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>> 德才兼修“三维递进”式高职思政课实践教学体系的构建 递进式数据库实践教学体系的研究 “项目贯穿式”实践教学体系架构的研究 中高职会计专业递进式实践教学衔接体系构建 系统构建实践教学体系,递进式增强学生专业岗位能力 高中数学分层递进式教学的研究与实践 分层递进式效能监察工作的实践与探索 “分层渐进式”财务管理课程实践教学体系的构建 分层次“嵌入式系统”课程实验教学体系的构建与实践 数控技术专业“实践技能三递进”实践教学体系的构建与实施 “双轨递进式”高职会计实践教学体系设计 小学数学分层递进式教学模式的探究 关于思想品德递进循环式教学体系的构建探究 基于岗位化与终身化的能力递进式实践教学体系创新研究 “五阶递进式”实践教学模式的构建及应用研究 旅游管理专业五段递进式实践教学模式的构建 高职院校实践教学体系构建的分层剖析 多维递进式材料专业教学体系的研究 工科基础实验课程“递进式”教学模式的设计与实施 小学分层递进德育体系构建研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l

[2] 教育部.关于做好“本科教学工程”国家级大学生创新创业训练计划实施工作的通知(教高函[2012]5号)[EB/OL].(20120222)[20151223].http:///new/63_73_201203/13ya780058775.shtml.

[3] 雷智仕,杨丽,等.提升工科高校学生工程实践能力策略研究[J].兰州交通大学学报,2014,33(2):106110.

Construction of hierarchical progressive practice

teaching system in engineering colleges

Sun Na

(Office of Educational Administration,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070,China)

AbstractThe construction of practice teaching system in engineering colleges is a systematic project,which involves connections and progression among many teaching hierarchies. The key solution to the problem is how to integrate independent single training into a node of grid training system, and then connect it effectively. To this regard, Lanzhou Jiaotong University constructs hierarchical progressive practice teaching system,which is "basic experiment, comprehensive experiment, open experiment, practical innovation, knowledge application",based on theoretical test centered on cultivating students’ professional basic ability, development ability, design and creative ability.Through longterm practice and exploration, the practice teaching system has effectively solved the problems that college practice and innovation teaching method is single, independent and unconnected, and it lacks training system of systematization, hierarchy and progression.

Key wordsengineering college;university students;practice teaching;training system