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Nicolas: Thanks for introducing me to this restaurant, Valerie.

Valerie: No problem, Nick. Hey, would you mind getting the check this time? I’ll pay you back next week after payday.

Nicolas: Really, Val? Out of cash again? ①You must be getting paid peanuts at your job.

Valerie: My salary is pretty 1)modest. Actually, I’m not technically an employee yet. I’m still an intern.

Nicolas: How is that possible? You’ve been at that company for four years already.

Valerie: It’s not that unusual these days. It’s called a long internship.

Nicolas: And you’re willing to accept that?

Valerie: ②Well, it’s not ideal, but I have to weigh the pros and cons. It’s exactly the kind of company I want to work for, and I’m learning so much about the industry.

Nicolas: Yeah, but you’d be learning that at a real job, too, and you’d be getting paid real money.

Valerie: This kind of job is very 2)competitive these days. I’m lucky I even got an internship.

Nicolas: I can kind of understand that. I wanted to go into media at first, but when I couldn’t find a job there I decided to settle for marketing instead. At least I’m getting a real salary, though.

Valerie: I’m thinking of it as a long-term investment in my future. ③I could be earning a higher salary now, but I’m trading that short-term gain for knowledge and skills that can help me down the road.

Nicolas: That’s all well and good, but when is “down the road?” Are you sure you’ll be able to get an real offer at this company?

Valerie: I hope so, but if I don’t, I can still use my years of experience here to apply for another job in the same field.

Nicolas: ④And they won’t turn their noses up at you when they learn you’ve only been an intern for four years?

Valerie: That’s a risk, but if they don’t like my work experience, I’ll just tell them that interning was part of my career development plan.

Nicolas: That might work. But why do you think your current company hasn’t taken you on as a full employee yet?

Valerie: That’s hard to say. Jobs don’t open up very often, and they usually hire people with years of experience.

Nicolas: Sounds like you’ve got some 3)stiff competition. You’ve got to learn how to sell yourself.

Valerie: How might I do that?

Nicolas: ⑤Be sure to take credit for the good work that you do.

Remember the projects you work on,why you were successful, and what you learned from them.

Valerie: Right. That way, I can easily talk about my experiences and make myself sound good.

Nicolas: That’s the idea. How are your communication skills, by the way?

Valerie: They’ve come a long way in these four years. At first, I was really shy, and I didn’t speak up much at meetings.

Nicolas: That sounds like you.

Valerie: ⑥Later, though, I got more comfortable introducing myself and making sure I was on good terms with everyone in the office.

Nicolas: That’s a big part of selling yourself.

Valerie: Last month, I had an idea that won a big project for our company.

Nicolas: Well, that’s perfect! If they know you’re making a contribution, then they’re likely to feel good about keeping you on full-time.

Valerie: That’s my hope. But, to be honest, four years is a long time for an internship. I’m giving them one more year to offer me a job, and then, well...

Nicolas: And then what?

Valerie: Well, do you know if your company is hiring these days?

































① You must be getting paid peanuts at your job. 你的薪水肯定很低。

pay peanuts: pay very low salary(支付非常低的薪酬)。例如:

No wonder the company is full of incapable people. They are paid peanuts.


② Well, it’s not ideal, but I have to weigh the pros and cons. 好吧,这并不理想,但是我必须权衡利弊。

weigh the pros and cons: consider arguments both for and against a particular issue(权衡利弊)。例如:

We need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before we decide whether to expand our market in China.


③ I could be earning a higher salary now, but I’m trading that short-term gain for knowledge and skills that can help me down the road. 我现在(做别的工作)可能会有一份更高的薪水,但那是在拿短期回报和在将来能够帮助我的知识和技能作交换。

down the road: in the future(在将来,今后)。例如:

We are going to set up a new branch in Hong Kong sometime down the road.


④ And they won’t turn their noses up at you when they learn you’ve only been an intern for four years?但是当他们知道你只做了四年的实习工作,不会拒绝你吗?

turn one’s nose up (at sth./sb.): reject sth./sb. because sth./sb. is not considered good enough(不把……放在眼里,拒绝)。例如:

He turned his nose up at the matchmaker’s suggestion because he wanted to marry a big-city girl.


⑤ Be sure to take credit for the good work that you do. 记住把一切归功于你出色的工作表现。

take credit for sth.: claiming to be responsible for doing sth.(把某事归功于……)。例如:

Mary got the promotion because she took credit for everything that Dan did.


⑥ Later, though, I got more comfortable introducing myself and making sure I was on good terms with everyone in the office. 之后,我变得更自然地介绍自己,确保自己能跟办公室的每个人都搞好关系。

on good terms with sb.: have a friendly relationship with sb.(与某人关系好)。例如:

We and our suppliers have always been on good terms.
