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>> 大数据领衔商业银行经营营销策略转变 大数据时代商业银行营销策略研究 大数据时代商业银行应对策略 大数据运用及其对商业银行经营管理影响的思考 商业银行大数据应用浅析 商业银行基于大数据的精准营销解决方案 大数据技术在商业银行对公营销中的应用 大数据当道 NoSQL领衔新技术 “大数据”时代中的商业银行 大数据金融对商业银行的影响 商业银行中大数据技术的运用研究 大数据技术在商业银行中的应用 大数据时代中小商业银行的战略与路径 移动互联与大数据时代下的商业银行培训体系设计改进 大数据时代商业银行管理会计发展的挑战与机遇 大数据在商业银行中的运用与发展 大数据颠覆营销 大数据激荡银行 大数据:商业银行竞争新领域 商业银行大数据六问六策 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

[4]蚂蚁金服官网.蚂蚁小贷[EB/OL]. [20160604].http:///page/xiaodai.htm.






[10]陆金所用户规模突破2000万大关 平台化布局彰@优势[N].上海证券报,20160307(3).

Leading Big Data: Operational and Marketing Transformation

Strategy of Chinese Commercial Banks

HU Chaoju

(School of Economics and Management, Hanshan Normal University, Chaozhou 515633, China)


In the era of big data, commercial bank competitors become more diverse. The emerging mobile Internet companies and Ecommerce increasingly share the profits of the banks. The development of Internet finance forces commercial banks to transform operational and marketing strategy. Banks are faced with new opportunities in customer service, product development, precision marketing and integration, while the big data backgrounds poses the challenges for banks in fair completion, cost control and operational systems development. Empirical analysis on Alibaba shows that commercial banks should be highly sensitive to large data and seek positive transformation and innovation in business philosophy, decisionmaking systems, data platform, credit evaluation system and marketing strategies in order to win the competition.Keywords:

big data; commercial banks; mobile Internet; operation; marketing; strategy