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Study of the Appraisal System of College Counselors Work Based on Multilevel Com

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Abstract. The appraisal is the core of the counseling team building, Education Management. With undergraduate enrollment, the education authorities in China more and more attention to the massive student organizations, education, management, and service work, university counselor team building work as an important content. The institutions are also varying degrees of counselor evaluation. Analysis of the significance of the council's work evaluation system built from a realistic perspective, the problem exists in reality, the current counselor competency model analysis, and the last multi-level competency model easier to practice. In this study, it expressed the hope that useful attempt for the assessment work of college counselors to guide practice.

Key words: Counselor, Assessment, Multilevel, Competency

1 Introduction

The counselors work of appraisal is the counselor team building the core of the problem, Education Management, and also to improve the ideological and political education of science lies. In recent years, with undergraduate enrollment, the education authorities in China more and more attention to the massive student organizations, education, management, and service work, university counselor team building work as an important content. All colleges and universities generally conduct counselors work assessment, linked to the results of the exam with a counselor appraised, title, rank, promotion treatment. The counselors work characteristics counselor assessment is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional systems engineering. To ensure that the examination results are truly reflected, their ability to work and the level of reasonable ways and is essential. Competency model is one of the most advanced models in the current field of human resources management, involving job descriptions, personnel selection, job evaluation, training, remuneration and other areas of the basic key model. The study college counselor's competency model, the relationship between college counselor selection, clear the counselor duties, to establish a college counselor training system, and explore the important issues of the college counselors pay and evaluation system has important theoretical and practical significance. College counselors work evaluation system based on multi-level competency counselor competency model, will be full-time, part-time, front-line counselors in accordance with the work content, nature divided, multidimensional counselor evaluation system.

2 Meaning and Value of Building College Counselors Work Evaluation System

College Students' work is an important part of the overall work of the school, and the effectiveness of student work is a direct impact on the personnel training of the university. College students’ work mainly relies on the power of head teachers. Therefore, strengthen the construction of counselors, counselors work scientifically valid assessment, counselors work can promote normative, persistent development.

2.1 Improve the Assessment of Counselors Work Conducive to Strengthening Counselors Work Norms

Instructors are the university students' day-to-day work of the organizers of the ideological and political education and management, implements and guidance. Counselors work off-the-shelf, fixed model to follow, but in general, can form a more perfect system of science. In college counselor’s scientific evaluation, scientific evaluation system to guide counselors working towards regularization development has important guiding significance. Counselor assessment system to clear the objectives and requirements of the specific work process specific work, the work itself through specific, quantified in the form of assessment, you can further protect the ideological and political education and management are implemented, due to students work itself able to rule-based.

2.2 Improve the Counselors Work Assessment is Conducive to Mobilize the Enthusiasm of the Counselors Work

College counselors work assessment is no fixed standard lead counselor scientific assessment based on the quality of work is impossible to define. Assessment and comparison of important guiding has significance of the establishment of the evaluation system of scientific counselor achievements. The establishment of the college counselor scientific evaluation system provides a basis for the assessment of the counselors work will make counselors have a specific reference in the work on the target. Counselors can guide the effective work done in accordance with the uniform appraisal standards. Therefore, the assessment of the counselor in an important part of the college staff management, positive efforts for the counselors, the effective work will play a positive role in promoting.

3 The Assessment of Our Counselors Work

3.1 Ignore the Process of Evaluation of Results-Oriented Evaluation

Currently, our counselors work assessment is usually only conclusive indicators and assessment of data, such as counselors are responsible for the students' employment rate, the rate of passing grades, degree-granting rate, graduation rate and discipline rates. Some people mistakenly believe that the assessment counselors work is good or bad only need the results of numerical. High-value work is everything; low values, the work there is a problem, even incompetent. Completely ignoring the work process, and do not ask input into the work and pay, do not ask the starting point and the basis of the work. As a result, the overlooked "hidden", focusing on the "dominant"; caught only two "students ignore average students.

3.2 Focus on Behavioral Indicators Evaluation and Ignore the Psychological Deep Appraisal

Many college counselor evaluation systems tend to focus on a few simple quantitative indicators in the assessment, carried by the student discipline, whether there are mass incidents, whether a week under classroom into quarters, and the neglect of job involvement psychological analysis and evaluation. This evaluation system is based solely on a few results indicators to distinguish and define "does less" and "do more" to reach the purpose of the assessment. The passage of time will make counselors to differentiate into three types: First, a small number of quick successes to complete quantitative indicators for the counselor of the content of the work; lack of accountability, low efficiency, poor results counselors; Finally, a strong sense of responsibility, and the practical work of counselors affected by the unreasonable evaluation system, it is difficult to get a sense of accomplishment and a sense of identity, gradual burnout, greatly reducing efficiency.

3.3 Pay Attention to the Evaluation of Qualitative Indicators and Ignore the Quantitative Evaluation of the Fairness

The combination of quantitative and qualitative, and the general principles of the current counselors work assessment. In the appraisal process, the council mainly does qualitative indicators. Assessment of the level of awareness of differences, often not a comprehensive look at the problem, often influenced by various prejudices, makes wrong judgments. Counselor to deliberate, is to choose to work with counselors usually directly linked to personnel, competent leadership, colleagues, students, the counselor's personal ability, work attitude, work performance investigation, evaluation and consideration. Consultative main due to its own position, to work with a counselor, contact the number and closeness of the relationship, coupled with the lack of qualitative indicators specific standard guidance, and cannot be fully and objectively measure and evaluate the work of the counselor, and finally just their feelings given "Brownie points", which is obviously superficial, one-sided and unfair.

4 Counselor Competency Model Analysis with multilevel Evaluation System Constructed

4.1 competency Model to Carry out a Counselor Performance Appraisal

The counselor is a professional identity, but also a job. The college counselors belongs Kochi group has a strong autonomy, creativity and initiative. Its fuzzy boundaries, work the effect of cyclical work performance measurement difficulties. Reality, counselor qualifications, knowledge and skills of the difference is small, but the performance difference was achieved in practical work. Difficult to obtain an explanation of the level of knowledge, skills, need deeper motives and trait levels to work hard, which play a decisive role. Counselors work primarily educational work is complicated labor, the ability to obtain excellent performance, the key depends on my motivation, self-image, traits and other factors, rather than task-related skills, thinking and knowledge of professional learning. General assessment methods easily lead to distortion and unfair performance appraisal, the study focused on the ability and qualities, instead of regular visits entangled in target.

4.2 Comparative Analysis of Numerous Counselors Competency Model

Currently, many scholars at home and abroad using the model analysis, empirical investigation, interviews of key events, comparative study of the measurement method proposed multiple counselor competency model. According to the literature, can be traced back to 2004, Shanxi University, GU Qian for the of counselor status quo and working conditions poor, "Competence" was first introduced as a tool to explore the selection and evaluation of college counselors. 2005 Jinjiang Bo University counselor code of ethics and competency research ethics counselor qualities and competency-depth research to counselor selection, appointment, training and assessment provide a theoretical basis. 2006 Zhang Liying "Tsinghua University with classes counselor competency" through the design of the questionnaire, behavioral event interview concluded: Tsinghua University, be able to distinguish between the excellent performance of counselors with classes and general competency as follows: CSO, IMP, INT, IU, INFO, DEV, AT. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhang Feng dimension of knowledge, skills dimension, quality dimensions, dimension of personality traits, motivation dimension. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2010 Chen Yansong cluster analysis method proposed professional attitude, the three dimensions of knowledge - skills, personality, charm, and proactive service awareness, a desire to succeed, expertise, learning ability, analytical ability, interpersonal understanding, train others, team leadership, communication skills, self-confidence, the ability to reflect, approachable 13 factors counselor of competency indicators. 2011 China University of Geosciences, Liu Shiyong, Chen Sha factor analysis cognitive characteristics, service characteristics, impact characteristics, expertise, personality traits, professional skills, achievements characteristics train students and other counselors competency indicators.

It shows that Chinese scholars have counselor competence to carry out some exploratory research, but many studies not yet reached the same structural dimensions, and the resulting confusion in the practical application. In addition, the application process is difficult to reach a good match with the above theoretical research. Therefore, many competency models, focusing on the work of actual counselor assessment dimension are particularly important to explore different positions.

4.3 Construction of the Multilevel Evaluation System of Competency-Based Counselor

On the basis of summing up the Counselor Competence research, combined with the characteristics of college counselors, researchers conducted interviews and questionnaires. Among them, 26 people interviewed, questionnaires 148 were paid, covering Shanghai, Tianjin, Lanzhou, Shanxi, Fujian and other provinces and cities college students’ work specialized personnel. The exploratory proposed the first-line full-time counselors, faculty Youth League secretary, deputy secretary of Party Branch, part-time counselors and other position type, multi-level counselor assessment index system (see table below). Counselors from setting annual appraisal objectives by the beginning of the semester, the end of the semester counselor self-assessment, peer assessment, leadership evaluation, student evaluation comprehensive assessment, combined with school characteristics in accordance with a certain proportion of the weight calculated for each counselor assessment achievement scores, compared to the previous semester to improve the situation and task completion.

Table 1. Counselor assessment index system

Job title Job Description Assessment indicators

First-line full-time counselors Refers engaged day-to-day work of ideological and political education of college students in the faculties front-line staff, not including the deputy secretary of the Party Branch Xuegong head of the Youth League secretary 1. Interpersonal understanding and analysis capabilities

2. Team organization and leadership

3. Learning awareness and the ability to think

4. The sense of innovation

5. The knowledge and skills of reserves

6. A sense of service and work initiative

7. Vertical communication skills and execution

Deputy secretary of the Party Branch faculties secretary of the Communist Youth League Responsible for the college party, group work, organization, coordination and implementation of the college students 1. Certain educational philosophy

2. Planning and coordination capacity

3. Party, group's organization's ability to work

4. The desire to succeed

5. Scientific research capacity

6. Interpersonal understanding and analysis capabilities

7. Team organization and leadership

8. Learning awareness and the ability to think

9. Innovative awareness

10. Knowledge and skills reserve

11. The sense of service and work initiative

12. Vertical communication skills and execution

Part-time counselor Assume part of the student's education, management, service 1. Interpersonal understanding and analysis capabilities

2. Learning awareness and the ability to think

3. Innovation awareness

4. The knowledge and skills of reserves

5. A sense of service and work initiative

4.4 The Counselor Appraisal of the Implementation

First of all, to be standardized and institutionalized evaluation system and evaluation work, as an important part in the school overall assessment work, through strong advocacy, the relevant leaders, teachers, students, and counselors itself improve attention, so as to promote the college counselor of the work of the implementation of high-level.

Secondly, according to the counselor evaluation system, building a network assessment platform established for each counselor assessment page, to establish counselor 360 degrees evaluation mechanisms. Establish the test results for the year and the annual assessment results to enhance the combined result of feedback mechanisms, to achieve specific assessment of the values of the indicators and grade combination.

To counselor examination results and counselor training combined with a counselor appraised combination, so targeted selection, training counselors to fit people into suitable positions to form counselor training virtuous circle.


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