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1. Mr Johnson is my best friend, whose , I like best in him is his cheerfulness.

A. habit B. manner

C. characteristic D. custom

2. A big step in economic in this area has attracted attention of media from all over the world.

A. introduction B. construction

C. consideration D. application

3. It is hard for people in the country to believe that the soldier could survive in such , weather conditions.

A. severe B. serious

C. sharp D. unique

4. The UN called on these countries to solve this problem in a(n) way, adding that any negative measure would cause bad results.

A. immediate B. cautious

C. active D. enthusiastic

5. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN says more than forty billion dollars a year needs to be invested in agriculture to world hunger, which is becoming more and more serious.

A. cure B. defeat

C. win D. reject

6. The government the diplomatic note(外交照会) from that country for its unclear attitude to the trade between two countries.

A. denied B. challenged

C. rejected D. ignored

7. No doubt, the more one is the foreign language environment, the better he or she will learn the language.

A. referred to B. caught in

C. kept up D. exposed to

8. In the Gulf of Mexico the animals’ presence close to shore means their usual habitat is badly polluted, and the crowding could mass die-offs as fish run out of oxygen.

A. result from B. benefit from

C. devote to D. contribute to

9. No matter how I tried to read it, the long sentence in the article didn’t to me.

A. make up B. make out

C. make way D. make sense

10. The old rich lady had three servants her, but her health broke down for severe shortage of exercise.

A. budgeting for B. attending to

C. preparing for D. devoting to

11. In our daily lives, there are various entertaining activities singing, dancing, and playing computer games.

A. rather than B. except for

C. but for D. apart from


1. More than one person the fire accident last night. (blame)


2. The plan recently by the old professor was well worth considering. (put)


3. He suggested that the machine ,carefully before used. (examine)


4. Some of the students don’t like such a teacher them all the time. (strict)


5. Only if you are to spend many hours studying English . (progress)


6. It’s fortunate that she her heart trouble. (cure)


7. his hometown, he will call on his former teachers. (return)


8. The investigation finally led to the conclusion polluted water. (link)



1. It is dishonest of you to take for work that was done by others. You should try your best to finish the work by yourself.

A. responsibility B. blame C. credit D. conflict

2. You should have one goal that you want to this week. And every morning, you should decide what one thing you can do today to move yourself further towards that goal.

A. attract B. accomplish C. finish D. handle

3. The letter asked Toyota to when it first learned of the problem and any measure that might have been taken.

A. clarify B. analyze C. instruct D. conclude

4. Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have ,one-year-old twins at the head.

A. isolated B. separated C. divided D. removed

5. Please help me check the report of the accident carefully, in case some important details were .

A. taken out B. reached out

C. left out D. looked out

6. Shall we our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please?

A. break out B. break down

C. break into D. break off

7. ―Jimmy says that he wants to climb Mount Tai this summer.

―Don’t believe him. What he says is usually not with what he does.

A. popular B. consistent

C. familiar D. content

8. The Mona Lisa is an oil painting on a board of poplar(白杨树) and is housed at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

A. imaginary B. traditional

C. original D. particular

9. There are plenty of jobs in the western part of the country, which attract many young people.

A. previous B. available

C. responsible D. convenient

10. We’re the same age, so we have much in common and there is no gap between us.

A. constantly B. perfectly

C. roughly D. properly

11. Having spent 3 years in college, I felt I was a bit among the local people.

A. out of order B. out of question

C. out of control D. out of place


1. from her bad habits, she becomes an excellent student. (break)


2. Only by cooperating . (accomplish)


3. that she overcame all the difficulties and succeeded. (credit)


4. It is strange that you an old grandma to deliver goods. (arrange)


5. With everything well-prepared, I hope to see next week. (carry)


6. If properly , this matter won’t bring about more problems. (deal)


7. With four groups, teachers can organize activities very easily. (divide)


8. The cook in the kitchen was fired yesterday. (catch)


9. A medical team ten doctors and five nurses was sent to the quake-stricken areas. (consist)


10. When to meet? (convenient)



1. People think “SOS” is the simplest and common to make, in time of danger or disaster.

A. sight B. sign

C. signal D. remark

2. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t so much noise.

A. concern B. tolerate

C. undertake D. ignore

3. Hearing footsteps outside the door, she her talk to another topic.

A. switched B. exchanged

C. asked D. stopped

4. When I arrived home and found the window broken, a frightened feeling across my mind.

A. hit B. occurred C. struck D. flashed

5. The street is so narrow that they have to themselves against wall to let the car pass first.

A. push B. press C. touch D. draw

6. The Internet is widely used, which , the development of English.

A. speeds up B. takes over

C. gets across D. turns to

7. To keep healthy, Professor Smith , cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.

A. took up B. caught up

C. carried out D. made up

8. The president is very about the relationship between the two countries, because another agreement was reached yesterday.

A. optimistic B. cautious

C. reliable D. convenient

9. Mistakes don’t just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason and then making the mistake becomes .

A. outspoken B. modest

C. considerate D. worthwhile

10. ― What do you think of his performance?

― indeed. I never met so young a boy with such great skills.

A. Impressive B. Genuine

C. Energetic D. Novel

11. To maintain a permanent friendship, we need to help, support and understand each other.

A. roughly B. immediately

C. constantly D. properly

12. More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.

A. in search of B. in place of

C. for lack of D. for fear of


1. the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. (worry)


2. Everyone will get as in flats on land. (space)


3. With her eyes , she thought of the beautiful days in their childhood. (fix)


4. a river, by which I always play with my friends. (lie)


5. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to . (turn)


6. When and where Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture . (decide)


7. Had you given me a hand in the competition, I . (fail)


8. You your homework yesterday. (finish)


9. made his mother very happy. (win)



1. You may it that he will turn up and offer help in time.

A. decide on B. depend on

C. answer for D. see to

2. Just as he went out of the supermarket, he was stopped and of stealing things.

A. charged B. blamed C. warned D. accused

3. On hearing a serious accident happening, the young immediately went to the police.

A. assess B. rescue C. work D. assist

4. Don’t play computer games any longer; you must what is important for your future development.

A. develop on B. concentrate on

C. base on D. take on

5. It is important that many wars broke out in the Middle East. What’s your of the situation there?

A. adjustment B. assessment

C. appointment D. assistance

6. In my opinion, he is a(n) person, that is, he says exactly what he thinks.

A. modest B. honest

C. outspoken D. easy-going

7. The government is still taking measures to its target of less than 3% inflation(通货膨胀).

A. realize B. balance

C. achieve D. acquire

8. The project is to educate teens on the rules of safe driving and the severe that can result if those rules are not followed.

A. contribution B. outcome

C. consequence D. punishment

9. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will the skill to do difficult things easily.

A. demand B. acquire

C. accomplish D. admire

10. It is an honest writing but it hasn’t been .

A. lightened B. cleaned

C. washed D. polished

11. I have been convinced that the print media are usually more and more reliable than television.

A. ridiculous B. accurate

C. urgent D. shallow


1. If you had taken my advice earlier, you now. (dilemma)


2. having neglected his duty, the official was sentenced to five years. (accuse)


3. When Mary was studying abroad, her parents always what was happening at home. (inform)


4. In no case that a chemical factory will be built near the village. (approve)


5. Not until we know more about the environment improve the situation. (able)


6. The scientist is known this problem for ten years. (work)


7. she is very diligent, she often fails to pass the physical examinations. (despite)


8. Fortunately, the students , when the terrible earthquake took place. (happen)


9. How I wish I had worked harder! Large quantities of time by me. (waste)


10. Since the incident, the government began school safety. (concentrate)



―What should I do?

―Clean the wound and the medicine to it.

A. devote B. apply C. pour D. squeeze

2. According to the survey, the population of citizens will to 700 millions this year, with 20% up in comparison with last year.

A. strengthen B. transform

C. swell D. appoint

3. Painting from still images leads to a loss of inspiration, which is to an artist.

A. absolute B. urgent

C. special D. vital

4. Experts say that high levels of debt is a major to economic development.

A. organ B. barrier

C. radiation D. impression

5. The media associate with the society and are close to personal life, so people can touch the pulse of the community.

A. firmly B. loosely

C. slightly D. tightly

6. The extremely irresponsible act led by those Japanese will definitely the relationship between the two countries.

A. cure B. poison C. defeat D. foresee

7. ― Do you have enough to all your daily expenses?

― Oh, yes, enough and to spare.

A. spend B. cover C. fill D. offer

8. The determined boy made it to the finishing line first the fact that he got his knee injured.

A. in memory of B. in charge of

C. in danger of D. in spite of

9. Don’t put so much on the children. It’s harmful to their health.

A. strength B. pressure C. power D. attention

10. ―Excuse me, may I use your car?

― I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t the car key just at the moment.

A. rely on B. break away from

C. put my hands on D. keep my hands off

11. The rule you came up with at the meeting can’t be every case.

A. devoted to B. led to

C. applied to D. applied for


1. whether I like it or not, because you never listen to me. (difference)


2. Not until the last moment , the possible danger. (remind)


3. Would you please pick me up at the airport ? (convenient)


4. Generally speaking, when , the drug has no side-effect. (take)


5. Joe he suddenly heard someone breaking the window. (watch)


6. The book is said many different languages. (translate)


7. , you had better attend to him with great care. (drink)


8. I don’t know that broke the window. (who)


9. makes no difference to me. (whenever)


10. If old people develop the disease, they die. (likely)
