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TreaSures in AuStro―Hungarian Empire―Hungarian NationalGallery ll奥匈帝国的珍宝――匈牙利国家美

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Mihaly Munkacsy:The Greatest Pqinter Of Hungary米哈伊・蒙卡奇:匈牙利最伟大的画家

Due to limited knowledge of Eastern European culture, before my trip to Budapest, I am not familiar with Mihaly Munkacsy’s work. Yet, after visiting the permanent Mihaly Munkacsy exhibition in hungarian National Gallery,I fell in love with his rich and decorous painting helplessly.

Not many painters can be revered as the symbolic artists representing national image, like Gustav Klimt for Austria and Alfons Mucha for Czech Republic. Mihaly Munkacsy, howev-er, is equal to their status in Hungary.

In the greyish green exhibition room, the masterpieces of Mihaly Munkacsy are all on display. The maestro himself was born in mid-19th century,his parents passed away since he was a child; he has suffered many setbacks throughout his life, but all the frustrations had led to the depth and infec-tivity of his realism painting style. By virtue of his diligence, the excellent understanding in art and the accurate capture of character’s real life emotions, Mihaly Munkacsy was a specific personality of the history of Hungarian and European painting.

His works contain different trends and genres, includ-ing the realistic themes which were influenced by French realism pioneers Jean-Francois Millet and Gustave Courbet and the aethetic landscape paintings which were inspired by Barbizon school maestro Jean Baptiste Camille Corot. His exquisite salon scenes and still-life paintings that reflected peaceful, harmonious city life were widely welcomed by Hun-garian bourgeoisie and upper class in the late 19th century; Meanwhile, he also made outstanding portraits, depicting his contemporary Franz Liszt, the greatest-ever Hungarian musi-cian, and the image of Jesus Christ. As for historical compo-sitions, Mihaly Munkacsy was able to restore the scene that the iconic English Poet John Milton was dictating his greatest creation Paradise Lost to his daughters in such a profound and vivid way; while he could also give a tragic, dramatic representation recreating the moment when Wolfgang Ama-deus Mozart was rehearsing his unfinished Requiem before his early death. Furthermore, his works contain traditional religious themes as well.

Roaming inside the art wonders of Mihaly Munkacsy, I was so shocked after seeing so many of his original works within such a short distance. To be able to master both real-ism and romanticism style effortlessly is such an outstandingachievement. Yet, through his conflicted representationsbetween reality and ideal life, we can experience his roughpersonal experiences and the desire for peaceful life in hispaintings.






AMusical Genius’s by a painting Master


Inside the Mihaly Munkacsy hall,one specific portrait that placed in the most visible position has drawn my attention. As a music lover myself, I am so familiar with the man in this portrait: he is not only the thoroughly deserved No.l national treasure in Hungarian musical history, but also the symbolic figure who represents the highest level of Hungarian art-he is Franz Liszt.

Anyone who has been to Austria will know that, regard-less of Vienna or Salzburg, you can see Mozart’s sign any-where you walk. The wise Austrians have developed the im- age of Mozart into an industry. Even though, Liszfs exposure in Hungary is not as frequent as Mozart in Austria; but if you pay enough attention, you will discover many clues about him in the beautiful Budapest.

More than one Liszt’s statue was exhibited in the Hun- garian National Gallery, for all his contribution to classic music world and music education, he deserved to be treated as“National Culture Symbol”. Munkacsy’s portrait of Liszt is dis-played in such an eye-catching position, where anyone who is familiar with Liszt’s face will never miss out the painting. The brilliance of this portrait lies in that Munkacsy skillfully used light to gather all attention of audiences to Liszt’s face and hands. In his late years, Liszt was sitting in front of the piano, wear-ing priest’s clothes. The age turned his hair completely white; yet his trademark hairstyle that led the fashion trend in his day remained radiant. Indeed, Franz Liszt who lived more than two centuries ago was the abso-lute superstar in classical music world, just like today’s David Beckham. Munkacsy did magically highlight his face, within his dignified outlook we can even discover the serene, softhearted faaal expression through his eyes. To represent his most admirable profession,Munkacsy“lightened up”his hands as well, which symbolized that all the musical magic Liszt created came from these two miraculous hands. In all art forms, music and painting interlinks. A musical genius’portrait by a painting maestro-two greatest Hungarian artists shared their appreciations in this precious work. How lucky we are to be able to share this touching respect!







