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2015年1月29日,由联合国粮农组织等机构进行的调查显示,索马里目前共有300万人需要粮食援助,超过20万儿童因营养不良迫切需要紧急营养补充。联合国驻索马里人道主义协调员拉扎里尼(Philippe Lazzarini)对上述情况表示关注,并强调国际社会的援助对索马里的和平与国家建设至关重要





On January 29, 2015, according to the survey made by FAO of the United Nations, at present there are 3 million people in Somalia who need food aid; more than 200,000 children have malnutrition and need nutrition supplements urgently. Philippe Lazzarini, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Somalia expresses his concern for the above-mentioned situation and stresses the importance of international aid for the peace and national construction of Somalia.

Philippe Lazzarini, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Somalia, pointed out in a written statement on 29th that, due to the support of donators, humanitarian organizations were able to provide aids to Somalia in 2014 timely. It helped to release the most severe humanitarian crisis of the country, especially during the second half of last year. Afterwards, due to the weakness of following finance aid, till February this year, there are 350,000 people in Somalia who may fail to have food aid.

According to the statistics, in Somalia, there are more than 730,000 people who are currently in a serious state in terms of food security; another 2.3 million people are on the verge of this situation. In addition, because of the lack of basic necessities such as clean water and sanitation facilities, the country has about 203,000 children who are in urgent need of nutrition supplements, among which 38,000 children are suffering from acute malnutrition and in need of life-saving therapeutic food and medicine.

In addition, due to the shortage of funds, in 2014, the number of people in Somalia who cannot get access basic health services is up to 1.5 million, including 300,000 children under the age of five.

UN and humanitarian aid agencies launched an appeal for donations of 863 million dollars for Somalia in 2015 to save lives in the country, provide better protection for the displaced people and strengthen the resilience of the community.
