten, sometimes one hundred. Sometimes there is a home base3) that you can run to, becoming "safe"; sometimes you just wait to be found. The general idea is that one person closes his or her eyes and counts to a certain number without looking and then he or she tries to find the others.



Number of Players: One for single jumping, three with a longer rope or for double dutch.

Equipment: One or two jump-ropes.



One of the biggest ways I spent my recess time as a young girl was jumping rope. I got quite good at it for my age, both in speed and in skill. It was fun to jump by myself, but it was even more fun to have a long rope and jump with a couple of friends. That's where jump-rope rhymes come in. They turn a simple exercise into a fun game, to compete against yourself and others. Then there's double dutch. I was always in awe of4) the older girls who could do double dutch. The first time I tried it, I got tripped up almost immediately. However, once you understand how to do it, it isn't as hard as it looks.



Number of Players: At least two.

Equipment: Chalk, large and small marbles.



The general rules specify that you draw a circle in the sand or on the sidewalk, and then take turns trying to knock each other's marbles out of the circle with your one large marble. As with the other games, there are countless variations. I haven't played this game at length5), though, because I always seem to hurt myself flicking6) the large marble into the ring! You can also use a marble mat which contains different point zones.



Number of Players: A large group.

Equipment: Two flags or other markers.



This game is most fun when played with a large group. Split the group into two teams, each team having a flag or other marker at the team's base. The object of the game is to run into the other team's territory, capture its flag and make it safely back to your own territory. You can tag7) "enemy" players in your territory, sending them to your "jail". They can be sprung8) from "jail" by a member of their own team running into your territory, tagging them and running back, with one freed person allowed per "jail" break. It is sometimes played that all the people in "jail" could hold hands and make a chain back toward their own territory, making it easier for members of their team to tag them.



Number of Players: Depends on the size of the parachute, but usually eight to ten.

Equipment: A play parachute.




Fun for kids of all ages, this game involves a large round parachute, preferably with handles, with people holding the parachute all around the edges. It helps if someone is in charge telling people what to do. Players can just ruffle9) the parachute up and down a little bit. They can go all the way up and all the way down, or all the way up and then run underneath, sitting on the edge of the parachute, which can create a bubble of air with everyone inside. Players can also place light objects such as whiffle balls10) or beanbags on top of the parachute, and make them jump by ruffling the parachute. Also, one person can sit in the middle of the parachute and everyone ruffles it near the ground. If there is a smooth floor and a light child, the child can sit in the middle on top of the parachute and everyone else can walk partway around still holding the parachute edge. Then everyone pulls backward, spinning11) the child. There are countless variations.


1. recess [?ri?ses] n. 课间休息

2. variation [?ve?ri?e??n] n. 变化;变动;变更

3. home base: 本垒;总部;中心

4. be in awe of (sb.): 敬畏(某人)

5. at length: 长久地

6. flick [fl?k] vt. 轻弹

7. tag [t?] vt. (在捉人游戏中)用手碰触而抓获

8. spring [spr??] vt. 帮助……越狱

9. ruffle [?r?fl] vt. 使……的表面起伏不平;使波动

10. whiffle ball: 空心棒球(一种表面有洞、飞不远的空心塑胶球)

11. spin [sp?n] vt. 使旋转