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My Views on the Eco―Tourism Planning

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Abstract. With the awareness of people's eco-friendly conscious, and people also come to realize the impact on the ecological environment by the traditional travelling way, so the eco-tourism has been paid increasing attentions. So how to conduct scientific and rational planning of eco-tourism? This article will explore the issue with colleagues, aimed at business communication, and learn from each other and work together to make progress.

Key words: Eco-Tourism Planning; Principle; Problems; Countermeasures

1. Introduction

Eco-tourism plan is to do a good job on the premise of eco-tourism, only plan in place and reasonable layout; it will be able to lay a solid foundation for the realization of eco-tourism. Therefore, we should fully understand the positive meaning to strengthen an eco - tourism plan to explore. Next, this article will discuss some views on the ecotourism planning

2. Objectives of eco-tourism planning

Ecotourism planning is based on research and the theory of ecology, and aimed at achieving sustainable tourism development for the purpose of design and planning. Eco-tourism planning has three main objectives:

2.1 Coordination of ecological tourism

Sustainable development of eco-tourism is based on the protection of natural and cultural resources in order to achieve the eco-tourism. Therefore, during the eco-tourism planning, it must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of ecology in order to protect the ecological premise. That is, it should fully take into account the regional tourism environment carrying capacity, which cannot break through the upper limit of environment in order to protect the ecological environment and tourism resources. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between protection and development and utilization of tourism resources, on balance, to accommodate the range of ecological environment and realize the economic value of tourism.

2.2 The travel fair and reasonable revenue sharing

The aspects involved in eco-tourism: the ecological environment, developers and residents. Planning must take into account the interests of these aspects, in order to ensure fair and reasonable benefit sharing. Therefore, under the premise of not cause ecological damage to the environment, we should find ways to record the tourist attractions, name brand planning through advertising and other means to expand the visibility of scenic, so as to attract more tourists more environmentally conscious. This makes it possible to achieve a win-win goal of the economic and environmental benefits, and to promote eco-tourism to the track of healthy development.

2.3 Multi-ecological environment education

Through eco-tourism planning to carry out a series of ecological activities, not only can get economic benefits, but also it allows tourists, developers, managers, practitioners, residents are able to be good ecological environment education. So that more people will be subject to environmental education, so as to achieve the fundamental purpose of improving the eco-consciousness of people.

3. The principles of eco-tourism planning

3.1 Protect the ecological development of moderate

Adhere to protect the ecological environment, on this basis, the environmental awareness throughout the process throughout the planning and utilization scientific planning, rational distribution, to ensure the development of moderation, which will bring environmental impact control at a minimum.

3.2 Live in harmony, to maintain the original ecology

Ecotourism planning focus on the ecological harmony, as far as possible to maintain the natural landscape, the original ecology of the cultural landscape, and the original ecological features, to attract the attention of more tourists and generate better economic and environmental benefits. It is worth to notice some modern elements: it must not be imposed some modern elements into it or it will destroy the original flavor and affect the harmonious beauty of the original ecological landscape.

3.3 The multi-party participation and benefit sharing

The planning should be fully taken into account all aspects of the government, developers, environmental organizations, local residents, tourists and other factors, meet the interests and demands of the parties, but also can improve the planning feasibility.

3.4 Tourism building ecological principles

Service facilities and methods must match the needs of eco-tourism, which cannot be contrary to the ecological protection services. As much as possible the use of development and the use of the green ecological energy, such as solar, wind, biogas; using ecological materials and technology, and the design of ecological landscape.

3.5 The principles of environmental education

Tourists, developers and residents need to be a good environmental education in the process of eco-tourism, and it needs to enhance their awareness of environmental protection, so as to enhance the environmental quality of the entire nation.

3.6 Select the right target, market-oriented principles

Eco-tourists and general tourists have a large difference, that these tourists are trained in environmental education, environmental literacy, which will make an issue of how to meet and guide the tourists ecological environmental awareness and efforts.

3.7 The legal system control principles

In the laws and regulations of the eco-tourism development, should take full account of the economic, environmental and other aspects of harmony, clearly stipulates the rights and obligations of all of resources, management, development and utilization of, and increase the monitoring efforts of the environmental protection department in charge. The interests of mutual checks and balances guide it.

4. The main problems of eco-tourism planning

4.1 The lack of a unified scientific theory support

With the gradual increase awareness of people's eco-friendly in recent years, eco-tourism market is increasingly popular, and many Nature Reserve follows the development trend of opening to the outside world, and become the first choice of the people of eco-tourism. However, due to the late start of China's eco-tourism, it does not have a unified scientific theory to guide the planning and utilization of eco-tourism, and thus giving rise to poor planning. Some Nature Reserve in eco-tourism focus only on the immediate economic benefits, and ignore the requirements of sustainable development, poor planning, over-exploitation and destruction, which results in a huge loss and be contrary to the purposes of eco-tourism.

4.2 Neglect of environmental education

Eco-tourism planning, ecology and environmental protection must be the first element to consider. Only highlight the ecological features can create ecological brands and attract tourists. Highlights eco-tourism and environmental education function is to rely on the publicity of environmental education, so as to attract more tourists and also reach to raise awareness of environmental literacy. However, a lot of planning did not fully take into account the importance and necessity of environmental education function. The lack of long-term vision results in environmental education functions in the eco-tourism planning is weakening even ignored. In some aspects of the laws and regulations of the eco-tourism, environmental education is not promoted to higher positions, which are just a few words with the leading people in eco-tourism. There has been a lot of pollution of the environment damage the ecological disharmony.

4.3 Ignore the wishes of the local residents

The local residents are familiar with the facts of the advantages of eco-tourism planning is usually able to provide very specific and valuable information. The information in these documents is usually not a general inspection, investigation obtained, it is often hidden, and long-term latent need to go through a long time to get along to be able to get. However, in the current eco-tourism planning, pay attention to the views of local residents, but only sponsored by the government or the planning department. It will bring a lot of trouble to the future management operations, such as the interests of local residents and developer’s dispute, activities and tours of local residents conflicting.

4.4 The lack of a clear and accurate market positioning

Some planners only have current interests, and do not take into account the long-term sustainable development. There is no accurate and clear market positioning, but want to bring more economic benefits of expanding the target group. As a result, it leads to serious ecological tourist attractions beyond the carrying limits, leading to ecological resources are severely damaged, decline in the quality of the living environment of local residents, natural and cultural landscape is wanton erosion, thus losing the high-end customer base, which would gradually fall into decline in the image of the situation of fewer tourists.

4.5 The construction of laws and regulations should be strengthened

Eco-tourism plan is unique, forward-looking, and has sustainability and complexity, and distinct from the general tourism planning. Therefore, it should have a special, independent of the General Clauses to the height of the laws and regulations, and such a provision, thereby enhancing the status of eco-tourism planning. However, from this point of view, this construction is scarce, leading to planning chaos, even if rational planning and the lack of effective protection, leading to planning to become a dead letter, even in people dubbed the "pack of lies".

5. To strengthen eco-tourism planning strategy

5.1 Research to find out the background, to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the plan

The first is to strengthen the research of local resources to fully ascertain the tourism resources of the foundation. Resource information should be collected to ensure the authenticity, accuracy and comprehensiveness. At the same time, good data screening, screening, and credible information for in-depth analysis, comparison and evaluation to ensure the relevance, accuracy and effectiveness of the plan. The second is to strengthen the understanding of the source information, comprehensive survey of the market to ensure the accuracy of market positioning. Third, it needs to fully listen to the views of local residents. The planning must be fully aware of the importance of the opinions of local residents, humbly ask residents to ensure the integrity, completeness and accuracy of the information, also behind the management to reduce conflicts between tourism and local residents, to achieve the purpose of harmonious coexistence and common development.

5.2 The scientific planning, positive publicity, give full play to the environmental education

First, during the eco-tourism planning must fully take into account the important role of education in ecology and environmental protection. The environmental education should be as special content preparation, mainly for environmental quality situation existing in the different groups of tourists, the demand for eco-tourism and other aspects. At the same time, it also includes the understanding and evaluation of the eco-literacy of the local residents, the attitude, the local tourism resources, and the provisions of the national policies, laws and regulations and so on. Ecological environmental education should be run through the entire planning process, and thus provide a better basis for the environmental education functions play.

5.3 Based on the market, accurate positioning, to ensure the effectiveness of the eco - tourism plan

Planners in eco-tourism planning must be aimed at the high-end tourist groups according to the particularity of the eco-tourism as the goal, to find ways to find out that they have already environmental literacy to some scenic ecological characteristics, national characteristics and cultural characteristics of the original ecological resources are tapped, and in accordance with the requirements of the eco-tourism objectives, plans, stage of development and utilization. Only aimed at the tourist market, find out the source of the demand to be able to make the planning more targeted and effective, in order to effectively improve the ecological value of planning.

5.4 Attach great importance and strengthen measures to improve laws and regulations

First, the relevant state departments should attach great importance to the construction of the eco-tourism planning laws and regulations, establish and improve the general rules on eco-tourism planning. On this basis, according to the particularity of the eco-tourism planning, the establishment of the General Principles of the independent ecotourism planning provides eco-tourism planning content, nature, and the implementation of safeguards. Develop strokes bid management, quality management and accreditation, supervision norms. Second, further harmonization of requirements, standardize the behavior of eco-tourism planning, planning units in the planning and implementation process of taking responsibility, according to the environmental changes in a timely manner to modify and improve the planning and guidance on the planning and implementation on a regular basis in the empirical test made scientific planning, to ensure the smooth implementation planning practice, increase efforts to crack down on the violation and destruction of the eco-tourism planning behavior. The third is to improve the mechanism, by the operation of the market, so the quality of the eco-tourism planning and effectiveness of the implementation of effective checks and traction. At the same time, improve the relevant theoretical system, thereby ecotourism planning to provide more theoretical guidance, in order to improve the quality of tourism planning.

5.5 To participate in the balance of interests, to achieve the sustainable development of eco-tourism

Eco-tourism planning stakeholder groups including relevant government departments, planning experts, developers, local community residents, tourists, non-governmental organizations, to fully absorb their comments and suggestions, and to balance their respective interests. Government departments should ensure economic growth and increase our revenues, promote employment. In particular, the interests of the local community cannot be ignored.

6. Conclusion

In summary, eco-tourism is a popular tourist content and has a broad development world gold industry. As eco-tourism planners, they should high professional quality and overall literacy, effective control and the related theory of eco-tourism and regulatory requirements, and attaches great importance to the application of planning methods, in order to adapt to the needs of the development of eco-tourism planning, in order to achieve better status of eco-tourism services.


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