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摘 要:高程基准作为国家重要基础设施,其现代化的核心是用数字化高程基准模型,取代用高程控制水准网作为国家高程基准的传统模式,以及实现用卫星定位技术测定海拔高,满足我国社会经济快速发展对国家高程基准现代化的迫切需求。项目针对我国高程基准现代化的需求,紧紧围绕课题的八个任务进行研究:GRACE和GOCE重力卫星数据产品的预处理、全球近海区域卫星测高数据处理、重力场调和分析理论与超高阶全球重力场模型的构建、多类重力场信息融合处理理论与高分辨率格网垂线偏差的精密确定方法、高分辨率高精度全球海面高模型的构建、我国厘米级(似)大地水准面模型的构建、全球高程基准与我国高程基准差的确定、陆海高程/深度基准统一计算方法展开研究。在课题实施的第一年度,完成的研究内容成果包括:确定了更适合我国的2160阶次的超高阶地球重力场模型;初步开展了重力垂线偏差方法的研究,提出了基于重力异常和地形的现代重力边值问题实用解式的改进模型;基于GOCE观测数据确定了一个与国际同类模型精度相当的220阶次的卫星重力模型GOWHU01S;分析了近海测高数据的误差,制定了测高数据编辑准则;确定了2′×2′中国近海及邻海海域平均海平面高模型,精度与国际同类模型相当;采用Stokes-Helmert方法确定了2′×2′中国重力和1985国家高程基准似大地水准面数值模型(CNGG2011),模型全国的精度为12.6 cm;在GRS80框架下,计算了与全球平均海面最佳弥合的大地水准面位常数为,为全球高程基准统一奠定了基础;对陆海高程基准统一方法开展了研究,搜集到了陆海高程/深度基准所需的验潮站等观测资料。此外,项目组成员发表了论文11篇,指导毕业研究生9人,完成年课题第一年度的研究任务与目标。

关键词:高程基准 高程现代化 全球重力场模型 大地水准面

Abstract: As one of the most critical infrastructure of country, the core of height modernization contain two aspects. The first one is to replace the traditional leveling control network using a digital height datum (DHT). The second one is to measure the altitude using satellite positioning technology based on DHT. It will meet urgent need for modernization of vertical datum during China's social and economic rapid development. In view of the need of height datum modernization, this project will carry on eight research missions: (1)preprocess the GRACE and GOCE gravity satellite data products. (2)preprocess the satellite altimetric data over coastal areas. (3)study the harmonic analysis theory of gravitational field and determine an ultra-high degree global gravity field model. (4)study the fusion theory of various gravity and determine a high resolution gridded vertical deflection.(5)determine a global sea surface model with high-resolution and high precision. (6)determine a centimeter-level geoid model in China.(6)determine the datum difference between china’s local height datum and global datum. (7)unify the datum between Land elevation and sea depth. In the first year, our group of this project finished and achieved the following results: (1)an ultra-high degree (2160) global gravity field model, the best one for china, was determined. (2)An improved model for the deflection of vertical based on gravity anomalies and the terrain gravity boundary value problems was proposed. (3) A satellite gravity model of order 220 (GOWHU01S), with the similar precision with international model, was obtained. (4)Analyze the error of altimetric data over coastal area and develop the altimetry data editing criteria. (5)An MSS model of 2′×2′(WHU2013CS) was obtained using LSC. (6)An updated 2′×2′digital quasi-geoid model (CNGG2011) for the National Height Datum 1985 of China, with an average accuracy of 0.13m, is computed by using Stokes-Helmert method. (7)A geopotential value was computed and use to unify the local and global height datum. (8)Some methods of height/depth datum unifying were investigated and some data were collected. Moreover, 11 academic papers on this project were published written by this group and 9 graduate student passed their defenses and got their master degree. In a word, our group complete research tasks and objectives in the first year.

Key Words: Height datum; Height modernization; Global gravity model; Geoid
