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1. ―Do you have any seat preferences? Would you like a window seat?

― _________.

A. Yes, I am fine. Thank you B. Yes, that would be perfect. Thank you

C. No, never mind D. No, that is not good enough

2. ―Please be seated. Can I get you some coffee?

― _________ .

A. Never mind B. Please, thank you C. Yes, I don’t mind D. It’s up to you

3. ―Hang on a moment. I will be right back with you.

― _________.. There is no hurry.

A. Take your time B. Take it easy

C. It doesn’t matter to me D. Enjoy yourself

4. ―Do you want to hear an interesting thing about our math teacher?

―_________. I am not in the mood right now.

A. Go ahead B. I don’t care C. Not really D. Sounds fun

5. ― I can’t believe he’s done that to me. He looks so nice.

― _________. You just can’t judge a person by his looks.

A. I guess not B. Me neither

C. That’s strange D. He couldn’t do that

6. ―Please let me know if you need any help.


A. Yes, of course B. Never mind. I am fine

C. That’s all right D. Thank you. I will

7. ―Hi, you guys seem to have a lot of fun here. Do you mind if I join you?


A. Never mind B. We are very happy to do so

C. Yes, please go ahead D. Not at all, please

8. ―Did you blame him for not winning the prize?

―I am sorry._________ .

A. I was just too upset B. I’d better not

C. It’s totally his fault D. That’s not the point

9. ―What’s up? I haven’t seen you for ages!

―_________ .

A. I am fine B. I’ve got a million things to do

C. I have no idea D. Haven’t seen you, either

10. ―I’ve decided to go back to school for some training in computer programming.

― _________ ! I wish I could do that.

A. You got it B. No kidding C. Have fun D. Good for you

11. ―This is the hotel information. Shall I make a reservation for you?

― _________ .

A. If you like B. Of course you can

C. If you don’t mind D. Thanks, please don’t

12. ―Parents should not expect too much from their children.

― _________. Children nowadays are under too much pressure.

A. Exactly B. Good idea C. Sure, of course D. No problem

13. ―Are you interested in Beijing opera?

― _________ It’s absolutely fascinating.

A. Why not? B. Yes, I’m sure. C. Very much. D. So what?

14. ―Something is wrong with the machine. I am going to find some help right now.

―_________ . We can’t afford any delay now.

A. You’d better be B. That’s impossible

C. You are crazy D. I don’t think so

15. ―It’s been eleven days since my last cigarette!

―_________! I wish I could quit smoking.

A. Congratulations B. You are kidding C. No way D. Good point

16. ―Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you’ll continue working with our company.

―_________ . I appreciate your professional attitude. You’ve been very helpful.

A. My pleasure B. We definitely will C. I have no idea D. It depends

17. ―Hey Dan, are you even listening to me?

―Oh, sorry. _________

A. How come? B. Why should I?

C. My mind was wandering away. D. I’ve got what you are saying.

18. ―You don’t really like her, do you?


A. Yes, I do B. No, I like her a lot

C. Yes, not very much D. No, not a little

19. ―Can we let Frank stay in our house for a few days, Mom? He can’t live with his parents any more after the quarrel.

―_________ . He can’t just run away from home.

A. Mind your own business B. Absolutely not

C. By all means D. I wouldn’t say no

20. ―Pressure is really harmful to the growth of children.

― _________. Sometimes appropriate pressure can stimulate their potential.

A. Not likely B. Just a little

C. I’m with you on that D. Not necessarily

21. ―Sorry, Mrs Kaminer. I shouldn’t have argued over that problem with you in class.

― _________. I always like listening to different voices.

A. Certainly B. Don’t mention it

C. That’s OK D. All right

22. ―Thank you for your timely help. We appreciate that.

― _________.

A. No, you needn’t B. By all means

C. It doesn’t matter D. My pleasure

23. ―What’s happening with you these days?

―_________ . The same as ever.

A. Pretty well B. Nothing much

C. No problem D. Not very good